Zakai Suraja Malus
*Name Meaning:
Zakai; Pure, Innocent, Bright
Suraja; Celestial, Born of the gods
Durand; Strong, Enduring
*Shortened Name;
Zizi (always), Pandion (always), Z (always), Kai (masculine), Sury (feminine), any you can think of
(Z has bracelets to show what pronouns they use, the one closest to their wrist is the one in use currently. Yellow is They/Them, Red is She/Her, and Blue is He/Him. To help you all out, I’ll state their current pronouns at the top of each post and make a note anytime they shift in the middle of the post.)
Graysexual Omniromantic
June 9th
*Blood Type;
Neutral Good
Twins Telepathy
Zakai and Vida can communicate with each other through their thoughts at any time, even when they're physically apart. Though they can't automatically reach the others thoughts without permission, it has to be a two-way street of communication. That said, they can also send their own emotions to the other (Vida tends to use this more than Z, often throwing a burst of joy or confidence to her sibling) at any time.
When using this power, Z is able to see everything around her through a kind of enhancing lense. It allows her to spot visual and audible details that others would miss and also allows her to influence what details others can and can't see. Along with this, clarity allows Z to clear her mind and think more clearly than she normally would, balancing any anxiety or depression she may have at the moment. However, Z can only hold this power for a certain period of time.
This power allows Z to invoke a feeling of joy or peace on others, as well as envoking a need to help or cheer up those around them.
*Cybernetic Parts;
(Credit to lof@[email protected])

Zakai stands at a slightly shorter than average 5'8", but due to his tendancy to slouch, he often appears an inch or two shorter than he actually is. His skin is a darker brown with cooler undertones and he has a few freckles across his cheeks and shoulders, though they're rather faint and hard to spot unless you're up close to him.
Z has a heart-shaped face with a smaller chin and wider forehead, and his cheeks look slightly sunken from the lack of food intake. He has a slightly smaller than usual nose that's rounded and ever-so-slightly crooked from a past break. His lips are thin and light pink, most often pulled up in a shy smile or else twisted in a worried expression.
Zakai's eyebrows are somewhat thin with a very slight arc, however, now they're both unintentionally slit due to scars running from just above them down over his eyes. Now, his eyebrows are often pulled down in a worried furrow. His hair is naturally black, however, Z dyed the front section of it a dark purple as a way to better distinguish himself from his sister. His eyes are almond-shaped and slightly downturned with partial heterochromia in both iris's, the upper part being a darker blue and the lower part being a light pink. His eyes also often give the appearance of being unfocused due to worsening vision, even with corrective lenses, which only help so much.
Z has an inverted triangle body shape with broader shoulders and a smaller waist. She's very skinnier, skinnier than she should be at only 120 pounds and a BMI of 18.2. As for tattoo's, Zakai has the Yin part of a Yin-Yang tattoo while on her right ankle. Vida has the Yang part, symbolizing their bond and how they're two halves of a whole.
Finally, Zakai has a shit ton of scars. They're everywhere. A ton on their shoulders, arms, and legs are a result of self-harm, while others are results of abuse and accidents. The most obvious scars Z has are the ones over each eye, causing eye-damage and very obviously intentional, though they're something Zakai refuses to talk about. Even Vida doesn't know how exactly they got these. Then, Z has a scar wrapping around their whole neck as the result of... uh... a deep rope burn...
Along with this, Z has countless scars across their back and sides.
Zakai, apposed to their personality, absolutely loves bright colors. Anything bright is going into their wardrobe immediately. They do only wear more covering clothes, however, often dressing in layers or wearing baggier things with long sleeves and pants.
Z doesn't wear a ton of jewelry, mostly sticking with just some earrings and a necklace. However, they never leave home without their feather earring, the one that Vida has the other of. Oh, and the pronoun bracelets, of course.
Zakai's voice is very, very quite most of the time, and it tends to be higher pitched. When she speaks, it often sounds a little muffled as she struggles to talk loudly enough to actually be understood. She also does have a little bit of a stutter, though it doesn't really kick in until she's nervous.
Z's handwriting is very neat, complete with loopy letters that are often written in half-cursive. It's generally pretty easy to read and kinda looks like a font you may see on a nice sign.
Z has a tendency to slouch, attempting to make themself smaller and less noticable. It's not the worst, but it's not great either.
Quiet | Anxious | Kind | Empathetic | Easily manipulated | Anti-social | Gentle | A little awkward | Good listener | Clingy | Distant | Creative | Lovable | Paranoid | Indecisive | Very intelligent | Warm | Self-doubting | Generous | Loyal | Caring | Genuine | Clumsy | Detached | Codependent | Reserved | Forgiving | Tired | Observant | Shy | Meek | Supportive | Cowardly | People pleaser | Conflict avoidant | Disorganized | Very spacey | Hesitant | Understanding | Helpful | Concerned
Reading and writing
Quiet (but not silence)
Loud noises
The dark
Tight spaces
Gender norms
Abuse of any sort
I mean, having Vida as a sister is honestly a great strength
Good listener
Very smart
Mental health
Not at all physically strong
Lack of confidence
Easily manipulated
Zakai's biggest fear is probably being alone. Especially if he had to be without his sister.
Physical Health;
Poor. They get sick a lot and their eyesight is getting worse and worse.
*Immune System;
Meh, it's alright. Certainly not the best.
Mental Health;
Insomnia, Anorexia, Severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Seperation Anxiety, C-PTSD, Panic Disorder, Derealization/Depersonalization Disorder, Moderate to Severe Depression, and ADHD
Tree nuts
Storm Yunni (3 year relationship, very emotionally manipulative and abusive)
Juan Walton (1 1/2 year relationship, bad. Very bad.)
Calipso Miracle (1 year relationship, honestly not bad, they just weren't right for each other)
*Significant Other(s):
dying on the inside by Nessa Barrett
Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez
I Am by Emhahee
Jigsaw by Conan Gray
What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish
Habits by Genevieve Stokes
Summer Child by Conan Gray
Cake by Melanie Martinez
Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
Soap by Melanie Martinez
Pity Party by Melanie Martinez
Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez
Show & Tell by Melanie Martinez
Fire Drill by Melanie Martinez
The Exit by Conan Gray
The Family Jewels by MARINA
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
Panic Room by Au/Ra
Detention by Melanie Martinez
The Principal by Melanie Martinez
God Must Hate Me by Catie Turner
I Deserve to Bleed by Sushi Soucy
Bruno Is Orange by Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
Nothing's New by Rio Romeo
I Believe You by FLETCHER
teenage dream by Olivia Rodrigo
Fat Funny Friend by Maddie Zahm
Recess by Melanie Martinez
Drama Club by Melanie Martinez
Still by Kailee Morgue
Vida Aadya Durand
*Name Meaning:
Vida; Life, To live, Dearly loved
Aadya; First power, Perfect, Unequalled
Durand; Strong, Enduring
*Shortened Name;
Vivi, Valkyrie, Blaze, anything you can think of
Female (She/Her)
June 9th
*Blood Type;
Chaotic Good
Twins Telepathy
Zakai and Vida can communicate with each other through their thoughts at any time, even when they're physically apart. Though they can't automatically reach the others thoughts without permission, it has to be a two-way street of communication. That said, they can also send their own emotions to the other (Vida tends to use this more than Z, often throwing a burst of joy or confidence to her sibling) at any time.
This allows Vida to invoke a feeling of passion onto those around them, even about something that person may not have previously cared about, driving them to do something about it.
*Cybernetic Parts;
(Credit to lof@[email protected])

Vida, our short queen, stands at only 5'3", though with her standard platform shoes and generally good posture, she does appear an inch taller. Her skin is a darker brown with cooler undertones with no visable freckles, moles, or birthmarks.
Vi's face is rounder with a rather "normal" nose. Her lips are fully and often pulled up in a bright smile or playful smirk. It's rare to see Vida without a confident expression in any situation.
Vida's eyebrows are slightly more full than her siblings and have a slightly more obvious arch. Her eyes are almond-shaped and slightly downturned with partial heterochromia in her right eye while her left eye is a more solid dark blue. Her hair is naturally black, however, Vida dyed the front section of it a light pink to distinguish herself from her sibling. Her hair is cut short, about half-way down her neck.
Vi has an hourglass body-shape and weighs an average 118 pounds. She has a healthy BMI of 20.9 which is right in the middle of a healthy BMI for her. As for tattoo's, Vida has the Yang part of a Yin-Yang tattoo while on her left ankle. Zakai has the Yin part, symbolizing their bond and how they're two halves of a whole. She also has a tattoo on her right forearm with the word 'Passion' in cursive as well as a full tattoo of angel wings across both of her shoulders.
As for scars, Vida has quite a few. The most obvious, however, is the one across her nose, which she claims is from a fight (the she totally won-). She also has several scars on her arms and legs, most of which really are from fights.
As apposed to her sibling, Vida has a tendency to wear darker colors, most often mixing black and dark pink. She enjoys lighter clothes that allow her to breath and move quickly if needed. She's a fan of skirts and dresses, but she doesn't wear them a ton, usually opting for a crop top or t-shirt with jeans or light pants and either tennis shoes or army boots.
Okay, now Vida absolutely loves jewelry. She'll wear just about anything and has a ton of piercings. Basically every ear piercing you can think of, a nose piercing, eyebrow piercings, and a bellybutton piercing. She loves it. She'll also wear necklaces and bracelets. However, she does consistantly wear the one feather earring that Z has the other of.
Unlike her sibling, Vida's voice is generally very loud and she speaks very clearly. She enunciates basically every syllable and is very straight-forward with her wording. She speaks with a sense of purpose that's hard to ignore, especially when she starts speeding up her speech (when she's excited or angry).
Eh, it's alright. Usually readable. Slightly scratchy and clustered together, some of her letters are smaller or larger than others, making it a little hard to understand sometimes.
Almost perfect.
Confident | Strong | Independent | A little hot-headed | Over-protective | Passionate | Friendly | Open-minded | Creative | Stubborn | Argumentative | Straight-forward | People-oriented | Supportive | Trustworthy | Adaptable | Driven | Good leader | Loud | Playful | Defensive | Fair | Loyal | Kind | Clever | Cheerful | Charming | Energetic | Enthusiastic | Focused | Very blunt most of the time | Selfless | Determind | Sympathetic | Stern | Optimistic | Self-assured | Unbothered | Charismatic
Her sibling
A good argument here and there
Running/Anything involving moving around a lot
Giles (fuck that guy-)
Selfish people
Abuse of any kind
Physical strength (don't test her, she'll break every bone in your body)
Friendly and open
A little hot-headed
Probably losing Zakai. That sounds like actual hell. Otherwise though... maybe spiders? She really hates spiders-
Physical Health;
Surprisingly good
*Immune System;
Good, nothing much out of the ordinary.
Mental Health;
C-PTSD, Insomnia, mild anxiety... that might actually be it?
Surprisingly, Vida hasn't actually had a relationship yet. Just a major crush that went nowhere because the girl was straight. That whole situation was kinda a mess though, honestly-
*Significant Other(s):
She Likes A Boy by Nxdia
One Woman Army by Porcelain Black
Light In The Hallway by Pentatonix
Brother by Kodaline
NO by Meghan Trainor
Yellow by Coldplay
Still by Kailee Morgue
Hey Brother by Avicii
Towards The Sun by Rihanna
Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara
Just Like Fire by P!nk
The Greatest by Sia
Letif Ramone Sambor
*Name Meaning;
Letif; Quiet, Gentle
Ramone; Protector, Protecting hands, Wise, Advocate
Sambor; Alone, To fight
*Shortened Name;
Le, or Tif, but don't call him Tif, he will fight you
Lele, Aristaeus, Lee, Tuft (courtesy of Sanctuary), whatever you can come up with
AFAB Trans Male
June 2nd
Blood Type;
Neutral Good
Live Drawings
With this power, Letif can bring anything he draws into the real world. He can basically peel it off the page, same colors, same design, the only change is in the size, which Letif can also control. He can also create live animals, though these take more energy, and the larger it is, the more it takes. These animals can be controlled by Letif. He can not create humans.
Material Manipulation
With this power, Letif can manipulate any sort of fabric material however he wants. Texture, color, pattern, size, you name it, he can probably do it.
Metal Manipulation
This power will likely not be developed until later into the RP. On top of his normal material manipulation, Letif developes the ability to do pretty much the same thing but with metal. He can change size, metal type, texture, and so on.
(Credit to lof@[email protected])
Letif stands at 5'6", which is slightly above average for AFAB people. Letif has darker brown skin with warmer undertones with a smooth jawline. His nose is what you'd expect from an 'average' nose and full lips in a bow shape. For the most part, Letif's lips are slightly pulled down in a neutral expression.
Letif's eyebrows are naturally bushier, but they're always well trimmed and well kept, resulting in a nice arch. His eyes are rounder and slightly upturned with bright amber iris's and dark circles under his eyes. His hair is dark brown and short in the back while rather long in the front with some often falling in his eyes. Generally, Letif's hair is brushed up and styled well, framing his face very well. His hair is also naturally curly.
Letif's body is triangular in shape with wider hips and slimmer shoulders. His arms are rather long as well. Letif's weight is below average at only 110 pounds with a BMI of 17.8. He has a tattoo of a snowflake on his right shoulder, which is a reference to Snow.
As for scars, Letif has a shit ton. The most obvious are the one on his forehead in the shape of a cross and the one wrapping around his whole neck. He also has a ton on his arms and legs from self-harm and several over his chest and on his back, including two on his chest from... surgery... :)
Letif's very particular with his clothing. It needs to be covering but fashionable and with very specific textures. The color of his clothing also depends on where he is/where he's going.
Basically, the only thing that stays consistent is the scarf that he got from Joyce when Sanctuary first found him, and, thanks to his power, he can change the color of it to go with anything.
He's also very fond of tall boots, you know, so he looks taller.
Again, Letif's very particular about accessories, they change depending on his outfit. Usually, though, he's at least got some earrings and a bracelet on.
So, Letif's not actually on testosterone because it's expensive and also because he still feels kinda guilty about it (yay for religious trauma, haha), but he has done a shit ton of voice training. That said, his voice is higher than most guys his age, but it's not necassarily girly either. Kinda what you may expect from a flamboyant gay guy, honestly, just slightly more flat and sarcastic.
I mean, it's honestly pretty standard for handwriting-
Like, easy enough to read and understand but nothing really special. The main thing is Letif tends to leave a little more space between words than normal.
It's typically pretty good, but it's not always the best
Sarcastic | Mistrusting | Observant | Decisive | Chronic worrier | Bad at communication | Loyal | Quick thinker | Good planner | Calm in conflict | Peace keeper | Creative | A bit of a nerd | Reserved | Lonely | Defensive | Comes across as apathetic | Unintentionally blunt or rude | Artist | Secretive | Socially incompetent | Tired | Smart | Curious | Protective | Pessimistic | Distant | (Seemingly) Emotionally muted | Usually quiet | Regretful | Misanthropic | Thoughtful | Disconnected | Puts on a face of false confidence
- Fashion
- Drawing/painting/sketching
- Music
- Theater
- Animals
- Reading
- Misgendering/Homo and transphobia
- Sudden, loud noises
- Bullies
- Disloyalty
- Liars
- Agility
- Good eye for detail
- Art
- Not easily swayed/decisive
- Calm and collected in the face of conflict
- Quick thinker
- Self-doubt
- Not very trusting
- Thinks sarcasm is a good coping mechanism
- Bad with communicating/expressing emotion and helping others with their emotions
- Mental health
Abandonment is 1000% Letif's biggest fear. He's been left behind before, and that was quite literally the worst experience of his life, for multiple reasons. He also fears being vulnerable for kind of the same reason. He's not confident that people would stay if they really knew him. Oh, he's also got some major theophobia-
*Physical Health;
Letif's pretty back and forth when it comes to physical health. Sometimes he's perfectly fine and sometimes he's struggling. This is mostly due to his eating disorder and also due to a... um... traumatic "surgery" that took place about three years ago, got badly infected, and still affects him on occasion. He's also more susceptible to illness and other infections because of this.
*Immune System;
Well, at least this is good! Fighting off a major infection (with some help, of course) was helpful for something :')
Mental Health;
C-PTSD, EDNOS, Severe generalized anxiety disorder, moderate to severe depression, Insomnia, Autism, and Sleep paralysis
Drinking (though he'd never admit it and refuses to drink in front of others if he can)
Snow (Ciaran), (3 year long relationship, very healthy but ended terribly)
Brutus Maeve (Toxic. So damn toxic. Very bad)
*Significant Other(s);
Hell As Well by We Three
If I Loved A Boy by We Three
This Will End by The Oh Hellos
Pretty Little Addict by Haiden Henderson
Traitor by Livingston
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Renee by SALES
Jungle by Emma Louise
Hug All Ur Friends by Cavetown
Pretend by alex_g_offline
mulled wine by Paris Paloma
Oh GOD by Orla Gartland
mad at god by Sarah Saint James
Middle of Somewhere by The Neighbourhood
FΛSHION by Britney Manson
Paint The Town Red by Doja Cat
Fashion! by Lady Gaga
Me Too by Megan Trainor
Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
Applause by Lady Gaga
cinderella's dead by EMELINE
Primadonna by MARINA
If You Want My Love by Little Mix
Beautiful Trauma by P!nk
S&M by Rihanna
Burned Out by Dodie
human by Christina Perry
Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Surface Pressure from Encanto
all-american bitch by Olivia Rodrigo
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey
Sit Still, Look Pretty by Daya
Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
Akira Casimir Toivo
*Name Meaning:
Akira: Bright/Clear/Ideal
Casimir: Peace
Toivo: Trust/Hope/Promise/Faith
*Shortened Name;
Kira or Aki
Kiki, Ira, Kira, Aki, anything else you can think of
AMAB Non-binary (they/them)
Demi-Omnisexual and Omniromantic (Masculine lean)
July 30
*Blood Type;
True Neutral
This ability gives Akira a kind of foresight in different situations, mainly regarding combat and sports, and allows them to quickly formulate a solid plan without researching their opponents first. They can come up with a plan that might usually take hours in just a few minutes.
*Cybernetic Parts;
(Credit to @lof@[email protected])

Akira is about average height, standing at 5'9" and weighing at a slightly heavier than average 200 pounds, though the extra weight really is just muscle. Their skin is lightly tanned with warm undertones.
Their face is diamond-shaped with a smaller chin and forehead and slightly wider cheekbones. Their nose is what you may consider 'normal,' with a slight curve and rounded off end while their lips are thin and often pulled upward in a lazy smile.
Akira's eyes hooded and seem to sag slightly, colored amber. They're also accompanied by eye bags at all times. Their eyebrows are slightly bushy and have no obvious arch, hanging above Aki's eyes in a way that makes them look constantly determined and maybe even angry.
Akira's hair is dyed a dark purple and is just above shoulder length, with the back often pulled into a small ponytail. The front of their hair has a tendency to fall into their face and is very messy more often than not.
For scars, Aki has quite a few. The most obvious being one right across their nose, one around the length of their neck, and one across their cheek. Many more litter their back, legs, and arms, though Akira never specifies where they got all of them, only ever saying they were from "training accidents."
Aki is often seen in a large array of colors, though blues, purples, and pinks are their favorites. They usually wear a colored shirt, simple pants (usually ripped in at least one place... accidentally), and plain torn-up work boots.
Oh, also, Akira is always cold. They're never seen without some sort of jacket or coat and usually sport a scarf as well. Seriously, it can be summer and they'll be freezing!
Akira has a lot of piercings. Pretty much every ear piercing you can imagine, they've got it. They also have a nose piercing and a stomach piercing, though they don't wear charms and things on those as religiously as they do their ears.
Aki is also rarely seen without their fingerless gloves and yin-yang necklace.
Akira's voice is lower in pitch and generally pretty quiet. They speak somewhat slower than normal, taking time to find the correct wording before actually saying the words out loud. They also tend to draw out 'N' and 'M' sounds as well as hold onto s's. They're pretty easy to understand as long as you're close enough to actually hear them.
Aki's handwriting is typically pretty messy. Honestly, it kinda looks like chicken scratch. Plus, it's hard to read since Akira's spelling is horrendous, even despite being an avid reader.
For the most part, Akira's posture is pretty good, they don't hunch so much that they appear much smaller than they are, but they don't have perfect posture either. It's usually relaxed, but overly so.
Akira is... interesting to say the least.
On one hand, they absolutely love physical activity and hanging out with friends, and, on the other hand, they'll kill you if you wake them from their evening nap. Akira is both full of energy and completely drained at the same time... They don't even understand it themself!
That weird fact aside, Akira really is a complex character. They enjoy reading and relaxing (usually in their room alone), and they're generally a very chill person to be around. At the same time, however, they can never refuse a challenge. Whether it be a game of chess or a training duel, Aki is always very determined to win, and they won't stop until they do... only to complain about being tired later.
Aki is also a very kind soul. They can befriend basically anyone just by their ability to read the room and casually start up a conversation or just sit quietly and read in the same room as someone else as an extended hand of friendship. They care very deeply about their friends and are extremely loyal. No matter what. Once you've befriended them, they've always got your back, even if it gets them into trouble.
Admittedly, they do like to show off a bit, enjoying being applauded, but they never take up too much time, and you'll rarely hear them boasting about how they're better than someone else (outside of friendly banter), even if they are. They like to win fair and square, and, in their eyes, no one's really a loser if they tried their best.
That said, Akira will absolutely snap at someone who's beating down on someone else because they didn't win a game or, worse, failed at something out of their control. Aki hates bullies and is always quick to stand up and protect those who need it. They're a big softie, really.
Also, though, Aki can definitely be lazy if there's something they don't care about. They're very smart, but they don't always try their best when it comes to boring things like math and science. Sports and English are much more their style and any other stupid subject can burn in hell. You can find them lounging around their room or some other space that's clear enough for them to lie down in.
Oh, right. Akira also has a sense of humor. A very dry sense of humor. They crack a lot of jokes, but it takes a lot of being around them for you to know when they're actually joking and when they aren't. Also, they don't mind a few pranks here and there, as long as they aren't causing any harm. If they are causing harm though, Aki will quickly shut it down. They're too protective to let anyone do anything stupid enough to hurt someone else.
Overall, Aki is a kind, competitive, somewhat lazy, and protective soul. Oh, also, they really like food.
- Challenges
- Books
- Relaxing
- Warmth
- Food
- Bullies
- Being interrupted when they're napping
- People disrespecting other people
- Gender norms/misgendering
- Strategizing
- Running/Fighting
- Anything physical really
- Smarts
- Lazy
- Can be apathetic
- Food
- When in certain situations, they struggle to hold back and often end up hurting people
- Their past and mental health
Aki's biggest fear is definitely seeing the people they care about hurt. Physically or emotionally.
Physical Health;
Extremely good. Akira's in amazing physical shape
*Immune System;
Very good
Mental Health;
Aki suffers from C-PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, and moderate to severe clinical depression
Ava Millar (two-year relationship, very toxic)
Howard Barneby (two-year relationship, very toxic)
*Significant Other(s):
Briar Sallow
*Name Meaning:
Briar; Thorny bush of wild roses/Brambles
Sallow; Willow tree
*Shortened Name;
B, Bri
Riri, Bri, Thistle, Rose, Rosie, B, whatever you can come up with
AMAB Non-binary (they/them)
August 4th
*Blood Type;
Chaotic Good
Simple, Briar can create illusions of anything and everything. Visual stuff, auditory stuff, whatever you can think of.
Briar can basically shapeshift into any human that they want. The better they know the person, the better the shift. They can copy their voice and looks both. When using more energy, they could even copy powers, though they tend to avoid that if they can since it's so draining.
*Cybernetic Parts;
(Credit to [email protected])

Like most things about Briar, their appearance is intentionally confusing.
Any stupid homophobe who wants to misgender them is gonna have to try real hard because they manage to fall in the direct middle of feminine and masculine representing.
They have a square face shape with a pronounced jawline and forehead, they have a 'normal' nose and fuller lips that always seem to be upturned and smirking while their eyes are almond-shaped and a light, honey brown, often glowing with amusement. Their hair is shaven in the back and on the sides, left long in the front to occasionally fall into their eyes. It's naturally a darker brown, but it's been bleached.
Briar's skin is lightly tanned and covered in scars from multiple different occasions that Briar refuses to discuss. They're about average height at 6'0" and slightly smaller than the normal weight at 120 pounds.
Their wardrobe is made up of random, mostly brightly colored garments. Some dresses, some skirts, some t-shirts, some Hawaiian shirts, and some other random things. Really, the only consistency in their wardrobe is a pair of black tennis shoes.
They have their ears pierced and their nose pierced and they have an odd assortment of ear and nose rings that they wear.
Briar's voice changes often, as you might expect, but their natural voice is on the higher side and has a tendency to be obnoxiously loud. They often draw out their words, especially N's and M's, and they also talk way faster than they probably should.
Briar's handwriting is surprisingly neat. It's smaller and loopier with the occasional addition of some fancy cursive type lines and curves.
It's alright, not terrible. Briar definitely slouches though.
Briar is a confusing character, to say the least.
They aren't one for rules, first off, preferring to do what they think is best rather than what they're actually supposed to. This gets them into trouble a lot, as you would expect, but, more than often, they're able to get out of it without much consequence. Maybe this is because of their certain charm, or maybe it's just because everyone around them is too used to their chaos to actually care anymore. Whatever the case, Briar's gotten away with a lot more than they ever should have.
Briar also doesn't have a great reputation, they're known to be a liar and an annoying person to be around, so most people just avoid them. Actually, Briar hasn't had any real friends since elementary, though they claim not to care. In reality, Briar does care very much. They enjoy socialization and would like to be able to talk to people without being immediately discarded. Still, they continue to bug others by flirting and teasing.
Really, Briar has an extremely intelligent understanding of people that no one ever notices because of their typically annoying nature. In actuality, Briar can almost always pick out how someone is feeling by a quick glance in their direction. They process and understand emotions and emotional actions more than most people.
Perhaps most confusing about Briar, however, is the fact that they never take sides. Not even once has Briar chosen a side in an argument or a fight. They've jumped continually back and forth between two ideas. It drives a lot of people crazy because they can make a great point for one side that will give them an edge for a few minutes and then turn around and give the other side an equally as strong point. It drags the argument out until one side finally gives up or both sides get annoyed at Briar and leave.
- A bit of chaos
- Animals
- Making bad jokes
- Confusing people
- Rules
- Being ignored
- Stuck-ups
- People who can't take a joke
- Misgendering
- Lying
- Hiding
- Playing devil's advocate
- Confusing people
- Making friends
- Animals
- Annoying
- Mental health
Briar's biggest fear is probably losing themselves. Forgetting who they really are.
Physical Health;
Occasionally their right hand will clench up or spasm as a result of an old and untreated wound
*Immune System;
Mental Health;
C-PTSD, Moderate to severe depression, Panic disorder, major and severe derealization
Alcoholic, smoking
Moiraine (sort of)
*Significant Other(s):
Redemption- Besomorph, Coopex, RIELL
Joke's On You- Charlotte Lawrence
It's Ok I Wouldn't Remember Me Either- Crywank
Evelyn Evelyn- Evelyn Evelyn
Angry- Paravi
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked- Cage The Elephant
Kids- Current Joys
Feel So Empty- Bears In Trees
Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land- MARINA
Why Am I Like This?- Orla Gartland
Bones- Imagine Dragons