
Soon Another wolf, Stream, joined Iris and Grouse and Grouse soon got distracted talking to him. After a few failed tries to get back into the conversation Iris walked order to the bush near her den to eat the gopher she caught. She knew she probably should leave it in the prey pile but there was plenty there now. She settled down with the gopher across her front paws.
Iris tore into the small prey with her teeth. It tasted good.

I stalk back in forth. Do I report to my Alpha, or the plain's alpha. What would they have me do? I end up standing still and staring at space. Notincing Iris get kicked out from her friend group, I walk over. I smile and sniff the ground. "Err... A... If you did not know, that was how desert wolves show respect."

Iris twitched her nose at Jerboa. This wolf just for weirder and weirder. " uh.... OK..?" She said, her voice questioning. She drew her forepaws close to her body. Dragging the half eaten gopher with them.

"Yeah, desert customs are weird. I just came over because I am very bored. I'll leave it you want." I say, grimacing at how awkward I made things.

" no, it's fine." Iris replied. She took another bite off of her meal. (bad at social interactions in roleplays.)

(I might be making it akward on porpase) My stomach grumbles and I try not to show it. I smile in a way that is concerning, yet sweet.

Iris stared at the other wolf.

I twitch my ears and look down.

Eventually after it started to be a bit to awkward Iris turned her focus back to the food she was eating. She tore another piece off the gopher and chewed slowly

Aggg.... I lost my entire post.... My stomach snarls. "Is there anywhere I can grab something to eat?" I ask. I try to smile inecently, but I am sure it comes out wrong. a fang around a wolf's neck normaly means they are a killer. I will be gone the 15-20 GT