
Look at me trying to be organized... I hate asking people when they plan on being inactive. But if alot of people are going to be inactive or certain days, we may pause the roleplay for that day and all that.

I was going to make the thread today. But Reaper informed me they will be gone today. And I didn't wanna start without them...

Sorry, drove six hours today and I think I'm just gonna go to bed.
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Dont Fear The Reaper said: Sorry, drove six hours today and I think I'm just gonna go to bed.
Yes,yes go to bed. The roleplay can wait for tomorrow. I will start it as soon as I get the chance to.

Unless you want me to start it tonight. And only people start their starters for right now so you don't get behind.


I rarely do much celebration for holidays nowadays, aside from mine and my SO's birthdays. But for those, I'll be sure to say something beforehand. Should I add more to Zira's motivationas as a suitor to her form?

OoOhh the roleplay thread >.>

Question For Either Reaper Or Vana: Will A Posting Schedule Be Established For The Roleplay?

No. Though i forgot to put the rule. But let two people post between your next post. Unless you have two characters if you are responding or starters. lets say for two characters I go Briar and Vada. Then someone in that two post responds at both of my characters then I can do two seperate posts. But if only person responds to one of my characters then I can only respond with one. (if this doesn't make sense I'm sorry. I def just woke up) For example with one character journey Reaper nirvana_sky Journey for example with someone who has two characters with one response nirvana (briar) nirvana (vada) reaper (responds to briar) journey nirvana (briar response) For example with someone who has two characters with both response Nirvana (briar) nirvana (Vada) reaper (responds to briar) journey (responds to Vada) Nirvana (briar response) Journey (Vada response) but I say if you have two characters and in that two post gap and they respond to both of your characters. Give time for others to post their own characters so it doesn't get all 1x1. With that being said make the gap of your next reply a bit longer than 2 characters responding/posts. if this doesn't make sense. I can try to explain a little better. also for two players with two characters. Please do your posts/responses on seperate posts and not all together. I get really confused when people tend to do that. Edited at December 14, 2024 10:00 AM by Nirvana_Sky