
@Nirvana, I went ahead and added a little paragraph to describe Briar and Less's relationship in the affiliation part of his form if you want to take a look and tell me if it looks alright? :)

You Guys Are.. Dark. Kova Is Currently Just A "DeeDeDe, I'm Crazy Just Because I Want To Be" But I'm Working On Getting Him Reasons To Be So Unstable. I'm Actually Considering Ruler(Balice) To Be Kind, But For His Mother To Just Be Batshit Crazy. Descisions, Decisions. Nirvana_Sky said: Okay I will put Briar's.. Briar thoughts about her father. Briar has always been the thorn of her father's side. Maybe because she was just like her mother from the appearance to her personality. She never was afraid to question him and stand toe to toe against him. Briar was more of a tok boy and hard to control especially with her powers at first. Though after he rmother's death she started to obedient for her father due to his grief. She has became his unwanted therapist but in return she gets listen in to political and war schemes or anything with the King and his council. Though she has became to be disgusted or more afraid that her father's memory and mind is slipping. Her father has begun to mistaken her as her mother. (Not in a way of disgusting) He would tell her things that she wished she would never know and keeps it from her parents. Her father's memory knows about her premarital activities and with females. She was threatened to a point of fear that she wlis afraid to love a female once again. she has became her father's puppet and she will and has to do things for him. Not out of the kindest of her heart for the sake of her siblings and her.
Edit: Good Morning, By The Way. Edited at December 10, 2024 08:00 AM by Lackadaisy

Goodmorning. My agenda for today is to get thoughts on the siblings and everyone for Briar. And the king's thoughts on his children and the other kingdoms.

I'm gonna allow people to have two characters to have both same genders or opposite. So instead of having male and female. You can have a female and female or male and male.

ooop I missed a lot >.> now I feel really disconnected

It Was Mostly Discussions Of Our Character's Pets. Vana And Reaper Were Also Talking About Briar And Dane's Backstory And Histories With Their Parent/King Sebastian. You Didn't Miss Too Much. The Tea Drinkers said: ooop I missed a lot >.> now I feel really disconnected
Edited at December 10, 2024 02:06 PM by Lackadaisy

I told myself I would not make another character. But I'm debating making a knight but I'll wait until more people may join.

See If This Makes Sense: From A Young Age, Kova Has Always Been Self-Sufficient. He's The Oldest Of His Brothers, Putting Him First In Line For Any Kind Of Important Matter, And Especially The Throne, But With Fourteen Other Siblings and Nine Other Brothers, It's Difficult To Focus On Just One Child, Even If They Are The Most Important. The Beginnings Of Kova's Childhood Stress Came From The Neglect Of His Parents, Often Being Forced Into The Arms Of Servants And Handmaidens, Having Little To No Other Family (Most Relatives To The Royal Family That Are Alive Do Not Have Ties To The Throne, And Therefore Don't Care Much To Interact With The Family, And Most Of Those Who Did Have Ties To The Throne And Had A Chance Of Suceeding King (Balice) Were Mysteriously Picked Off.), And Sometimes Even Simply Being Left To Himself. Something, However, Happened When He Was Thirteen, And His Grandfather And One Of His Younger Sisters, Who Was Eleven Years Old, Vanished. He Was Not Told Why. Whatever Happened At This Time Quickly Turned His Mother Into An Abusive, Raging Drunkard, Which Caused Kova To Teach Himself Defense Against Her, Although He Never Harmed Her. His Father Could Not Have Cared Less, Even If He Knew; She Wasn't Harming Him, So What Did It Matter What Happened To His Son? He Had Many Others. This Torture And Past Slowly Forged An Emotionless Wall Around Kova That He Refuses To Tear Down. This Also Contributes To His Silence. He Is Afraid That If He Speaks, He May Be Hit, Or He May Say Too Much And End Up Being Accidentally Vulnerable. Edited at December 10, 2024 04:42 PM by Lackadaisy

aww. i like it so dark and sad..

I've Allowed My Dormatory To Get Messy, But I Adore This Character Too Much To Stop Writing About Him And Get Up And Tidy It. Assistance Requested.