
Opal . Yew shrugged as he crossed the quest off his list and added another. "Eh... the forest is always dangerous but you shouldn't need anything specific. You might want to grab a water canteen and a bag of jerky from Kansua in case you're out there searching for a while. Scout says it keeps getting harder and harder to find her supplies." Edited at July 11, 2023 01:02 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Opal - "Okay, sounds good! See you in a bit, thanks!" Opal nodded before walking out to find Kansua.

Rose Thorn ↓ Nonbinary ↓ Mentions: None Rose Thorn trotted over to Yew and smiled, remembering the quest she had seen. "Excuse me, Yew, but I would like to take on the 'Green Gold' quest, please?" She asked, feeling the 'Nature Identification' pocket book in her napsack. Edited at July 11, 2023 01:51 PM by Aspen's Quake

Yew grinned and nodded, crossing the quest off the list. "You're looking for green mushrooms, but keep an eye out for orange while you're out there! Rayne is looking for some for a remedy. And it pays more than double since theyre so hard to find."

Opal - "Hey, I'm back! Should I go over to Scouts place to give her the scraps?" The feline popped her head into the quest board area.

Ocean Got any fishing quest for me? id like to get back out again!

Yip turned to Opal and nodded. "Yes, Scout will pay you for the iron." . While Yew looked up at Ocean and grinned. "You don't need a quest to go fishing if you just wanna go out. But I'm always looking for sea bass and Torka is always looking for other types of fish to cook." Edited at July 12, 2023 10:24 AM by Sunset Ghosts

Ocean Ok thanks! ill go stock up on bait and stop by with my haul to see if i got anything you like! bye!

/spreading her items on the table/ anything here appeal to you? i have a great haul from the sea!

Yew looked over Ocean's haul, sniffing the Sea Mite infected fish before immediately smacking it into their campfire with his paw, growling to himself. "Sea Mites... if you ever get itchy after touching a fish just burn it. The meat is like swiss cheese at this point even if you wete immune to the itching and the sneezing." He seemed to gather himself and smiled once more. "You outta go see Rayne before you infect anyone else, he'll buy all your glowing fish as well, I'll just take the Sea Bass. And heres a little something for your trouble with the sea mites" -You've earned 20 pinecones-