
"Hmmm something to think about" Zazu said with a flick of their tail "I'm Zazu by the way" Zazu took one last bite, they became lost in thought thinking about a lot of things.

" I'm Moth." Moth replied she finished the last few bites of her food then returned the plate to Torka. room 3. Moth entered her room and put away some of the things she had found. She curled up with her tail curled around her and went to sleep.

In room 21 Zazu russeled around on the cushion, they woke up abruptly breathing heavily. "Ugh" Zazu shook off and on accident their tail hit the wall pretty hard "great.." he sighs and gets up before going out the door their paws move on their face. Zazu looked around before jumping and glideing a bit down to the main part of the inn. ( Don't know whats in the rooms- so I'm assuming some sort of cushion to sleep on)

Room #3 You enter your room and quickly collapse to sleep on your bed. You're blessed with a mostly restful sleep of blackness and silence... however after a few hours, you're suddenly plagued with visions of fire and lava, the massive maw of a giant dragon swallowing your thoughts and returning you to blackness yet again...

Room #21 You awake in your bed and quickly shake off, your tail hitting one of the walls before you look around. There's obviously the bed you were sleeping on, a large wooden frame with a nice mattress and decorated headboard. Next to that is a dark wood nightstand, adorned with a pretty peach color lamp. Along the far wall, there sits a pair of dressers that you can decorate the tops of as you like, as well as keep your things in. You leave soon after you get a look at everything, and look around. Room 21 is on the second floor, and you happily glide down to the lobby over the railing of the stairs. . Lobby Torka turned to look at you as you came into the main section of the inn. Smiling at wagging her tail at you. "Hello there! Hope the room is treating you well." She said in a chipper tone

Zazu shook again trying to wake up, they walked up to the bar "Hey.." " ya the room is nice thanks" Zazu said with a exhausted and flatter tone "Hey what is this whiskey thing?" Zazu said looking at the menu board

Room three Moth woke with a start. What was that? The sight was burned into her mind. She got up and smoothed down some of her spiked fur. She went down to the lobby, planning to get something to drink to clear her head.

Torka happily pulled a glass for you and poured you some whiskey. "It's should be pretty similar to whatever hard alcohol where you're from." She explained, before looking up as Moth entered the lobby, tilting her head. "Hey Moth. You sleep okay?"

"No, not really." Moth replied

Zazu was about to speak, but hurd foot steps and just took a really deep sigh. zazu's thoughts: ya.... that's none. mine as well give it a try Zazu was thinking as they sat down on a bar stool. Zazu mumbled quietly before taking a sip "if you only knew" Zazu went for it and took a big swig, Wich was an immediate mistake and quickly made a whole bunch of faces but then settled down geting the after taste. They took smaller sips after that. Zazu wasn't really paying attention to the conversation around him but could definitely hear it, they're zoneing out a little just starting behind Torka's shoulder