
"Across the sea? What's on the other side?" Evan asked as he began to look around. A collar might be nice for... he still needed to think of a name.

Milo shook his head and shrugged. "Oh, I've never been to the other side. Some little islands here and there. Most of this stuff I find Fishing or I make in my freetime sailing." He explained

"What's it like? On the open ocean?" Evan asked, examining the iron pet collar. He held it up to the Coati before counting out 20 pinecones. "I'll take this"

Milo nodded as you took the collar, before smiling a bit and looking back out to the sea. "It's always felt like home to me, ever since I got here. It's not as violent as the oceans back home, but the creatures can cause problems. There's lots of large things out there that are interested in the boat." He said. -Youve spent 20 pinecones-

"Large things? Like what?" Evan looked back at the dingy. It didn't look like it could survive much more than a gentle storm, but he suspected Milo had a few tricks up his sleeve to make it work.

Milo nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yea, I think the biggest thing I've seen out there was like a sea dragon. A wyrm. But there's some underwater caves out there as well, and I swear I saw a Mosasoaur down there."

A sea dragon? A Mosasaur? Were those the titans Scout mentioned? What else lived in this ocean?
"I'd like to go open ocean fishing" Evan said. There was bound to different fish a futher from shore.

Milo blinked in suprise, then nodded and happily accepted your payment. "Yea sure, hop in." He said, jumping in his dingy and patting the seat next to him. -Youve spent 30 pinecones-

"Do people not open ocean fish that often?" Evan asked, hopping in the dingy. He secured the Coati next to him, figuring they were small enough not to cause trouble.

Milo shook his head as he grabbed a rope above your head and lashed it across the side of the boat. "Not many people feel ready to take on The Decaying Sea. But it's not as scary as it sounds. Just intimidates a lot of folks." He reassured, before throwing a lever that suddenly lunched them out over the cliff. "Hold on tight!" He said, before knocking the knot from one of the ropes, sending them barreling down into the ocean with a long fall and a loud splash! Milo laughed a bit as your Coati shakes the water from its fur and regains it's footing, before he begins rowing out to sea. It takes him about 30 minutes to row out to a place he likes, and you can hardly see the Decaying Cliffs from this far out... You have 5 large bait -You May- Cast Out Once Mass Cast