
These are my roleplay characters! You can look but please dont post! Wolf Hybrid Roleplay Sky Abyss Blue Aspen Fawn - Horse Camp rp Nora(camper)Rides Nala(Nikki)~Page 1 ~ Cynthia(Trail ride instrcutor)(Cindy)Rides NCP~page 1 ~ Mary(Horse)Person is Theo(Royal)~Page 1 ~ Dominic(camper)Rides Cherokee(Midnight)~Page 3 ~ Carissa(camper)Rides Storm(Nikki)~Page 3 ~ Katherine(Kathy)(Horse)Person is Savanna(Midnight)~Page 3 ~ Autumn(Jumping teacher)Rides Smokey(Cinder)~Page 7 ~ Madge(horse)Person is Jack(Cinder)~Page 7 ~ Madeleine(Maddy)(BareBack Teacher)Rides Celestial(Nikki)~Page 7 ~ Leila(horse)Person is Austin(Midnight)~Page 9 Edited at April 2, 2022 12:57 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Sky Name~Sky Age~2 Gender~female Rank~hunter bird type~SparrowHawk wolf type~gray wolf DNA abilities~Wings and Feathers Appearance~She is a small black wolf with gray wings and White front socks. She is very fluffy and she has a long fluffy tail. Her feathers are gray and silver. There around her feet, tail, neck, and wings. Personality~She is shy, playful and loyal Likes~Flying(when she learns), to be clean,hunting,pups and palying Dislikes~Mud, being the center of attention, being alone and Fighting Strengths~Hunting,Speed and Stealth Weaknesses~Her size and Strength (shes a runt so she lacks size and strength) and fighting Crush~Blue Mate~soon to be Blue Family~She was abbandoned when she was little due to her size and strength. Thats when the humans found her and "rescued her". She has a sister (Emily) She was just born when she was abandoned. She also has a litter coming :> Offspring~pregnant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abyss Shes a pup im playing for someone eles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Name Blue Age 3 Gender male Rank scout Bird type Bald Egale wolf type gray wolf DNA abilities Mimic Apperance Blue is a large male wolf. He is white with a silver tail tip. He has grey eyes. Personality Blue is Compationate, kind and Loving. He also loves pups. Likes Blue likes pups, Hunting and a sertant wolf (sky) Dislikes Blue dislikes fighting and walking alot Strengths Hes good at Hunting, eyesight, hearing, smell ect and Remembering stuff Weakness Sky(the wolf) and pups Crush sky Mate (soon to be Sky) Family Blue grew with his pack and his sister. A pack lived besides his and thats where skys pack was so they snook out to see eachother regluarly. Offspring umm not really...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aspen Name Aspen Age 3 Gender Female Rank Beta Bird type Snowy owl Wolf type Gray wolf DNA abilties Wings and understands birds Apperance Aspen is a gray wolf who has silver eyes. She has lots o scars on her body.She can turn her wings invisible Personality Aspen has a shell so when she in that shell she tough and brave but when shes not she loving playful and friendly. Likes she likes working, Training and having a full belly Dislikes Siting still and Being told what to do. Strengths fighting and eyesight Weakness swiming, Stamina and hot days (she cant stand heat, if in it to long will make her sick) Crush none Mate none Family She has her brother Blue Offspring none ~~~~~ Fawn Name Fawn Age 1 1/2 Gender female Rank Omega and not sure when grows up Hybird blue jay wolf type northwestern wolf DNA ability wings and throw voice Apperance fawn is brown with white spots on her back making her look like a fawn. Her wings are tan but can change color when really happy, sad ECT. Personality very happy little one but burrys hurt deep inside her making her explode sometimes, this means she can easily get sad or mad. Likes wolves treating her like an adult and playing Dislikes being treated like a baby and humans Strenghs being in a team, her ability, her hearing and her sight Weakness working alone and her stamina crush None Mate none Family maple is her sister and Luna and Luke are her cousins but she don't know Luna and Luke are her cousins. - Edited at March 12, 2022 04:14 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Spot Name Spot Age 1 year Breed tabby with a bit of siaminse Role female Personality Spot is a very shy cat and keeps to herself. She loves to listen and watch nature in action. She is very nice and kind when interacting with others. She hates loud noises (like yelling and unnatural loud noises, but if it's thunder she doesn't mind) She loves kittens and will help anyone if they ask. She rarely starts a conversation unless she feels like that cat needs someone to talk to or just to be with. Appearance Spot is an orange cat with big blue eyes and 3 brown rings on her tail Mate/kits none(I'm also not allowed to do romantic so she will not have an mate unless I decide to make one for her but If you want to be her kit I can figure something out)(I think this should be put here so ya) Spots mom died in the fire but remi is her adoptive mom! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ London Name London Age 3 years Breed Maine coon with a bit of siberian Role scout Personaility London is a very calm, and very few things get her "excited". Things like New born kittens and snow get her excited to the point she will race up and down, other cats call it zoomies but she dosent mind them calling it that. She loves to play with kittens and loves to scout. She will say her thoughts even though some of them arent nice, she trys to controll what she says but shes not very good at it. She is very loyal and protective of her family friends and kittens. She loves to spend time with her family friends and kittens. She is smart and lives humans even though other cats don't. Apperance basicaly looks like remi just skinnyer and more fur on her ears Mate/kits same like Spot. Remi is her sister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fei Name Fei Age 4 months Breed Ragdoll (yes she a house cat) Role kitten? Personality Fei is a very playful little one and can be anoying sometimes when she messes around too much. She loves playing with other cats even when they don't want to play. She loves to try new things, new food, new games and new things to do. She loves to spend time with other cats and hates being alone. She doesn't mind humans but hates loud nosies. She hated violence and getting hurt/feeling pain. She hates being soaking wet but like just her feet being wet. Apperance She looks like a normal ragdoll kitten. With brown nose, tail, and ears. She's tan with a white belly and paws. Edited at March 12, 2022 04:12 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Horse Camp Rp Name Nora Age 15 Gender female Horse Nala Teachers Jumping teacher, TBD, Gymnastic teacher, TBD and Trail riding instructor, Cindy Apperance Nora is 5'8 with long brown hair. Both her eye brows are periced and she has dyed the tips of her hair blue. She has a long face, a large nose, small lips, and mysterious brown eyes. She has short arms, a thin torso with adolescent breasts with a narrow waist, bony hips, long legs, and small feet. She has pierced both eyebrows. Personality Nora is shy and dosent talk much but if you get her started on horses or animal youll never get her to stop. Acquaintances WIP best friend~Shara Family Nora's mom is Charlotte who is 38 and her dad is Alban who is 39. She gets along with her mom but dosent see her dad often. She has grandma, Bethany who is 62 and a grandpa, Liberio who is 69. She dosent really know her grandma and dosent like her grandpa. She has 4 aunts, Imani who is 37, Cecelia who is 44, Raziya who is 31 and Estella who is 32. She dosent see her aunts Imani or Estella very often and dosent like Raziya. Nora is often bullied by her other aunt, Cecelia. Other ~~~ Name Cynthia (Cindy) Age 48 Gender female Role Trail riding instructor Apperance Cindy is 5'2 and has elbow lentgh black curly hair. She has a narrow face, a small nose, and angled lips. Her alert brown eyes are bulging and she has no eyebrows. She has wide shoulders, muscular arms, a weak torso with modest breasts with a typical waist, plump hips, and short legs. She has pierced her tongue. Personality Cindy is Responsible and athletic. She dosent like being alone and loves to be incharge. She is senstive and gets hurt easily. Acquaintances WIP Family Her mom and dad died so she only has her brother, Plínio who is 45 and her sister, Mafalda who is 22. She dose not trust her brother and loves her sister. Other ~~~ Name Mary Age 20 Gender female Person Theo Breed Tennessee Walking Horse discipline riding horse Apperance Mary is the BuckSkin color Personality Mary is focused and is cofident. She loves to get thing right and feels bad when she messes up. She loves to be with people/other horses. She is quiet and playful despite her age. She is trustworthy and always tells the truth. She loves to help others and cares about others. Acquaintances WIP Family Mary has a daughter, Nara who is 8 years old. Her daughter is very mean so she dosent talk to her much, besides that she was sold to someone eles. She also has a sister, Danica who is 19. Danica acctually sold too, as Dressage horse ~~~ Name Dominic Age 14 Gender male Horse Kathy Teachers Riding teacher, Cindy, Trail riding instructor, Theo. Apperance Dominic is 5'8 with short black hair. He has a square face, a large nose, narrow lips, and his dull light brown eyes are round. He has a long arms and large hands, a narrow torso with a non-existent waist. He has piercings in two places: his left earlobe and his upper lip. Personality Dominic is, lets say not very nice, he loves to play pranks and loves to see people upset. The reason he is like this is because he dosent have a good home life. The reason he was sent here was to learn how to ride so he could be a legend just like all of his family is, now dont get me wrong, he was sent here by his mom. His family thinks he a dissapointment to the family. He hides it but he is acctually a bit scared of horses. So he can be mean and stuff but if you get to know him he can be sweet. Acquaintances WIP Family He has a mom, Lara who is 39 and a dad, Bartolmeu who is 40. His mom loves him but dosent care about what he is feeling and because of that he usally dosent show his real feeling to anyone. His dad hates him and is very mean to him. He has a sister, Marinda, who is 10. She also is very mean to him and often physically hurts him by biting hitting ect. He has a grandma, Daysi who is 72. She also hates him. He has a grandpa, Erico who is 77. He also dosent like him. Other ~~~ Name Carissa Age 13 Gender female Horse Storm Teachers Barrel racing teacher, TBD, Gymnastic teacher, TBD and Trail riding instructor, Theo. Apperance Carissa is 6'0 with long blonde hair. She has a lean face, a large nose, and very thin lips. Her soulless dark brown eyes are round and she has angular eyebrows. She has toned arms, a short torso with no muscle tone, a typical waist, and short legs. She has pierced her left eyebrow. She often wears formal clothes that are mostly colourful and poorly-fitting. She is usually seen wearing a distinctive cap. Personality Carissa loves horses and loves to ride. Her grandma is worryed for her but never the less she made it here. She if friendly, caring loving and kind. She loves to help others learn to ride but dosent stand for bulling. She will stand up for herself and other. Shes confident and loves nature. Acquaintances WIP Family She had a grandma, Tafadzwa who is 64. She dearly loves Carissa and worrys for her. Overall they get along and love eachother. She has a grandpa, Uduak who is 70. He is mean to Carissa but because Carissa is confident she dosent let it bother her. She also has a little sister, Jana who is 12. She is spoiled rotten by her grandpa and thinks she is the adult in the group so Carissa just stays away from her. Her parents died and so thats all of her family. Other ~~~ Name Katherine(Kathy) Age 16 Gender female Person Dominic Breed 3 quarters of Canadian Pacer and 1 quarter of a Shire Horse discipline All rounder Apperance Kathy is pure black mare With black feathers. Personality Kathy is usally easy going but can be spunky sometimes, despite her age. Acquaintances WIP Family Kathy has a little sister, Charlie who is 2 and is still being trained. Her sister is curently at a training place. Her sister can be mean to others and hates it when she get treated that way but she is loving towards her sister so they are pretty close. Kathy also has a daughter, Ivy is is 1. They are close but Ivy has been taken to the vet due to medical problems so Kathy is worryed for her baby. Other ~~~ Name Autumn Age 30 Gender female Role Jumping teacher Horse Whatever Cinder makes XD Apperance Autumn is 5'6 with short dark brown hair. She has a lean face with a round chin, a turned-up nose, large ears and small lips. She has black eyes with neat eyebrows. She has short arms, a narrow torso, long legs, and small feet. Personality Autumn is a bit of a perfectinist. She gets onto sudents for doing the wrong thing. She is very strict and thinks she is always right. Acquaintances WIP Family She has a mom, Amélia who is 60. Her and her mom are pretty close but her mom dosent care what she does. She has a dad, Takaji who is 63. She dosent talk to her dad much. She has a son, Nazeer who is 10. Her son is very messy and therefore Autumn dosent spend much time with him. She also has a daughter, Diana who is 13. Autumn loves her very much and they get along very good. She has 2 sisters, Sadie and Shyanna. She dosent talk to Shyanna much but often sees Sadie and gets along with her. She also has a Niece, Emmy who is 1. She is the daughter of Sadie. Other ~~~ Name Madge Age 3 Gender female Person Jack Breed Akhal-Teke+Arabian discipline Barrel racing Apperance Madge is A BuckSkin color. Personality Madge is very stubborn and frisky. She dosent always do what people want her to do. She is also playful and will roll whenever she wants to. She is learning to be good but still is naughty sometimes. She has a special bond with Jack and will often only let him ride and pet her. Again she is very stubborn. Acquaintances WIP Family Madge acctually has a little filly who was just born a month ago. Her name is Charlie. She has a big sister, Savani who is 8. Her sister didnt get captured unlike her so her sister is still out in the wild, with her herd and kids. Madge has a Niece, Joana, who is 2. She is a master a maniplualtion and always gets what she wants. Madge is glad she isnt there anymore though cause Joana always used her for stuff. Other ~~~ Name Madeleine (maddy) Age 47 Gender female Role BareBack teacher Horse Celestial Apperance Maddy is 5'8 with knee-length, straight, black hair. She has a lean face with a pointed chin, a large nose, small ears, smooth cheeks and angled lips.She has small piercing grey eyes. She has slanted shoulders, weak arms, a slender torso with a defined waist, and long legs. Personality She is kind and caring but is serious about training. She lets the kids mess around but when its time to practice she can be like Autumn if you mess around. Acquaintances WIP Family Maddy has 3 brothers, Anton who is 31, Conner who is 40, Fran who is 53. She dosent talk to all of her brothers very often. In fact her brother fran hates her and is mean to her. Her brother Conner has a son, Max who is 8. Max loves Maddy and will often call her and talk to her. Her other brother, Anton also has a daughter, Caitlyn who is 2. She also loves Maddy and has her dad call maddy so she can talk to her. Other Edited at March 31, 2022 01:55 PM by TheHappyHowlers

Edited at March 14, 2022 07:04 PM by TheHappyHowlers