
I hate neutrals because Desmond Tutu who fought to end apartheid said "if you are neutral in situations of injustice you have chosen the side of the oppressor"


I choose Neutral since I feel in life both sides live in you. Light is trting to stay positive, while dark is the demon in your ear telling you things such as 'No one loves you' or tries to make you hurt yourself or others. I always try my best to be Natural not overly positive where I get easily disappointed. But still not overly negative where it hurts me.

Because I just wanna vibe. We are bombarded daily in life outside of roleplay to take a side on serious topics. I also looked at it way too scientific and figured that nature is a neutral thing. Balance in nature is a lot more up and down than humanity wants to accept. In nature, for life to thrive there needs to be death and destruction in some degree. Spite, revenge, and selfishness are all also parts of survival in nature. However, no animal truly wakes up in the morning and thinks "F Rancher Joe. I'm going to go kill his sheep cause I hate him." Animals wake up and think "I'm hungry and I need food for myself. That white fluffy thing is easier to kill that thay big tan thing with antlers. I'll use less energy killing the fluffy thing so that's my target." I put way too much thought into this answer.

I chose neutral because I just decided to. My one pack is light bringer.

Small shine said: I chose neutral because I just decided to. My one pack is light bringer.

Because I didn't know anything about it so I chose the safest one xD

All I hear is "light, dark, bringers, seekers". I just wanna hunt, for goodness sake! Edited at February 4, 2022 08:29 PM by ijdme

Former Pack said: I choose neutral because I think that nobody is good or evil... And I especially think that no animals such as wolves are good or bad. Wolves are predators because it's in their nature. I see neutral alignement as the right natural balance. (That's a pretty philosophical explanation, isn't it?^^)
Same reason here

Honestly because my favorite character trope is the morally grey character. I am simply ambiguous. Maybe I'll help, maybe I won't, maybe I'll do something bad for a good reason, maybe for a bad reason, so good for whatever reason I see fit etc. the characters I write are morally ambiguous in one way or another. Neutral just kinda sums up human nature in general