
Dev shrugged. "Sure, I guess." He looked at it with a bit more of an interrested eye - now that it was out of the sand, it definitely looked... different. Hadn't he read somewhere the fort had become obsolete in the mid-19th century or something? Regardless of when it had been, it looked out of place compared to everything else that surrounded them. The rotting wood, the ancient horseshoe, and the tin - it all seemed to match, but this silvery pendant didn't match. Also, didn't things rust faster in water? Dev hadn't been expecting to find anything in the water, but the small gem of knowledge pinged against his consciousness as he took it from Orsion, examining it more closely. It just looked out of place. Dev couldn't exactly place why, but it just did. He relayed that to Orsion. "Don't you think it feels a bit odd to find this kind of jewelery thing around here? Surely someone else would have found it - if it was dropped by someone, they would have picked it up, or the looters would have gotten it." He pinched the chain with his thumb and forefinger and held it up to the light, where it gleamed like it hadn't rusted or tarnished at all. Which was another thought that he spoke out loud, more to himself now. "Plus, why wouldn't it have rusted or tarnished?" He couldn't exactly figure it out or place why it just felt wrong. TThere were probably a million good explanations as to why it was like this. But it just felt... off. Somehow. Dev couldn't exactly place it, before he just dropped his hand and slid the pendant into his pocket.
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Orsion shook his head lightly, letting Dev take the pendant as he turned back to the sand. "I mean, maybe. But it could just be plastic costume jewelry that someone lost while boating in the lake," he gave a loose half-hearted shrug. "Didn't quite feel... right to be entirely metal, y'know?" He pushed one hand through his hair and went back to digging through the sand. At the very least, Dev was far more skeptical about it than Orsion ever would be. Things happened, things washed up, it wasn't like he had to know everything. Besides, it wasn't like there were any other people there. If they were, it was kids expecting a cheap thrill, lovers in the parking lot doing... lovers things or just people needing photos or whatnot for museums, history books and the likes. Which was kind of what they were doing in a round about manner. The young man shook his head, glancing at the pile of sand before doing his best to put it back somewhat where he had found it. He, then, took his course in wandering the waterline. Maybe later, he would find the time to go and swim in the water by the pier to see what they could find. He had an old snorkeling set.
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Dev loooked at Orsion's retreating form, before sighing and giving it up. If Orsion didn't think anything felt off about the pendant-y thing that was now sitting in the bottom of his left pocket, so be it. Trying (but somewhat failing) to get rid of the little bug that had wormed itself into his mind at the thoughts of the necklace,he continued wandering the direction he had been going, towards the ruined pier. As expected, he looked, scuffed the sand with his shoes, around the wodden poles... nothing. Not even the barest scrap of anything. Then again, they had found three things already across the time they had spent here. Which, if he was being honest, had been a decent bit of time. After a while, it was proving that the underside of the pier was esseentially pointless to search. Sighing loudly, he sat on one of the posts of the old pier that were all that were left,looking out at the lake. He was pretty hot. It had been a bit, and the fort hadn't provided any roof of sorts against the sun - which he glared up at in annoyance, before looking back at where Orsion seemed to be digging - or doing something? - to the sand dune. Maybe he should just take a quick dip in the lake too cool himself off? He briefly though about it, before discarding it. No point, and he'd just get wet and soggy from it. Instead, he just looked out across the lake, just breathing and hoping that he could cool down somehow.
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Ghost stories were for kids. Well, maybe not inherently "for" kids but they were to keep kids out of dangerous places. Last Orsion had checked, they weren't kids. Besides, one little necklace was just something. It was nifty and cool. A flash of gold caught his eye as he stood up. There in the grass? Orsion stepped over, glancing down before tilting his head. A pocket watch, ticking back as if nothing were wrong. It was a little dusty, a little sandy, but none the worse for wear. "Huh," the word slipped out of his mouth as he picked it up. Either way, they had the bottle of quinle, whatever that was and the horse shoe. That was a good haul for the day. He walked back toward Dev with the pocket watch in hand. "Check this out," he said loosely, holding it out. "It still works and everything." The watch face looked back up at him, plain and unyielding from any secrets. He tilted his head back and forth for a moment before shrugging and sticking it in his pocket. "That's probably good enough for today, we can come back later. Besides," he chuckled loosely, dusting his bare feet off as best he could. "I probably need a shower."
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Dev rose from where he was sitting on the broken pier's legs, kneecaps cracking alarmingly as he did so. Sparing a brief frown at them - damn, they didn't have to have cracked so loudly - he looked over to where Orsion was, indeed, holding a perfectly intact and still-working watch. While Orsion may have been able to dismiss it, at this point Dev just couldn't understand. Why would there be a perfectly serviceable watch be lying out in the middle of nowhere? Plus, didn't watch batteries last only five or ten years? Orsion didn't seem concerned about it, however. So Dev dropped it - at least, he tried to. Yet again, like the necklace had earlier, it just felt... slightly off. By then, he had moved to Orsion's side, where he was dusting his feet off. Considering voicing what his concernes over the watch were, he eventually dropped that too - he didn't need to be that guy who kept saying negative stuff. They found some cool things, stuff they could probably show off to the teacher during the presentation, and that was that. It couldn't be anything else, because who would honestly care about a rotting fort? "You think we should just go now?" While Dev was definitely a bit sweaty, he was getting more uncomfortable of the situation by the minute. While it wasn't anything objectifiable, and doubtlessly Orsion didn't feel it in the same way, he never liked finding things that they couldn't explain. Such as a watch and a necklace in pefect condition in the middle of a rotting fort. The lake did look nice and cooling for sweaty Dev, but then Orsion's car that would get them away from here looked nicer. "I mean... we got what we were after. And..." crap, he just realized that it was only four in the afternoon, "I guess we should start heading back soon? Well, no rush of course." He didn't want to be too difficult to deal with - if Orsion wanted to stay, he'd just have to grit his teeth and suck it up without showing it in his body language.
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While most, if not all, new watches did use batteries, there was something particularly different about the pocket watch that Orsion had in his hands. That was the fact that it didn't require batteries. This watch was made after the fashion of antique watches in the sense that it required a twisting knob--you had to wind up the watch in order for it to work. Thus allowing the watch to last far beyond what a battery's life expectancy would've been normally. If it was that old. The burnished brass surface was shiny and new, begging for Orsion to look at it and just... just play with it. He had already wound up the key and the spring, listening to the sound of the tick before he had stuck it in his pocket. His green eyes flicked back toward Dev as the young man looked between lake and car... and Orsion followed his gaze. The lake did sound great... a nice dip in the lake...? Perfect. Just a good solid swim... but if Dev needed to go--eh, Orsion could come back and dork around in the water later. "Nah, you're good. You've probably got homework and class stuff to get to. I can come back and goof off a bit in the water later," he waved one hand, collected his shoes and socks and began heading toward his red Pontiac Fiero. He sat down on the driver's seat, the door open as he began to brush some of the sand off of his feet, slipping his socks and shoes back on and turning the key on the engine. "I'd say we got a good haul. I'll probably spend a bit of time later tonight in the library to figure out what Quinle is and that sort of thing. If I find anything, I'll let you know tomorrow, sound good?"
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Deverick shrugged, then nodded amicably. "I guess that works. I just..." he looked out of the window at the fort again. Really, he just kind of didn't want to be around the rotting wooden monstrosity - it gave him a bad feel - but Orsion had justified it with his own reasons. While it wasn't entirely why Dev wanted to get the heck out of here, it worked. "... yeah. I do have a bunch of stuff to do this afternoon before tomorrow." The statement wasn't wrong. But it wasn't really the main reason. A light drizzle began as he watched the fort, pretty much just expressing what he felt like now. Granted, they had a bunch of cool items that would definitely score them marks - the medicine can and the horseshoe - but everything else was just... eh. Considering they had found so much things that they could use, he should feel triumphant, or happy or sorts. He just didn't. It could have just been his personality, or he'd just had a bad day, but he didn't. Muted, not really processing the view outside of the car's window and more or less lost in his thoughts - it wasn't really him, anyway. So he was just... silent. Not really for any reason, but the trip had unsettled him more than it had accomplished stuff for their project. And he just couldn't explain why. Ugh. He was being idiotic (again). And he couldn't help it.
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Under normal circumstances, Orsion wouldn't have said anything. And this wasn't a normal circumstance but he was picking up on something that Deverick was hiding. There was a tone behind his voice, the way he moved. It was a hesitation, a reluctance and perhaps an avoidance connecting to something. What it was, Orsion wasn't quite sure yet. But he'd figure it out eventually. It would take a bit of thinking and he'd keep an eye on it for the future. If Dev pulled out of the project, Orsion would want to know why and when so that he could prepare himself to do the whole thing on his own. There was something hiding in his tone and words. The way he had trailed off, hadn't finished his sentence. He restated what he had started to say and then had fallen silent throughout the drive. Even when the rain began to fall down, tapping lightly against the Pontiac's windshield, Orsion couldn't get a word out of him and after a few minutes ... stopped trying. He pulled toward the campus once again, glancing up at the sky briefly. "Where's your dorm?" He finally asked, "I'll drop you off so you don't have to walk home in the rain." The dorm wasn't too far away from his own, at the least, and Orsion pulled up in front of it to let him out before heading back to his own. Not that he minded the rain in particular but it usually made for a poor walk. Orsion shuffled into his dorm, closing the door behind him as he dumped his backpack beside the door and headed to the desk. He set the rusty tin can down first and then sat down to study the pocket watch again. The ticking was almost comforting in a way until it wasn't. There were no words, no signs, no markings on the watch. There was a faint laurel wreath engraved on the front. It was almost hard to see but aside from that? There was nothing. There were no identifying markers or information. No company, no verification number--nothing. Orsion's eyebrows furrowed slightly before he set it on the desk as well and headed to go and shower. It wasn't a particularly different shower for the most part. But as every person does at least once, pretending to be able to control the water was a fun little past time. Until the water moved. In his hands. The shower went from fifteen minutes to twenty. From which he turned the shower head off, plugged the drain and turned the faucet on as he shuffled to get dressed. He was just imagining things right? Once the tub had filled a bit, Orsion lifted his hands out and imagined the water coming to his hand. And it did. "... there's no way," he whispered, draining the tub and heading to bed. Maybe he should've had gloves on when touching stuff. That was all. He was just tweaking. He was tripping something fierce. Hopefully.
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Dev didn't do exactly that. After being dropped off by Orsion, he just stood outside in the light drizzle, thinking as the world just carried on around him. He was being paranoid and idiotic. He didn't even know what bothered him so much anymore at this point. But it did. Sighing heavily, he moved inside, got to his dorm, shut the door and sat on the chair. He chucked his bag that he had been carrying around on the table - which had the unfortunate effect of making everything on the table jump and fall over. Crap. He honestly should have known not to - it was a cheap IKEA table, after all. And now the small potted plant that he had been gifted randomly "as a decoration" had upset itself. Again. It wasn't like he took good care of it. But it seemed to just survive by itself, which... was probably why it had been given to him, after all. Sighing, he picked it up with his bare hands, trying his best to scoop up all the dirt that had fell out of the pot back into the pot and to make sure that it looked like nothing had happened. The sad little plant only had a few leaves, and had been like that for a bit - Dev constantly forgot to water it, after all. So... why was the soil this damp? Dev cupped his hand at the edge of the table and swept the remaining specks of dirt into it, preparing to dump it all in the pot, and started. The sad little plant had grown another leaf. That hadn't been there moments ago... had it? Either today, he was just majorly paranoid and tripping, or it was something wierd. Trying to ignore the little new thing, he dumped the rest of the dirt into the pot and squished it in slightly so it would fit. He didn't want the dirt to come right back out, after all. Then the plant grew another leaf. Right there, as if in fast-forward, it grew another leaf. That... wasn't an ordinary thing to happen, was it? Dev scooted back from the plant, almost upsetting it again in the process as he watched it. Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary anymore. It looked like the sad plant it had been, only - less sad. More vibrant. And now sporting two new leaves. There was no way. Absolutely no way that could have been a thing. It defied the laws of practically everything Dev knew. But it had happened, right there. Dev was spooked. No, more than that, he was absolutely sure someone had slipped something into his food or something. Mind whirling, he went and took a shower, as if it could wash away the thoughts that was bombarding him. The plant still had those two extra leaves when he came out of the shower.
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