
Name: Talon Jared Hollard Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Powers (if any): Teleportation Personality: Talon is a sarcastic pain in the butt, and a HUGE flirt at that. He’s relaxed and put back, but extremely nosey into everyone’s business. There isn’t a secret around campus he doesn’t know about, or a rumor he hasn’t sniffed out. He’s known as the ‘newspaper’ of the campus, knowing what a visitor to Clearwater had for breakfast three weeks ago! He’s in no way shape or form athletic and he’s not extremely academically intelligent either, but hey, he got into Clearwater State University, didn’t he? He prides himself in more street smart and getting into things he shouldn’t, like drinking in the middle of the week and missing his next few classes due to a nasty hangover. If you’re not annoyed by him, then he’s a really friendly person, and he loves to scare the new years with fake horror stories or ghost stories of students who ‘died’ in the dorms. Deep down however, he’s scared. He’s about to graduate (if he can get enough credits in time) and then what? He has to go get a job and be an adult for the rest of his life? Eugh. Talon really just wants to have as much fun as he can. He’s only one one more year left… or he could stay and finish out his masters. Talon dislikes uncomfortable situations and if ever met with a sad person, does his best the cheer them up. Essentially, the poor young man is the class clown and know-it-all in one person. Appearance:  Credit to Baydew on picrew! Talon is EXTREMELY tall, and I mean TALL TALL. He stands around 6’6 and is rather skinny with little to no muscle on his body. Mans has not an ounce of strength in any part of his lanky limbs, but he is rather cute. He has fair skin and heterochromia, with one green eye and one brown eye. His face is dotted with millions of freckles and there’s a scar under his left, brown eye from an accident, but nothing major. Talon has messy red hair that has grown long, sort of in a mane which he prides himself in. His nails are usually painted black but other times they’re different colors too. Talon can dress in a variety of different clothes, all of which are comfortable. ________ ________________________ ________ Strengths: +Quick wit+ +Sassy +Smooth talker, can get out of most situations easily + +Street smart+ +Heavily curious + +Knowledgeable + Weaknesses: +Insecure deep down+ +little to no physical strength+ +Afraid of the unknown + +Scared of being a failure + _________ ________________________ _________ Small backstory: Talon always lived in his older brother’s shadow, and still does even though he’s dead. Deep down he knows his parents blamed him for the car accident, and maybe they were right. His brother had been picking him up one rainy night when he was in highschool after getting drunk at a party. A truck passed the line the head-on collision killed his brother, yet left Talon nearly untouched, with just a small scar under his eye and a hole left in his heart from that night. His brother was smart and brilliant, and had so much promise. After his death, his parents became cold and Talon knew they paid a pretty penny to send him all the way to Clearwater, hundreds of miles away from them. They never came to visit, and Talon usually never left during the holidays. He decided it was best that way. _____ _________________ Interests: +Drama and tea + +All kinds of food + +Drinking + +Smoking on occasion + +Going to the lake + Dislikes: +Being alone + +Thinking about his family + +Driving+ _______ ______________ Other: Year (freshmen, sohpomore, etc): Senior Edited at May 31, 2023 07:00 PM by ScardeyKat

Either works for me too! Whicher you prefer! And yes, Shapeshifting is a part of the list, but everyone automatically has it (if you want it). So you can choose two other powers besides it ^^ Sorry that it was confusing Shenzu said: i'd like to reserve a spot for a senior/junior, either one. either works for me. also i just wanna clarify, is the shapeshifting part of the powers list? got mildly confused and just wanna be sure.

Hayden is finished <3 both my lads are also open for affilations :o i'll add a spot to their sheets in case anyone is interested ^^ Edited at May 31, 2023 07:04 PM by The Tea Drinkers

He's accepted! He'll be added to the list, and I'll be making a discussion forum so we can discuss affliations and how we want to RP to start! The Tea Drinkers said: Hayden is finished <3 both my lads are also open for affilations :o i'll add a spot to their sheets in case anyone is interested ^^

╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗ Katerina ╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝ . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Full Name: Katerina Marina Svetlana . Name Meaning(s): Katerina - "pure" Marina - "from the sea" Svetlana - "bright" . Name Origin: Russia . Nickname(s): Kat . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Age: 20 . Gender: Female . Year: Second . Pronouns: She/Her . Sexuality: Pansexual . Power: Telekinesis . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Birthday: October 29 . Zodiac: Scorpio . Alignment: Chaotic Neutral . Love Language: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Appearance: . (credits for image goes to @响声堡 on neka.cc) . Katerina is no doubt quite intimidating at first glance. She holds constant ruthless expressions, almost as if she is planning on committing murder. She struts with a demeanor of pure aggression and casts nasty glances at anyone and everyone she comes across. Katerina can sometimes be hard to read, however. As much as she has an aggressive manner, no one ever knows what goes through that mind of hers. Despite her intimidating looks already, Katerina only stands at a mere height of 5'8" and weighs no more than 145 pounds. She isn't too tall but isn't too short either. Her weight is evened out nicely through her slightly curvy figurine and she carries light muscle on her arms and legs. Katerina's skin tone is a peachy color. Her skin, however, is nowhere near unscathed as she has been in plenty of battles in her life time. Kat has slightly defined cheekbones with a sharp jawline that could cut through glass. Her nose goes straight down her face and makes a slight upturn at the end, often being described as a button nose. She has medium sized lips that are perfect for spewing her merciless words. . The first thing that most people notice, is Kat's eyes. She was born with the defect of heterochromia, being as her left eye is a forest green while her right eye is an ocean blue. Her eyes tend to hold the most of expressions within herself, and some find themselves to get lost in her mesmerizing orbs. Kat indeed uses her different colored hues to manipulate others to the best of her ability. Kat's eyes are a sleek and sharp almond shape that are often described as "siren eyes." Katerina has thick, black hair that is incredibly wavy and reaches just at the middle of her back. She also has very wispy bangs that cover a good portion of her forehead. She often leaves her hair down unless she is partaking in an important mission, then she will usually throw her thick hair in a quick ponytail, leaving her bangs to fall over her forehead. Kat's eyesbrows are rather thin and make the slightest arch above her eyes, being colored the same black tone as her hair. . Kat's attire is rather basic yet still more fitting for survival and combat. Her attire will range in darker colors in order to blend in to her surroundings, as Kat likes to complete her missions at night. She is also very thankful for her hair being a very dark color in that aspect. She typically wears a tight fitted long sleeve shirt tucked into basic cargo pants and tied with a seeming-to-be military belt. She wears her black combat boots, as she finds they are easier to wear while being on the move. She has many holsters strapped to her in different areas of her body to place her weapons. Kat finds that the more she covers of her body, the less damage she will take from direct hits. She is often seen carrying around a medium sized green military bag that she holds her possessions in. The bag is not too small, enough to carry a good amount of supplies, but also not too big to wear she feels as though it is dragging her around. . As for piercings, Kat contains three small silver studs in each of her ears and an industrial, also pierced eith silver jewelry, in her left ear. She has had these piercings for quite some time and she doesn't plan on taking them out anytime soon. Kat does contain a few tattoos as well. She has a large spine tattoo of a red dragon surrounding by numerous types of flowers. She has the name "SVETLANA" tattooed across the back of her neck, being as her family was once a well known group of individuals. And surprisingly enoug, Kat used to be proud that they were her family. And lastly, she has a tattoo of a lilac on her right wrist, symbolizing her mother's favorite flower. Kat doesn't speak much to anyone about her tattoos, unless they ask. She is known to be quite a private person when it comes to her decisions about her appearance. . As much as it doesn't surprise anyone, Kat was born as, and grew up to be, a fighter. She wasn't nearly as bad as when she was younger but her anger and need to fight got worse as she got older and started going through more traumatic situations in her life. She has gained quite a few battle scars because of it, however, she is not ashamed of them, but she definitely doesn't flaunt them as each scar holds a core memory. Her most noticed scar is the one across her eye. Kat obtained that scar at the ripe age of 14, when she started becoming more ballsy towards her father. They had gotten into a massive disagreement and Katerina pulled her katana on him without a second thought. But with no hesitation he had flipped it on her and before she knew it, her eye was gushing with blood. Her next scar is one that seems to be a large gash on her right thigh. She had gotten into a fight with a stranger and he pulled a knife on her and sliced her thigh. As for the rest of her scars, they weren't super major so most of them have healed by now and are either barely noticeable or completely gone. Most say that her intimidating features simply come from the scar across her eye. And if that scar is enough to keep people away, then so be it. . Personality: Stubborn | Impulsive | Courageous | Intelligent | Sarcastic | Easily Angered | Ambitious | Determined | Ruthless | Aggressive At Times | Seductive | Humble | Weary | Confident | Humorous | Overly Jealous | Protective | Fierce | Observant | Deceiving | Stealthy | Cold | Intimidating | Straight Forward | Reliable | Hardworking . The one trait that Katerina seemed to never grow out of, was her stubbornness. Kat is a woman of her own opinion and choices. She is also one that cannot be convinced that easily. Once Kat has made up her mind about a decision, it will be very hard to convince her to do otherwise. Katerina is a very impatient person, and that can often lead to her making pretty impulsive decisions. Her impulsiveness often gets her into unwanted danger that she must fight her way out of alone, though she manages to do it every single time. With that being said, she is quite courageous. There is very little in the world that scares Kat, and she will not hesitate to jump in the face of danger if most necessary. Some may say that she is always looking for danger but that's not the case, she acts on it in quite a smart manner and really only does it if she absolutely has to. Otherwise, why risk your life? Katerina is indeed a highly intelligent woman. She is known as the mastermind. She has experienced situations like no other that simply grew her knowledge in case those situations happen again. She works smarter, not harder. For example, as fiesty as she is, she's not going to charge at some 6'4" 200 pound dude if she doesn't need to. She knows her limits and she knows how to handle her own. Sarcasm is the only language that Kat knows how to speak, well, besides Russian of course. Most can't tell if she's being serious or not because she is always making snide remarks. Even when she doesn't try to be sarcastic, it is still naturally formed in her tone of voice that, more often than not, gives off the wrong impression. Kat never used to be an easily angered person. But as life went on and she went through what she went through, it's hard not to get frustrated at every little thing. If she even detects a slight tone in your voice, she won't hesitate to open her mouth about it. Kat often lets her anger get the best of her, which also causes her to make impulsive decisions, although she doesn't regret any of it not one bit. Katerina is known to be quite ambitious. She has her goals and she will stop at nothing to achieve them. This is where her determination also comes in. Kat was never known to be a quitter. Losers are quitters. And she's no loser either. As most know, Kat can be quite...ruthless. She has a heart of stone and is not afraid to eliminate if she has to. Some call her a monster. She calls it being smart. In her mind, it's either kill or be killed. Kat can sometimes take things too far, especially when she's already pissed off. . Katerina can be quite aggressive at times, though she doesn't mean to. She believes it's her being straight forward. Katerina truly doesn't try to be an ass, but if that's how someone takes it then that's on them. She never tried to sugar coat things, even if the words come out harsher than expected. Despite her aggressive demeanor, Katerina can be quite seductive. And she knows that her eyes play a big role in them. Kat has always been quite smooth with her words and flirting was never a problem for her. However, she knows not to take it too far since, in the past, she had gained unwanted attraction. She is simply a harmlessly flirty person. Kat never had much growing up, and she believes that's why she's so humble. Kat doesn't flaunt her successes in a cocky way, and she can't stand cocky people herself. Trust has always been an issue with Katerina. She has dealt with too many backstabbers that she feels she can't trust anyone anymore. Because of this, Kat grew to be very weary of strangers. It takes a long time to gain her complete trust, and once you break her trust, it's gone forever. Some mistake Kat's confidence for cockiness. She has confidence in her appearance and what she does. There will never be a time where Kat talks negatively about herself. Most can only assume that Katerina is a very serious person, well, she is most of the time. But other times she can be quite humorous. She makes small jokes all the time, sometimes at the wrong time however. Her humor can sometimes be rather dark so she tries to keep her joking to a minimum before people start looking at her like she's insane. It is no doubt that Kat can be quite jealous in some cases. And she doesn't hide it well either. When she notices someone taking their shot at something that is hers, it drives her crazy. Her jealousy will be plastered all over her face, as much as she denies it. Katerina can find herself to be very protective of those she cares about, and the list of people she cares about is very short. She will be willing to put her own life on the line for them, even if the favor isn't returned. Death never scared her. She is a fierce woman who won't back down to any challenge thrown at her. She believes that her fierceness is what has kept her alive. . Katerina is very observant. She notices things that others may believe she doesn't. She has always been more of an observer rather than a talker. She examines body language, tone, actions, etc. Most of the time this helps her in battle to predict what her enemy's next move may be. To no surprise, the woman can be quite deceiving. She will put on an innocent act to lure you before getting exactly what she wants. And she has no shame about it. Kat is known as, "The Silent Killer." She is a stealthy woman who is very light on her feet. It has been said by many that once you spot her, you're already dead. She sticks to darker clothing to blend in and moves rather quickly so her target doesn't see her coming. Some may describe Kat as rather cold because of her lack of sympathy and emotions. She doesn't hesitate to make difficult decisions and has no regret after she's made them. Little have seen a soft side of Katerina, but she keeps that side closer to her and tried her hardest not to let it slip. Katerina is no doubt an intimidating woman. The way she carries herself typically causes men to cower beneath her. She is reportedly a powerful woman who bows down to nobody and she likes to keep it that way. She feeds off the fear of others. Katerina is a very blunt and straight forward female. She doesn't sugar coat things and isn't afraid to call you out on your bullshit. She believes that once you hit a certain age and are mature enough, that you can handle it, and should handle it. As much as Kat seems like an ass, she is actually a very reliable person. Once she makes a promise, she lives up to it. She is known to be a hardworking person and can't stand just doing nothing. . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Strengths: + Stealth + + Intelligence + + Mastermind + + Combat + . Weaknesses: - Impulsive - - Brute Strength - - Anger - - Anxiety - . Likes: + Being Active + + The Moon + + Deep Talks + + Challenges + . Dislikes: - Crowded Areas - - Ignorance - - Know-it-alls - - The Cold - . Mental/Physical Disorders: - Anxiety - Heterochromia . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Relationship Status: Single . Interested In: Open . Significant Other: N/A . Exes: Open . Kin: Possibly Open . Affiliations: Open . ───※ ·❆· ※─── . Backstory: Katerina grew up as mostly an outsider. She didn't have too much of a traumatic life but she didn't have the perfect life either. Kat barely had a relationship with her father and it only got worse when she turned 14, when she had her first physical fight with him, where she gained her first scar. Kat adores her mother and wished her mother would've divorced her piece of shit father. Kat has four siblings whom she loves dearly and tries her hardest to protect. . Other:


~Name~ Enika Allie Talent ~Age~ 20 ~Gender~ Female ~Sexuality~ Bi ~Powers~ Telepathy ~Year~ Second year ~Appearance~ - - Credits to Baydew on picrew - Enika is a rather beautiful young lady. She has dark skin skin with not a blemish on it, besides a large surgery scar on her leg from her injury. She has an athletic build with toned, muscular arms from working out at least three times every day, and is rather strong from it as well. (She's a gym bro). Enika's legs aren't as large as she hoped, as she cannot workout her legs as much as she desires do to the injury which still haunts her to this day. Her ears are periced with many studs and she hopes to get a brow pericing soon. Enika has beautiful crystal blue eyes, which she often found confusing since both her parents had brown eyes. The girl often wears a lot of jewerly like necklaces and some rings as well that she has begun to collect. She wears glasses sometimes, but most times she forgets them at the dorm. She has light colored freckles along her shoulders and a maginificent amount of chocolate brown hair that falls around her mid back, her pride and joy. The girl takes care of it every night, but always wondered what she'd look like with short hair. As for attire, she wears whatever she can find is comfortable, and works out in leggings and a gym bra. In the dorm, she wears sweatpants and a hoodie which seems to hide her figure, but she is a bit of a fashionista and has some pretty interesting clothes. ~Personality~ Despite being a creature of brute force and strength, Enika has shown time and time again that she can, with ease, sneak behind silently. She's knowledgable, understanding, and overall friendly when you get to know her. Enika is overly protective and a great friend. She's serious about her studies, and hopes to one day start her own knife making business. She went to be a marine just two years prior, but due to a let injury, she was Honorably Discharged and her dreams were crushed of ever serving in the army. She is a very patient person most of the time, and very attentive and aware of her surroundings. She does struggle to make friends sometimes, not being quite the most talkative person to exist. She can keep to herself at times, and often is found in the gym if not working herself to the bone on her homework. Enika is a bit of a perfectionist. (WIP) ~Likes~ +Fighting+ +Training+ +Playing around+ +Hanging with friends+ +Being Loud+ +Extremely Spicey food+ ~Dislikes~ +Quiet spaces+ +Dull, bland food+ +Being alone+ ~~~ Strengths: +Quick wit+ + Very smart+ +Very strong+ +Patient with others+ Weakenesses: -Injury to her leg gives her pain at times- -Doubts herself often- -Works herself to the bone- -Sometimes finds it hard to talk to others- - Interests: +Working out+ +All kinds of food + +Health and fitness + +Going out to eat at small, cute shops + +Getting coffee early in the morning+ +Going for a morning job as long as her leg allows+ Dislikes: +Being in extremely crowded places + +Her workouts ending early due to her leg+ +Deep water+ ------ --------------- Small backstory: Enika grew up in a very poor household at first. While her parents worked day and night to provide for her family, she was left to help her brothers and sisters. Eventually, around when she was ten, her parents found success in their jobs and soon, they moved from a tiny house and sleeping in two beds to a massive house and never having to think about if they would be able to eat the next day. When she could finally do things for herself, and not have to watch after her siblings all the time, she finally began to live. When she turned 18, she joined the Marines, or tried. But duing boot camp, she was seriously injured, and was forced to be discharged. She returned to her parents who took her back greatfully, and offered to send her to Clearwater University, the time University of that side of the Appalachian Mountains. Enika decided to go, and is thinking about starting her own knife buisness, or a fashion line, or both! It's her second year and she hasn't made many friends yet, and she's scared she won't enjoy the life ahead of her...
Other/Extra: She's open for affiliations! Edited at June 3, 2023 02:55 PM by ScardeyKat

Can I reserve a freshman? Edited at June 1, 2023 05:48 PM by Dawnforest

Name: Isa Lumiere Age: 19 Gender: Female.( Prefers She/they) Sexuality: Bisexual Powers: Teleportation Year: freshman Personality: Isa doesn't like talking to people she doesn't already know and doesn't like talking to people. She is very soft spoken and in most conversations she will just answer questions the other person asked. The only exception to this is if someone is bullying her once she might let it slide but the next she will stand up for herself. Isa works hard on school but doesn't exactly like it. It's hard for her to pay attention. If she gets homework she will procrastinate until a few hours after school ends and makes herself do it. Isa tends to notice and recognize things faster and sometimes better than the average person especially sounds. Appearance: ( might add picture later) Isa has long, thick, shiny black hair that she keeps in a ponytail that reaches the middle of their back in length. She has Blue- green glasses that usually have smudges on them from a failed cleaning attempt in class their eyes behind the glasses are a deep blue slightly lightening towards the pupils. She has a roundish shaped face. Isa has pale but slightly tanned skin with a few freckles on their arms and long legs. She usually has some colored dots on her hands from drawing. Strengths: intelligence, agility, observant, magic, knows a lot of random trivia, Can read very fast and can memorize facts easily. weaknesses: anxiety, little social skills, eyesight, Backstory: Isa had a fairly normal life. She went to school and has few friends . She read a lot of books about magic and like most people when they were little wondered if it was real. Likes: Drawing, painting, art in general, reading, bird watching, winter, spring Dislikes: large crowds, homework, loud noises. Affiliations: open Other: Isa's magic is going to be different than most instead.of teleporting herself or other people ( she is going to be able to do that but only short distances even with strong magic.) Her magic focuses on teleporting objects but only if she first knows where they are. Edited at June 3, 2023 03:25 PM by Dawnforest

If this is finished, she's accepted! Just a question: did she graduate extremely early? 16 seems a bit young for college. Just wanted to make sure Dawnforest said: Name: Isa Lumiere Age: 16 Gender: Female.( Prefers She/they) Sexuality: Bisexual Powers: Teleportation Year: freshman Personality: Isa doesn't like talking to people she doesn't already know and doesn't like talking to people. She is very soft spoken and in most conversations she will just answer questions the other person asked. The only exception to this is if someone is bullying her once she might let it slide but the next she will stand up for herself. Isa works hard on school but doesn't exactly like it. It's hard for her to pay attention. If she gets homework she will procrastinate until a few hours after school ends and makes herself do it. Isa tends to notice and recognize things faster and sometimes better than the average person especially sounds. Appearance: ( might add picture later) Isa has long, thick, shiny black hair that she keeps in a ponytail that reaches the middle of their back in length. She has Blue- green glasses that usually have smudges on them from a failed cleaning attempt in class their eyes behind the glasses are a deep blue slightly lightening towards the pupils. She has a roundish shaped face. Isa has pale but slightly tanned skin with a few freckles on their arms and long legs. She usually has some colored dots on her hands from drawing. Strengths: intelligence, agility, observant, magic weaknesses: anxiety, little social skills, eyesight Backstory: Isa had a fairly normal life. She went to school and has few friends . She read a lot of books about magic and like most people when they were little wondered if it was real. Likes: Drawing, painting, art in general, reading, bird watching, winter, spring Dislikes: large crowds, homework, loud noises. Affiliations: open Other: Isa's magic is going to be different than most instead.of teleporting herself or other people ( she is going to be able to do that but only short distances even with strong magic.) Her magic focuses on teleporting objects but only if she first knows where they are.