
"Yes they're fucking homophobic, yes I know we should have protested or something. I wasn't thinking." Skylar said as sat up, putting his legs down. What would a protest do, they were more homophobic people in this town then people who support. Burning down the churches actually did something, Sky thought, but didn't say outloud. He started fidgeting more, shaking his leg. Skylar glanced at the one officer again, but this time looking him up and down. Skylar quickly looked away, looking down at the ground again. Edited at October 11, 2023 08:10 AM by Meeko
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Officer Simons nodded, "Alright sir, we understand but could you lower your tone please? Look all of us here agree that they were a homophobic, we all saw how they treated people but burning down churches wasn't the right thing." After a few moments the officer adds, "If you could tell us who burned the other ones that would be great." Meanwhile Jake was watching from where he stood and watched as Skylar looked at him again and looked him up and down before looking away.

"sorry, I know." Sky said in a more quiet tone. "Isn't it your fucking job to catch them." Skylar said as he looked at both of them then at the officer. "How fucking long does this have to go on, like just lock me up man." Skylar said as he fidgeted some more. "fuck" he breathed quietly. ( sorry it's short ) Edited at October 13, 2023 08:04 AM by Meeko
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(It's ok) ~ "Yes it is our job to catch them," Detective Culver says, "but it would also be easier to know who we are looking for if you tell us. Plus it could get you into an easier sentence if you cooperate and help us out." Jake watched as the conversation continued and watched Skylar's movements. Was he still under the influence or was it wearing off now and causing so much fidgeting?

"Find them on your fucking own!" Sky shouted as he stood up. He then proceeded to kick the chair over. He backed himself up into a corner, sliding down the wall. "Fucking hell." He whined as he looked at where he had accidentally cut himself. He wasn't bleeding too much, but it still hurt. He clenched his jaw and leaned his head against the wall. He wanted to be out of the handcuffs, he felt so vulnerable and he didnt like it. Edited at October 14, 2023 09:09 PM by Meeko
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The two interrogators looked to each other after Skylar had finished and moved to the door. "I guess we're done with him for the day," Simons says to Jake, "can you deal with him?" Jake nods, "I think I can." He then watches the two leave and makes a call into his radio and waits until the same woman that had brought the files in brings a med kit. "Thank you," he says to her and waits until she leaves to walk over to Skylar, stopping a few steps away from him. "Do you mind if I fix that up for you," he asks as he gestures to the cut.

"I don't care." Skylar said quietly as he looked up at the officer. Skylar then put his legs down so the officer could access his chest most easily. Skylar then looked at him confused. "Do I have to take my shirt off?" Skylar then asked, again his voice was quiet and in a more sad tone. Skylar watched as the officer now came closer. He then wondered where he would be going after. They will probably just hold me for now, Sky thought.
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"You don't have to take it fully off if you don't want to," Jake says as he squats down beside Skylar and sits the med kit down. He then takes out some cotton pads, rubbing alcohol, and of course bandages to fix Skylar up with. Jake kind of knew what he was doing since he had fixed himself up a couple of times from small injuries as well as a few of the other officers. He had actually became a bit of a medic there at the station, although just for small cuts and stuff.

"Well I would love to but I kinda can't because of these stupid fucking handcuffs." Skylar replied as he stared at the officer. "you can just pull the neck of my shirt down." Sky then said as he watched the officers every move. He tried his best to stay still as he disinfected it. He looked around the room, trying not to make eye contact. Edited at October 15, 2023 01:41 PM by Meeko
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He nodded and pulled the neck of Skylar's shirt down to reach the wound. He found it kind of annoying but in the end, after a couple of minutes, he had the wound all patched up. "There you are," Jake says as he packs up the med kit before standing up and holding out his hand to the other, "now come on and get up and I'll take you to your cell."