
Yip immediately turned to Moth and smiled. "Wonderful! Heres your payment!" Yip pushed a bag of pinecones to the feline as she took the glow worm. "Oh and I see you found a crystal and made a little friend! Torka loves crystals, she'll pay you for it unless you wanna keep it as a collar, pets love crystal collars. Have you named your frog buddy yet?" -You've earned 25 pinecones- Edited at July 16, 2023 05:55 PM by Sunset Ghosts

"Thank you, and I want to get to know my little frog a bit before I name him." Moth replied . Edited at July 10, 2023 10:27 PM by Dawnforest

Yip nodded and smiled. "Yea I totally understand. You may wanna get yourself a nice meal before you take any more quests. You look a bit tired."

"I will, and I'll also see you tomorrow probably, bye!" She left the tent .

Tragedy - Dragon - The beast looks over the list and flicks his ears as he comes to an option he finds curious. "Ha! Fishing! I can catch a sea bass!" He smiled. That should be a change of pace, right?

Rose Thorn ↓ Nonbinary ↓ Mentions: Moth Rose Thorn grinned happily at Yew and his siblings as she trotted into the tent, looking at the quest list. Her eyes locked on the 'Find Mushrooms Quest', and she grinned. She would grab her 'Fungi Identification' Book later and sign up for it.

Tragedy . Yew smiled and gestured to the fishing rods leaned up against their tent. "Feel free to take one of those. You'll also need some bait from Scout's Forge, you may want to get a couple, theres a lot of stuff in that ocean." The feline explained then perked his ears. "Oh and yesterday, Ocean almost brought me a glowing sea bass instead. Rayne and River will pay you for any glowing fish you catch but we can eat them so I really need my normal sea bass." Edited at July 11, 2023 12:10 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Opal - Walking into the Triplets quest area she purred. "I was hoping for something a bit easier today, maybe running some errands or gathering some plants? What do you guys suggest?". Edited at July 11, 2023 12:34 PM by Biologist at Work

Opal . Yew gestured to Tragedy as the dragon left with a fishing rod. "Fishing is always fun! Torka is looking for a shark to add to the inn's menu and I'm always looking for sea bass." Yew then placed his quest sheet for the day on the counter. "Scout also needs some coffee and some iron scraps. I've got her coffee but the iron scraps you'll have to go into the forest for." Edited at July 11, 2023 12:54 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Opal - "I'm fishing with a friend later today, so I'll pass on that for now. Collecting some iron scraps sounds interesting, ill do that!" The large feline smiled. "Do you suggest any sort of supplies?"