
Mavi said: Poses are generally okay. You can't call someone out for heavy referencing a howling wolf image just because their wolf is howling. If that makes any sense? With more complicated poses however, you will need to be careful when referencing.
BlankStormz said: I'm very curious about heavy references >.>
If you actually have an application where you are able to put the model in your desired pose, can you still draw that pose? Of course, it will still have slight changes, such as designs, facial features, eyes, etc... (This may sound quite dumb but I need to know e.e)))
Awesome thanks =^-^=

Question, What if you take a picture of your pet or something, then like redraw it digitally by tracing the lines and colors and stuff? Would you be allowed to use that?
Edit; what was i thinking Edited at October 27, 2019 01:46 PM by p l u t o

Carnivore said: Question,What if you take a picture of your pet or something, then like redraw it digitally by tracing the lines and colors and stuff? Would you be allowed to use that?
Since the picture you're referencing off of would belong to you, there wouldn't really be any art theft happening, so that would be fine. Just be sure to either mention that you're referencing off your own photos or keep the proof on hand just in case someone asks.

Yeah, it probably don't need to write, but thank you to all mods who explains rules to ones who didn't get it fast (me!).

If a player offers a basic sketch to help newer artists help develop their skills, is that allowed? (It's not a lineart, it's a basic basic sketch. Down to the guidelines)

Game Moderator Darkseeker
If you gave them permission to use the sketch, I don't see why not.

Okay, so I drew my avatar after I used my fennec fox plush as a reference. I also took a picture of it on my phone and drew the base lines of it before drawing it freehand on my chromebook. Would that be considered tracing or heavy referencing? I just want to make sure..

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Hi Boke, Sorry for the late reply. I would refrain from tracing/copying off of a plush toy as there are design rights when it comes to toys. While I doubt the toy manufacturer would come after you for selling their design for virtual currency, I still wouldn't recommend it just out of respect for the designer.

If I use lineart I got offline for free, and use it for adoptables, is that ok?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Stormlight Bindings said: If I use lineart I got offline for free, and use it for adoptables, is that ok? You must be able to credit the original lineart artist. If you can't find them, I'd recommend not to use it.