Mara | 3y/F | Beta | M: Wanderer, Daisy, Lorenzo/Pack(ind)
The large female blinked her eyes against the bright light filtering through the entrance to where she made her den, telling her she had risen late. Grumbling softly to herself Mara pushed herself to her paws with a stretch, she felt heavier and more sluggish every day. It was starting to raise questions in her mind, perhaps she'd talk to the omega she wouldn't tell him until she knew for sure.
Stepping out into the sun she scanned the area, spotting two pack members conversing with what looked to be a fox? Yawning she trotted over, her ears flicked as she watched the stranger leave swiftly. "What was that all about?" Mara questioned, her gaze narrowed as she observed the pair before her. SparrowHawk was a well-respected and loyal dog, yet she could shake something about his strange absences. Daisy was a valued member as well, so something about this rubbed her fur the wrong way. Something was going on, and she would find out sooner or later.
Zira | 3y/F | Patrol | M: Wanderer, Daisy, Mara(Ind)
Distant voices pulled Zira from her slumber, yawning as she groggily blinked against the light creeping into the space. Grumbling to herself she rose to her paws, stepping into the light she frowned. Normally she wasn't this late to rise, had her sister slept in? Mara usually woke her to patrol in the morning before group hunts were arranged.
Stretching with a sigh she let the sun warm her coat, ear flicking again as distant voices caught her attention again. Glancing where they seemed to come from she could see 2 of her packmates and Mara approaching them. Seemed something was happening, as she noticed the way Mara stood. Her tail lifted almost like something had put her on alert. A frown pulled at Zira's maw, she hoped it was nothing bad.
Osna | 4y/F | Omega(Healer) | M: Pack(ind)
Muffled voices reached her ears, causing Osna to lift her head from where she curled around herself. The small space served her well as a den, while being close enough that if anyone needed her she was easy to reach. Rising to her paws she pushed her way out of the den, pausing to let her eyes adjust to the light. However, as she noticed the three gathered nearby she stiffened. The beta looked tense, something had the female on edge and she guessed it had to do with the scavenger before her. Knowing it would likely be best if she stayed where she was, just in case things escalated.