Kat's eyes danced around the room, desperately hoping she'd see more people walking over to her by now. To her surprise, there were plenty more people to come. Sure, everything had slowed down, but the line wasn't gone for more than 1 minute before another formed. She truly underestimated how much people would want her books signed. A genuine smile formed on her face as she again greeted the next person in line. When she signed the book, she drew a little heart beside her signature. She decided she was going to do that from now on since the line wasn't as long or demanding. It made her feel a little bad, though, since the ones she already signed didn't get a heart. She shrugged it off, continuing to do the silly little heart. For the next 30 minutes, Kat continued to sign books slowly, making more conversation with her fans that she didn't get to in the first 15 minutes. Now, the lines were really slowing down for her, so she thought it would be the perfect time to get a snack. Getting up, she straightened her dark red dress that had risen a bit on her thighs. Making her way to the refreshment table, her eyes scanned all the snacks and goodies that were left. She spotted some juice, and since she loved any sort of fruity juice, she picked it up and took a sip. Slowly, she made her way across the table, looking for something to eat. With her nerves sky-high this morning, she had forgotten to eat before leaving, so she was starving. She grabbed a toothpick that had a little cheese square and brought it to her mouth, biting the whole thing off. After chewing and swallowing the cheese, she took a sip of her juice before throwing the toothpick in a nearby garbage. Glancing back at her table, she realized a line was forming. Quickly, she made her way back to her desk with her juice.
"I'm sorry about that!"
Katy said sincerely as she rushed to sit down and set her juice on the table. She crossed her legs as soon as she sat down and grabbed her pen. She then spent the next hour or so signing books. Once the 2 hours were up, everybody except the authors and event organizers were there. It was time to clean up before going home, although Kat was thinking of getting some food before doing so. As she stood up, she fixed her dress and grabbed the empty juice cup, bringing it to the garbage before cleaning up her table. Once she was done cleaning up, she met with one of the event organizers.
"Thank you so much for having me!"
Katy spoke confidently and smoothly but also quietly. She shook the man's hand before tucking her hair behind her ear.
"It was so great to have you. Have a good rest of your day!"
The man spoke quite professionally, and he sounded like a businessman. It kind of intimidated Katy, but she just smiled and said,
"You too!"
Katy grabbed her things and walked out through the same doors she had entered. Making her way over to her car, relief washed over her, causing her shoulders to drop. What a fucking relief. Since she had decided to stop and get food on her way home, she was off to go to a local cafe. She parked her car on the side of the road, looking carefully for passing cars before getting out. An iced caramel latte with a cheesy croissant was what she was craving, and so that's what she was getting.
After ordering and getting her food, she walked out and back to her car. Usually, she would have sat down and eaten in the cafe, but today, she just wanted to go home. The book signing was enough social interaction for the day. Laziness was okay for the rest of the day, considering her busy morning. As soon as Kat got home, she kicked off her shoes and immediately went to her room to change. Being in a dress was not something she was fond of. Yes, she loved the way some dresses looked on her, but being comfortable over looking good was her forte.