
RP Thread - Black Lion x White Lioness Please DO NOT post if you are not Shadow-Wolf or myself Let the planning begin! :) Edited at March 10, 2022 07:05 PM by Spiritus Lunae

Setting~ It is in the afternoon and the sky is gray from all the gray clouds it looks like it might Rain and badly at that. It is close to sunset but isn't there yet: It is like 3:51 pm in the day. They are in the savannah and it is the summer time so the weather is around 70 or 80 degrees. Shelter in the area is a few big savannah trees and a few caves here and there every 10 to 20 miles or so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name~ Emma Age~ 3.5 years Apperance~ She has shappire blue eyes and a pure white coat with a bit of a tan underbelly but it isn't noticeable unless its up close. Personalilty~ Sweet, Fun, Outgoing, Caring, Loyal and Serouis at times. Pride~ River pride.... (Cause why not put the pride name to get more of a background from where she comes from) Family~ She had only a brother and her parents where killed by poatrchers. Her brother was chased from the pride when they where old enough. Other~ There New prides name will be Sunrise Pride or MIdnight Pride up to you Spirit also hope its okay i called you that.

Name - Zeus Age: 3.5 years (almost 4) Appearance - He has an entirely black coat, a genetic mutation from his parents, a never seen before gene in a lion. His entire coat is black, his eyes a dep golden colour. He is handsome as ever, his frame quite large and well muscled, despite his young age. He has a beautiful mane, all black. Personality - Witty, Fun, Corageous, Loyal, Fierce when necessary, Very Caring towards those who he trusts, Trustworthy Pride - Acacia Pride - More backstory will go in here if I feel that it's needed Family - His mother and father were the Alpha pair of the pride. He had two sisters from the same litter, both of which stayed on in the pride, he however could not have been able to stay in the pride where his father ruled, turns out the storm seperated him anyway. Other - Algds! Call me anything honestly. Maybe Dawn Pride?

(Dawn pride it is) Emma~ Emma was hunting with her aunts, cousins and sisters. Then a really bad storm came and they where in the middle of the hunt. Emma was blind and loss track of her pride mates and the prey. When she was able to see she saw nobody but one thing she did see was a cave. She headed I to the cave and shook her pelt out. She was still cold and tried to warm herself up. Though she couldn't and during the time of the storm she wandered to far from her pride which now she was lost and had no idea where she was.

Zeus Zeus crawled underneath a log, his mother and a few other lionesses behind him. Creeping down to the banks of a swamp, he hid his black pelt close to the dark soil. The day had been cloudy, raining hard on their fur, but the acacia pride had to hunt. They would starve otherwise. Zeus had led a hunt to the swamp, spying a small herd of Zebra ahead. Just before they sprang a rumble of thunder rippled through the plain. He shivered, feeling the rain packing down even harder than before. Soon the storm broke out, causing the hunting party to split up. Zeus roared and called frantically to the lionesses, but knowing deep inside that he was not going to find them in a storm this bad. He sheltered in the large bows of a short tree, bushes sheltering him from the wind. His thoughts drifted sadly from one pride member to another, but then again coming again and again back to his father, his insides seething towards the cruel male leader of the pride. He soon dozed off, falling into an uneasy slumber.