
Working Sunday night to Tuesday night (heads up in advance) Holding off a Cornaith post until Cliste sends one out.~ Edited at August 31, 2024 11:33 PM by Sanania

Enjoy my sleepy rambles for Ravae. I may go back and edit her depending on how I feel about her post in the morning.
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Internet gets hooked up tomorrow afternoon/evening so hopefully I'll be able to get everything out after that. If not, then it'll definitely be done by or on Friday

Quick Announcement Please make sure every character has been posted at least once, tene and I would like to move to the next stage with the elders ^^

I'll hopefully be getting a Merrick post out today or tomorrow. Just gonna prepare for tomorrow's Spanish quiz real fast before starting on him. ^^ Edited at September 3, 2024 07:14 PM by High Hills Pack
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Called out of work for the evening and all responses should be posted. I'll likely draft a Naith post and possibly hold on posting it (Debating. Since there are others in the party who will likely need to respond). I've been stuck in the same dark corner of the unit for three weeks and dealing solely with pressure injuries (do not look those up, the images are not for the faint of heart). My three days off went by too quickly and my theoretical cup that is poured into others I care for is thoroughly empty. It is in desperate need of refilling bad so a week off work should be enough for me to get the energy I need to be back to being myself.

Sanania said: Called out of work for the evening and all responses should be posted. I'll likely draft a Naith post and possibly hold on posting it (Debating. Since there are others in the party who will likely need to respond). I've been stuck in the same dark corner of the unit for three weeks and dealing solely with pressure injuries (do not look those up, the images are not for the faint of heart). My three days off went by too quickly and my theoretical cup that is poured into others I care for is thoroughly empty. It is in desperate need of refilling bad so a week off work should be enough for me to get the energy I need to be back to being myself.
Oh, love! I hope you get some proper rest soon and that you get some time for yourself to relax.
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Me too, I am more than certain that I will be able to. We're doing a bit of self-reflecting which is really nice and helped me realize that I really did need to take today off.

I'm gonna try and squeak out a post for Merrick before I head ta bed, but no promises. I don't wanna stay up too late since I'll be getting up rather early. Sorry about the wait on him.
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A bit clunky but oh well. I at least got something out. Now hopefully I don't regret staying up this late tomorrow. ^^'
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