
Vesper shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know. I was kind of hoping you had an idea." He said once she was on her feet. He scratched the back of his neck thinking for a moment.

|Wisp| Wisp chuckled. "Why am I surprised?" she wondered aloud. She paused and thought for a moment, then grinned. "You like ice-cream right?" she asked as she gazed at Vesper, eyes bright.

Vesper eyes widened as he looked at her with a r 'did you really just as that question' look on his face. "Of course I like ice cream. Who doesnt?" He ask like she just committed a crime.

|Dagger| (IM BACK ONLINE!!!!! :D) Dagger woke up to see angel sleeping next to him, Night Shade on dagger's lap, My injury, Its healed! Dagger noticed. There were critters running around the three, "Hello there." Dagger said to a bunny, that was not scared of him. Dagger's wings was glowing neon blue and red, { . . . ? I wonder why it's glowing like that. } not remembering the kiss. Dagger turned into the wolf form, And immedietly all the critters scurried away, Far from him. He gently layed nightshade on angel's lap then dagger flew off to where willow was. "Hey alpha. When do you think your starting the competition?" Dagger asked, After glancing at Nītrīe.

Im afraid this is dead... Ill be posting a new sign up fourm to restart this roleplay if any of you would like to join it


I'll post the link here for yall to join first before I start posting it in chat


Whoops lol Accedentally refreshed and posted again XD Edited at May 7, 2023 10:44 AM by Dagger Clan

Alright. I'm definitely down to try again.