Name > Meaning > Gender (F)emale/(M)ale/(U)nisex) :
Aegir: "God of the ocean" (M)
Aphrodite: "Born from the sea" (F)
Barbeau: "Fisherman" (M)
Caspian: (The geographical name referring to the large salty sea between Asia and Europe.) (M)
Delja: "Daughter of the sea" (F)
Esmarie: "Drop of the sea" (F)
Fisher: "Fisherman" (U)
Fisk: "Fisherman" (M)
Gyasto: "Ocean" (M)
Havlock: "Sea competition" (M)
Hurley: "Sea tide" (U)
Irving: "Sea friend" (M)
Llyr: "The sea" (U)
Mariner: "Sea farer" (M)
Marino: "Of the sea" (M)
Merlin: "Sea fortress" (M)
Marys: "Of the sea." (F)
Nixie: "Water nymph" (F)
Wade: "At the river crossing" (M)