
-You've earned a Standard Sword- Scout takes the daggers and smiles before offering up 5 pinecones on the table. "For the change, I owed you a bit. They're Damaged but I'll be able to use the metal well. Anything else I can do for you today?" -You've earned 5 pinecones-

Hm I'll also get a bow, I do have a few arrows!

-You've spent 30 pinecones- Scout grabbed the bow for you and set it on the counter, smiling a bit. "Bows work a bit weird in Glowmire and The Rotten Forest. They're aim is less determined on your actual skill and more the situation. You have about a coin flips chance of hitting what you're shooting at, so it's always good to have a sword on you as well." She explained.

Ok! You think I'll be good with the sword, bow and 4 arrows, and some leather armor? For a quest?

Scout nodded and smiled. "I wouldn't take a super high end quest like slaying the Mushroom King by yourself. But you're certainly ready to go out there!"

Ok thanks! I'll go start one!

Hey could I get some meat to lure a rot hound in?

Scout looked up at Ocean with a smile and nodded. "Yea of course, Rot Hounds are tricky though, you may want to set more than one trap or else they won't think it's normal and won't even go near it. This is 3 meat chunks you can use in 3 different traps if needed. It'll cost 15 pinecones."


-You've spent 15 pinecones-