
pack name and number: swamp_monster, 249781 note: her hair is suppoed to go to atlest the middle of her backand its normally always in some type of pony tail or braid, also her eyes are different colors total: can i pay with 2 apples since shes kinda complex

IbukiMiodaKin said: pack name and number: IbukiMiodaKin 296312 note: total: 1200 mush
Accept! It could take a while though, I was about to close when you sent this

Swamp_Monster said: pack name and number: swamp_monster, 249781 note: her hair is suppoed to go to atlest the middle of her backand its normally always in some type of pony tail or braid, also her eyes are different colors total: can i pay with 2 apples since shes kinda complex
Accept! It could take a while though, I was about to close when you sent this request