
Blaze/Female/Fennec m:??? (a tad earlier, as we’re leaving the caves) I nod, and briskly trot out of the cave. The rain had temporarily stopped, but dark clouds still rolled over the distant mountain range. The wind howled, and swooped down over the lake, like a mighty eagle, grasping the lake water in its talons, churning it into froth. It smacked into my side, knocking me off balance. I fell, and landed in a puddle. My ears felt heavy, and stuck to the sides of my head. I shook myself off. They felt a little lighter. I gave a sigh. Even the sandstorms in the desert were less miserable than this. I clambered up a fallen log, and looked around. There! My prey tree. I was a few tail lengths away from it when all of a sudden, the rain came pouring down. I practically threw myself up the tree and into the hole. I shut and opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the darkness. Two pigeons and a vole, all accounted for. I carefully slung the pigeons across my back, when CRASH! Rumble! I yelped, the noise making me jump and the pigeons falling off my back. I cussed under my breath and hurriedly put them on my back again. If I waited, the rain could get even heavier. I grabbed the vole by its neck, and began to climb out of the tree, when the skies split open and a loud Boom sounded. I scuttled to the entrance, before noticing the ground was getting closer. I looked up, and realised my tree was on fire. Alarmed, I jumped out of the tree before it could hit the ground. Sadly, I had not aimed my jump beforehand and landed in a puddle of mud. The tree thumped down behind me. I dragged the vole all the way back to camp. It got a little muddy, but it was better to eat muddy food than to starve. I reached the camp and tossed my catch into the cave. I gave a nod to Sparrowhawk, Wander and Ace, signalling for them to dig in. I gave a yawn. The near death experience had drained me of my stamina, and I was tired. I shut my eyes. “Brother, brother…” I muttered to myself quietly, “Where are you now?” I chuckled. “Dead probably… but one’s sister can dream…or hope, as they call it…” I fell asleep.

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: MEH The smoke smell was too strong, and the tree was way larger than me. I coughed. I run in the opposite direction of the tree, and I spot flames and embers spreading quickly. Okay, HOW did the fire spread so quickly? It's RAINING!!! I growl under my breath, and I spot another fallen tree in the distance, it was blazing hot fire. Hey... That's the tree where i met blaze! The flames were spreading quicker now, and they were heading in the direction of our cave. No no no no! That is NOT good! I run full speed back to the cave, the flames following close behind me. I burst inside, narrowly avoiding another fallen tree. Blood trickles down my head and paws from the scratched and bruises caused by the tree braches here and there. "Alright, Everyone out. We can't stay here any longer." I say, to everyone urgently. "Forest fire, moving fast. The exit will be blocked by fallen firey trees soon. We have to leave. Now" I announce frantically. I grab hawk and osprey by the jaws, and take them outside. Where nighttingale? I hope she's safe. What about the others? Pandora, Juniper and Bai? I think frantically. I glance behind me, making sure everyone is coming. I could feel the heat of the fires on my skin. Hang in there, I'll keep you safe. You pups shouldn't have to live like this. I think sadly, and run out of the cave.

Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Bai, Pandora Juniper's eyes widened in alarm at Pandora's words, and it wasn't long before he could smell it too. "It's too dangerous out here. We need to go back!" Seeing as Pandora moved so slowly without legs, he lifted her onto his antlers and she curled tightly around them. He tried to run back to the cave, but he was slowed by wind and rain.

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: MEH I spot Juniper and Pandora approaching. I was so relieved. I put the pups down for a minute. "Guys! I'm so glad you're okay. Anybody seen night? We need to move quickly. The fire has died down, but the rain is way heavier than before. I have a feeling the tide is coming in soon. It'll flood the cave if we stay any longer. We have to find her and get out of here." I say urgently, looking around for night.

Juniper | M | Chital Deer | M: Selene "We haven't seen her, sorry," Juniper said. "We didn't get far before the storm got worse. But we could help you look." He was grateful that he'd been able to eat something, but he worried for the others. He prayed that they were able to catch at least something.
Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Selene Pandora shivered with dread at the the thought of staying in the storm longer. She didn't want to look selfish, but it felt as if the cold rain was seeping into her bones and freezing her to her core. But she got the sense that the others would be displeased if she just hid away. She sighed. "I'll help too."
Pandora worried about finding a new shelter. They'd have to brave the storm and find a new place to go. She wasn't looking forward to that.

Night - F - Wolf - M: -_- - I shake me head. I run back to camp only to have a tree cut me out from my group. I keep running. Today is a good day to die. I leap over the tree, flames licking my body. Only for a brief second I feel heat. Then I am out, grabbing Tanager.

Tanager-M-Wolfdog - "Mom, put me down" I yell I twist to nip her side, but I can not reach. "I have legs!"

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Night, Selene, Juniper, Bai The roaring heat of the flames assaulted Pandora's heat pits, making it hard to focus. She flicked her tongue a few times, struggling to catch a scent with all the water and smoke, but then she smelled Night. "I think she's headed back towards camp," she said from the direction of the scent. Pandora was relieved. She was happy Night was okay and glad they wouldn't have to spend extra time in the rain looking for her. (Edit: Added a mention) Edited at June 9, 2024 06:10 AM by Starlight Serpent

Selene | Female | Red Fox | M: Nighttingale, the pups, Pandora (indirect) I exhaled slowly. "That's a relief" I say, and turn to look if she had seen us yet. "Hawk, Luna, be good and stay with Pandora, alright? I'll be back" I tell them, and head off to look for Nighttingale. She should be somewhere here. I manage to hear Tanager squeak something, and I follow the sound. My sense of smell was really messed up by all the rain and smoke, but i needed to find her. "Nighttingale?" I call out, "Night?" I spot her and run up to her. "Night! You're safe! We need to find a new camp. Do you mind taking the lead? I have NO idea what I'm doing" I tell her fondly. If anyone can lead us to safety, it's night. All this smoke can't be good for Ace's blackcough. We should probably get moving right away.

Pandora | F | Ball Python | M: Hawk, Luna, Selene, Night Pandora sighed and made a circle with her body aroun the pups. She hoped they wouldn't be too rowdy. She was already exhausted enough. "We could try going back to the city and hiding in one of the buildings. But it might be too far for now," Pandora said to the adults.