
(You can always check your pinecone count in the Banker's Shack ^^)

Ocean sets up at the sea and cast her reel. catch after catch, 10 times she casted and caught stuff

-You've caught a Glowing Lobster- -Youve caught a Dagger (Weapon)- -Youve caught a Small Fish- As you pull up your fourth catch you're excited as you see a Sea Bass! But almost as soon as you're holding it, you become extremely itchy and begin sneezing. -Youve caught a Sea Bass(Carries Sea Mites)- -Youve caught a Glowing Sea Bass- -You've caught a Flounder- -You've caught an Arrow (Weapon)- -You've caught a Sea Bass- -You've caught a Glowing Flounder- -You've caught a Small Fish- . You have 1 worm and 2 Small Fish left to use as bait Set line again or leave?

use small fish (1) as bait!

You decide to try your luck fishing with a small Fish As bait and quickly cast your line out. After a moment of waiting your line snaps to attention and you quickly begin fighting to reel in this much larger Catch. -You've caught a Shark- Set line again or leave?

leave remaining bait (1 small fish, 1 worm?)


Tragedy looks around curiously and finds himself a spot, curling his tail around his claws as he baits his line first with the worm and casts it.

As you cast your line into the water, the night is so still you can hear it -plop- into the water below you. Making you appreciate the strange beauty of this odd world. Suddenly, your line goes tight and you reel it in! -You've caught a Small Fish!- This can be used as bait for larger fish. . Set line again or leave?

Tragedy smiles and casts again. (Mass cast. I think I have 4 worms, 1 small fish, and a catfish)