
Milo nodded and happily produced the chicken Coop for you, before showing you a button on the side that folded it up and made it easy to take to your room. "They'll make eggs for you, but they'll eat them if you're gone for too long. The Coop also has a feeder that holds a month supply, and Torka will happily feed them for you." He promised, before handing you two hands who were marvelously calm being handled. He places them on your back and they settled down quickly. "Enjoy!" He says with a thumbs up. -You've spent 160 pinecones!-

Evan watched as the coop folded up, Milo's dingy making a bit more sense even if he didn't know the specifics. He should probably head to the inn first. "Thanks. For the chickens and taking me fishing" He said before heading back into town.

The moth noticed the boat and walked over, looking at the content of said boat. She eyed a few things and was quite interested.

Milo takes a while to notice you because of how quiet you are, but his ear soon turn toward you and he looks back with a smile. "Oh hello! Don't think I've seen you in town before. Anything I can help you with?"

"You have so many trinkets!" She drew a tiny little sparkle and enjoyed looking at some of the shiney things Milo has in the fishing boat. "Is there anything for pets?" Zyyrith wrote below her little sparkle.

Milo read the little note and nodded happily. "Yea! I've got fish and bugs and even some little birds!" He promised. Tilting his head. "What are you interested in?

Zyyrith motioned toward the bug habit and the rhino beetle. She retrieved 65 pinecones.

Milo quickly transfered the small bug to his new habitat and smiled happily, pointing to his chest. "He's trained to stay on you so you can wear him like a pin on your chest." He promised, and offered a small bag of food. "This bag should last you his whole life, but if he outlives it, Torka will have what you need to make it." -You've got a Bug Habitat and a Rhino Beetle!- You can name him, and wear your new little friend around town. You may not want to bring it out into the forest though.

The moth stared at her little beetle friend, their antennae moved around a bit before writing; "His name is now 'Perrine'! Thank you." She made an odd little hum squeak noise before scurrying to the inn.

Milo giggled to himself, his tail wagging a bit before he turned back to taking care of his duties and packing for his departure in a few days