
I enjoy your gear, Pink Pads. However, I think that the pink rim around the eyes and the mouth makes the gear especially difficult to pair with wolves and other gear, so the removal of these would be my suggestion. - I just think that the gear would be so nice if it was just the paw pads! ^^ Vulpixles said: Pack Name and Number: Vulpixles #293212 Gear Idea: (sketch is not required, but appreciated) I have already made Pink Pads but I have plans to make paw pad gear to match the other nose colors such as brick or liver. I also want to do a mottled paw pad gear with a mix of black and pink. My other idea is more dinosaur gear. Like pteranadon wings or stegosaurus plates/spikes. I'm also thinking about maybe doing dinosaur skull gear. How much do you plan on charging for it: for the pads, I will probably charge 100 mush. For the dinosaurs, probably 200-300 mush but I would probably charge 1-3 apples for dino skull gear. Examples of your art: I will update this tomorrow with links to my art as well as sketches of the gear ideas.

Pack Name / Number: 85543 Gear Idea: Pink wings (that's it) How Much: 3 apples, about the same as barter honestly Examples of your art: (C)85543 for the wings and stuff.
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Great ideas! I decided to make a poll to chose the winner. You can find it and vote here I'll make another post next Tuesday announcing the winner.

Hey, I'm back! Sorry about the delay, I recently moved estates and honestly completly forgot about the end date. That being said, the winner is Zeraphia with Pink Wings! And a surprise: we'll have 2 winners. The second most voted gear was White Tail and Ears by The Sigma. I'll be sending you guys the apples. For those that didn't win/get to particapete: this was really fun and I'm planning on havaing more of these in the future. I'm open to suggestion on how to improve it!

WHATT thank you so much! ToT As promised, I will be gifting everyone with free gear when its published! ^v^ Revelry said: Hey, I'm back! Sorry about the delay, I recently moved estates and honestly completly forgot about the end date. That being said, the winner is Zeraphia with Pink Wings! And a surprise: we'll have 2 winners. The second most voted gear was White Tail and Ears by The Sigma. I'll be sending you guys the apples. For those that didn't win/get to particapete: this was really fun and I'm planning on havaing more of these in the future. I'm open to suggestion on how to improve it!

Nearly forgot to send the custom gear! Everyone will receive now ^^" - If anyone is ever interested in any of my gear, including this one(but is too poor lol), feel free to dm for gear trade! :)