
The large feline creature turned to look at the husky and smiled. He was the first anthro she'd seen in Glowmire in a while. She dusted her paws off and grabbed a dagger, before standing up on her hind paws and ducking out of her tent, placing the weapon on the counter for him as she accepted the payment. -You've spent 10 pinecones- "Been a while since we've had someone on two legs around. I usually prefer four but it's nice to strech out again." She said, offering a shake of her huge paw. "Was there anything else you needed today?"

He smiled back at her, pushing ten pinecones her way. He took the dagger and put it in his bag. "Thank you. And yes, I've noticed many here prefer four legs, better for running." He took her paw, his of similar or possibly matching size and firmly shook it. "For now I think thats it. Would you happen to know where I might find a Quest board? I thought I saw one coming in and I've forgotten where."

Scout leaned out over her counter and pointed across the cobblestone path to the Quest Tent. "The triplets over there will pay you for tasks around town. Yew has safer ones, Yip is damn crazy and Yore will give you slaying quests and even taming quests once he thinks you're ready."

He leaned back and followed her paw. "Sounds like you have a fun crowd. Thank you so much." He added after a moment, figuring he might be back, he should probably know her name. "I'm Solstice, I might hang out so I probably should know your name."

Scout waved thr husky away with a smile, calling after him. "Names Scout! You're welcome here anytime."

Thinking about what Yew had said, Carni grumbled as he found Scout. His ear flicked at the heat of the forge but kept his comments to himself. The wolf collected a few worms as well as a bucket of crickets and made his way up to the front desk, a scowl on his face. "Hello," Carni almost growled as the words slipped off his tongue, burning like fire, "I would like to purchase these items...please." His nose twitched, not a fan of these words.
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Scout looked up from her forge at the little growl, a smile on her face. She could at least tell he was trying. "No problem, kid." She said, taking the pinecones and happily bagging up the items for her fellow quadraped. -You've spent 6 pinecones- -You've received 3 worms on a hook- -Youve received a bucket of crickets- Edited at June 11, 2024 01:08 AM by Sunset Ghosts

"Thanks," Carnival huffed, rolling his eyes. Oh how low had he sank? "Mind pointing me towards the water? Uhh....what was your name again? I wasn't paying attention." The wolf grumbled and took the bag, waiting for a response.
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Scout laughed a little and flicked her ear. "I wouldn't go fishing in the river for Sea Bass for Yew." She pointed to the cliff edge on the opposite side of town as the forest. She waved with a paw a little before turning back to her projects. "And my name is Scout, feel free to come back anytime."

"Thanks again, uh Scout." He replied, flicking his tail and padding off towards the cliff. He huffed once he was out of earshot, was a quaint little town really the best place for him to park his tail for awhile?
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