
Rocky - canine Rockys ears pointed forward at the sounds coming from the forge, Cleopatra was slightly hiding behind his legs as she was just a bit scared of the noises she had never heard before. " hello Scout " spoke Rocky as stepped up to the counter " I have a some iron ore that I was told might interest you, I also would like some fishing bait, could i get 10 worms and 2 fresh meat chunks ? " as he was asking his questions Cleopatra buted her head against Rocky's leg and looked up at him, almost as to say ' don't forget the collar' . " oh and Torka said you could take this damaged crystal and make a collar for Cleopatra here " said Rocky as he took the iron ore and crystal out of his bag , and put them on the counter.
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Scout looked up as Rocky spoke, pulling up a bucket of worms and meat as he explained what he wanted. Her ears then perked at the mention of a collar and she reached put and grabbed the crystal in her polydactal paw, examining it. "I can't make a full band out of this damaged one, but I can make you a tag and silver setting with it. I'll just take your payment our of your price, so it'll all only be 10 pinecones"

Rocky - canine Rocky took the 10 pinecones out of his bag and put them on the counter " thats fine , it will do for now " spoke Rocky as Cleopatra was getting curious and sniffing the buckets of bait. " if I happen upon more crystals would I be able upgrade the one I'm purchasing now ? " asked Rocky while he tilted his head with a curious look on his face ( I still want the collar I'm purchasing now just curious on if i come across more if this one can be upgraded or not ^^' )
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Scout nodded as she took the crystal back into her forge. She soon came back with half a band of Aquamarine, the other half of the collar held together with nicely worked leather. Scout put her nose up against the glass she'd made to test the heat, before sliding it over the fox's head. The crystal band had a white carving of -Cleopatra- in its center. -You've spent 10 pinecones- "It'll look the best if you can find more Aquamarine, but if you find other crystals you'd like to mix with it we can arrange that as well."

Hey scout! I'm here for 20 worms please!

Scout nodded and offered Ocean a bucket with a smile "Anything else today?" -You've spent 20 pinecones-


Rocky - canine Rocky looked at the collar as Scout brought it out and slipped it over Cleopatra's head " that looks great Scout ! " said Rocky in excitement , while Cleopatra was looking at the collar in her reflection from the buckets of bait. " thanks for the bait and making her collar Scout " spoke Rocky , Cleopatra gave a yep of agreement at that , as he picked up the buckets with Cleopatra in tow
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Scout waved and smiled as Rocky left "Careful on those cliffs!"

Tragedy looks at the wares and asks for a standard bow and a bow quiver. I'll use them sparingly, just in case.