
Pack Name: Redwood Pack Number: 315062 Current Pack Goal: Birth the new pups from 5 pack members!

Acornclan #300106 A pack goal of mine is to buy a few more explore moves expansions

IceFlower 272546 A goal of mine is to breed a Gaelic Blood / introduce GB genetics into my packs lineage

Wolventhropy - 254665 My goal is to produce a high rarity defect or boost ^^

Sorry I never updated the time to choose the winners. I'm ending any entries at 8 am game time,

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Whoops let me sneak in real quick Pack Name: Eternity Pack #: 157083 Pack Goal: To get to level 100 in every single territory!

Entries are closed, winners will be drawn shortly. :D

Thank you guys for entering. I hope to be able to host another giveaway sometime soon, so be on the lookout. The winners are: 1st- Redwood 2nd- The Sigma Males 3rd- Blood lust tides

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Congrats, guys! :D Thank you so much for hosting the contest, Moonlit Lake!