
Pack name + Number: Leo's (310238) YCH Name: Wolf ref Additions: The blind defect, scars (Like the heavily scarred gear) and if possiple his gas mask as accesory Ref or description: GhostTotal Price: 3 apples Other: Super excited! Love your art!

I was thinkin'! You're be pretty good at this!! Edited at March 16, 2024 07:13 PM by Upstep Pack

Golden Meadows said: Upstep Pack said: I'm curious on how you'd do the name text and background for this wolf in the ref YCH.
Hmm. It's not anything fancy, but I'd likely doing a greyish-violet gradient background with a slight pattern. The name would be in a cursive text with a slight black and darker-violet pattern Is there any place I could order just the background and name part?

Leo's - Accepted ^^ Upstep Pack - Why don't you PM me and we can work something out ^^ I don't want to crowd this forum too much :)


Verdict - I am sorry, but they have all been taken A new YCH has been added!

Pack name + Number: Zeraphia / 85543 YCH Name: Warrior Additions: Just Base! The staff works just fine for him! Ref or description: StellanTotal Price: 5 Apples Other: Nope! :3
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He's going to be a challenge as I have no human art for him. Pack name + Number: Inferno Abyss #259849 YCH Name: Warrior Additions: Instead of the staff (if you're up for the challenge >:3), a sword if possible? And shading Ref or description: 6 apples Other: If you don't think you're up to this, let me know and I'll give you someone else!
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