
Mr. Sinclair thought about it for a moment, and then turned to Addy.
"you can drive, can't you dear?" Addy nodded, and was already going to get the keys to her car.

With that Kai walked out the door, gripping Ghost's leash in his right hand tightly ashe got into his car. He figured he might as well get thtere early to let Ghost nose around a bit. He opened the back door on his car letting Ghost jump in before removing his vest and leash. Kai climbed into his own side of the car, starting it and backing out of the driveway, dodging Ghost's tounge in the process. He glanced back at the house before he left, seeing Addison coming out the front door. He sighed. At the beach the pulled into the parking space and let Ghost hop out of the truck, thw dog staying glued to Kai's side as they moved around the car to the truck to put away the hip holster. It wasn't exactly beach apparell. Instead he pulled out a knife, not a large one by any means, and stuck it and it's sheath into his left boot. He sighed and leaned down, clipping a water-proff tracker to Ghost's collar, like he usually did when Ghost was off-leash. He closed the truck with a bottle of dog-sunscreen in his hand. He turned to Ghost "Sit" The dog obeyed, sitting patiently as Kai rubbed the sunscreen onto Ghost's erect ears, and a small dab on his nose, before locking his truck and waiting for the arrivial of the Sinclairs

Addy finally got her brothers ready, and soon they and the dogs were loaded into her small sports car, and on their way to the beach. They got there only a few minutes later, and spilled out onto the white sand. The water glistened before them, and the boys splashed right it, their dogs following. Addy spread out a towel on the warm sand, and stretched out on it, letting her body soak up the sun.

Kai stood back keeping his distance from the kids. He didn't want to ruin their fun, and having a man and a dog looming over you doesn't really help the fun level. So he stood a few paces behind Addy, making sure not to block the sun, and waited. They would surely tire of the beach soon enough. Stiffening as a man caught his eye he watched him. He was probally in his thirties, and he was watching Addy like a sack of meat. Not to mention the way he was slowly creeping closer as if he didn't notice Kai and his dog at all. He crouched and turned back to Addy. "Ms. Sinclair, just so you're aware there's a creepy man headed this way, if you want to give him a swing with your bag"

Addy leaned back in the sand, and closed her eyes. "Daddy hired you for a reason. If there's a problem, take care of it."
She couldn't help being a bit snooty, since it really was his job. Sir put his head in her lap, and she shifted so her body was curled around his.

Kai scowled scoffing at the girl, before straightening. He called Ghost into a heel and walked over to the man. "Sir, if you would back up please" The man frowned but continued trying to pass Kai. He placed a hand on the man's chest. "Sir." His voice hardend. "Please back up" his accent thickend slightly around his vowels. The man snarled and grabbed at Kai's hand ready to fling it off of him before Kai grabbed the arm and twisted it behind the guys back as gently as he could muster. "I told you to back up. Sir." The man scoffed and shook out his arm, but he turned the other way. Faintly he could hear women giggling as he made his way back to his spot, Ghost trailing behind. Distinctly he heard a terribly concealed "Whoever that girl Is is Sooooo lucky!" From a women to his right. As he settled back in the sand his arms crossed over his chest

Addy snorted at the woman's voice. "Yeah, sooo lucky," she muttered to herself. "Being followed around by a man all the time." She stood up and stretched, letting the sun warm her bare skin, and she waded out to her brothers. (I'm so sorry, I lost track of this RP!)

He sighed and rolled his eyes at Addy. The girl, in his opinion, was a bit too snooty. If he was in her shoes he'd welcome someone to watch out for him. But of course he wasn't. Ghost snuffled his hand and give it a lick. Kai watched Addy with a frown. Before his gaze shot back to the twins. He had to keep a eye on those too

The cold water was a bit of a shock, but Addy didn't really mind. She was used to it in a few minutes, and watched as the dogs splashed and played in the shallows. She wondered briefly why her mother still insisted on a bodyguard. She could take care of herself. Probably. And why didn't her brothers have to be tailed all the time. Addy scowled, and splashed water on Briggs, feeling salty.

Kai was about to hitchhike back to his car, get in it, and drive away. Quickly. But unfortunately he needed the money, and it got him out of the house, which was nice, but he didn't appreciate the people-y aspect. He watched the waves, keeping an eye on the twins, he knew they could most likely swim, but it still made him worry a bit. They were just kids. Rolling his eyes at the dirty look Addy gave him, he shot her a annoyed look himself as if to say I don't want to be here either