
Name: Wonder Gender: Male hybrid or no?: No (Eurasian Lynx) Description: Wonder has the typical coloring and body size of a male of his species, standing at 2.3 feet and 55 pounds. Due to his advanced age he has several impairments. He walks with a strange hobble in his step due to arthritis, and has light brown and cracked teeth. His senses are still fine, but likely won't be for long. This combined makes him one of the weaker members of his pride and is very unlikely to win a fight. Despite this he is still able to hunt small prey like mice and do most things that other felines can. Pack/Pride: Dusk Rank: Seer Desired rank: No interest in any others. Thoughts on the hybrid's exile?: He never liked hybrids and is glad they're gone. Due to having multiple animal sides, they often end up with conflicting instincts they don’t understand, have poor health, and are more likely to commit crime. They only end up as a drain on resources and the parents of these creatures should be ashamed of themselves. Personality: Wonder is a cantankerous old feline who in time has become more and more bitter towards his fellow members. He often doesn’t understand other viewpoints except his own. He has no problem sharing his opinions (whether anyone cares for them or not). Despite his wavering loyalty, he still does his best to relay his visions and give advice, though they are definitely through biased lenses. If one does not separate the meat from the bone (AKA look around his opinions to see his facts) one may be unintentionally led astray. His favorite pastime is hiding in the foliage of trees and spying on the members of his pride. It’s not long before any secret someone has may end in the ears of another by him. “How did my crush know I liked them?” He will blame it on the cosmic powers that be. Crush: Not Open Mate: Past his prime and with the passing of his previous one, he is no longer interested in such a thing. Offspring: Not open Affiliation: Open! Pm me if interested. Other: Winter Edited at February 16, 2025 10:38 AM by RadRadish

Game Moderator Neutral
He is accept. I'm actually curious about him.
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Name: Astrolysus "Astro" (Ah-sh-tro-lee-sus) Gender: Pangender [She/He] hybrid or no?: N//A Description: Astrolysus is a rather typical looking Snow Leopard, Although his pelt is slightly lighter, reminiscent of a winter snow and stone with pale, blind blue eyes that reflect everything she sees like a mirror. He has large paws which are silent, while many leaves and herb are scattered on her thick fur. A large, valley of flesh scores against his throat in a tear of three. Rank: Healer Thoughts on the hybrid's exile?: Good. Those disgusting things deserve to rot. Desired rank: No interest in Any Others Personality: Astrolysus is a rather cynical cat, shes shrewd and hates relying on anyone or talking about his feelings. Despite his shrewd and brutally honest persona, she has unwavering loyalty to his pride Crush: open Mate: ^^^^^ Offspring: N//A Affliations: Dusk Pack/Pride Other: "Great- lets round up all the useless members and hope a tree falls on them." -Astrolysus Fall Edited at February 16, 2025 12:37 PM by Sacrosanct

Game Moderator Neutral
Astro is accepted. I'll add them while you go say hello in discussion.
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Name: Rizou Gender: male hybrid or no?: no Description: Silver and black pure fox, Rizou has black fur that tinges silver near his ears and paws. His chest is silver and paws have slightly black tinged silver swirls. His bushy tail is silver tipped and seems darker than the rest of him. His amber eyes seem to see with the intensity of the sun. Rank: Dawn Pack healer Thoughts on the hybrid's exile?: Thinks that the hybrids had it coming for them all along, but worried about what the change might mean for the pack. Would prefer for them to stay exiled, but is scared of what it might mean for the pack. Desired rank: content Personality: Rizou is fiercely loyal to those he loves and truly believes in what the pack stands for. He is determined to help the pack survive, believing that there needs to be a balance in the universe. Rizou rarely socializes, but enjoys a fiercely competitive mind and an agility, that would make a valuable friend. He values certain qualities in friends, and is willing to lend a compassionate hand to anyone in need. Crush: open Mate: open Offspring: open Affliations: open Other: spring

Game Moderator Neutral
Rizou is accepted. I'll add him
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Name: Rudyard “Rudd” (Goes only by nickname) Gender: Male hybrid or no?: No. Pure wolf Description: Rudd is the epitome of a wolf. His large frame ripples with the indomitable tenacity his kind is known for. In terms of color, his back is a dark grey interspersed with flecks of rust. Halfway down his sides, it lightens into a muddy brown with his belly being a soft off-white. His face is outlined in black, grey filling out the top portion leaving his chin and cheeks the same off-white as his underside. A red stripe lines the top of his muzzle, and his eyes are a sharp orange. Rank: Dawn Leader Thoughts on the hybrid's exile?: Dawn was not the first to exile the hybrids, but he stands by the decision. Rudd dislikes uncertainty, of which the hybrids bring in abundance. However, he is aware of the growing dissatisfaction both from his pack and the exiled. He treads a fine line to keep the current members of his pack safe and content. Desired rank: Content Personality: Rudd exudes a quiet calmness, preferring to gather information and act decisively when the time is right. For this reason, once he has made a decision he is hard-pressed to reverse it. As a leader, he is thorough and logical, which sometimes makes him come across as cold and standoffish as he separates himself from the problem. Yet he remains reliable and steadfast in his decision-making. He allows everyone to voice their concerns, listening carefully to different perspectives and considering those he finds persuasive. Rudd tries to act only with clear intention, and for his deliberateness, he has earned respect. Crush: None Mate: None Offspring: None Affiliations: Dawn Pack/Pride Other: Autumn

Game Moderator Neutral
Red Rivers Looks good. Rudd is accepted. I'll add him Feel free to hop into discussion for a clear up otherwise you might get confused in the deaths section of the RP then feel free to hop into the RP
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Name: Cleopatra [Ra] Gender: Nonbinary hybrid or no?: Black panther, bobtail Lynx and crocodile hybrid Description: Cleopatra resembles almost a Bengal cat with a Bob tail, waterproof skin, clear eyelids so they can always see everything, a silent sentinel above the sky. They have long ears with some dark markings thatblook almost like eyeshadow and a very strong jaw with long claws. They are quite a good swimmer, and can hold their breath for up to 2 hours. Their voice is deep and gravelly, rough and somewhat hoarse. Thoughts on the hybrid's exile?: I would kill every single one of them who wronged us if I got the chance. Personality: Cleopatra is normally pretty quiet, considering their voice as they don't want to scare anyone- and usually only talk to those he trusts very very closely. Crush: open! Mate: open! Offspring: closed atm Affliations: Alarik's hybrid group Other: fallll

Game Moderator Neutral
Cleopatra is accepted. I'll look over that you didn't add the ranks part but that is because hybrids have no ranks.
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