
@East Is that alright if I call you that? But, I would like to keep it seperate just to keep it organized and easier to read.. Even if you put a break, I still get very confused..

East is fine ^^ I can do that, no worries <3 figured I'd ask just in case Would you like me to wait for someone else's post before I add Carter's? (posting Zira's first) Nirvana_Sky said: @East Is that alright if I call you that? But, I would like to keep it seperate just to keep it organized and easier to read.. Even if you put a break, I still get very confused..

@east no. You can add Carter's after Zira's.

Got it ^^ probably won't be able to tonight as I'm abit tight on time, I'm working on finishing Zira's and she'll be out before I log off. Carter will porbably have to wait for tomorrow if that's cool?

No need to feel rushed. Just get them out when you can.

Oki dokie, still gonna try to be timely about it :D but Zira should be out shortly, and Carter will be up tomorrow

I'll most likely get a post tomorrow. The weekends are usually my time to chill and just be myself.

I found a new song for Vada. I just vision her singing this. "Nothing You Can Take From Me" by Rachel Ziegler

Journey said: Hello everyone! Less is open for affiliations- I'd love to work on his sibling's relationships w/ him if possible. I'm waiting to see if Saoirse is accepted or not, but she'll be open for affiliations as well <3
Sorry I couldn't reply sooner! I'd love too! I need to get started with her anyways!

Lordy, writing for Varik is like writing for a man well into their older years 💀 Old man Varik being unimpressed and unamused by everyone and everything and wanting to relive his glory days already lol.