Dawnforest As you hold out the fish in front of it, it sniffs and then immediately takes the offered food. Once that piece is gone, it starts to sniff around for more. It realizes that the fish came from your hand and started to lick your fingers. Do you... A) Give it more fish B) Continue your adventure and hope it follows you C) Continue to pet it and examine it closer
Pack Name: Drunken seas Pack Number: 295451 Interactive?: Yes please Terrain: Tropics Food: soft food & deer meat Items: crate, baby toy, pebble, toucan feather and glowing rock. Total Mush: 130 mush? Other/Recomendations:
Drunken seas said: Pack Name: Drunken seas Pack Number: 295451 Interactive?: Yes please Terrain: Tropics Food: soft food & deer meat Items: crate, baby toy, pebble, toucan feather and glowing rock. Total Mush: 130 mush? Other/Recomendations:
Yup! You can send now, after the interactive is done, or half now and half later!
Drunken Seas The shopkeeper grabs the items you asked for and carefully packs them into a bag. He gestures to a viny door on one side of the room, "There's your door, have fun and good luck!" Walking across the doorway, you take in your surroundings. There are tracks to your left, they look like a singular line drawn in the mud. There is a tree with low-hanging seed pods ahead of you, birds fill the branches. Do you... A) Follow the tracks to the left B) Go to the bird-filled tree C) Push deeper into the forest
Continue to pet it and examine it closer
Dawnforest As you start to scratch it's ears, it pushes it's head against your hand. You examine the cat closer and find that it is a female! You also notice that she seems to be guarding her stomach a bit... Do you... A) Push the cat away B) Pick it up and continue on your journey C) Feed it some more fish
Drunken Seas After about twenty minutes of following the winding tracks through the mud, you come to a sluggish river. There are a few of what look like alligators along the edge, but they seem to be asleep. The tracks lead down into the water and you notice a small nest of eggs at the edge of the treeline a few meters away. There are two alligators separating you and them, though. Do you... A) Turn around and try somewhere safer B) Try to sneak around the alligators to the nest C) Follow the tracks to the edge of the water D) Kick an alligator. This isn't dangerous enough for me!
Drunken Seas You follow the singular line of tracks to the edge of the water. Upon looking across the expanse, you see several watersnakes swimming. Some of these snakes are black as night, white, green, brown...basically any color you could imagine. If you want a snake, you've hit the jackpot! (Seriously though, what you find is based on random chance and this was a 5/250 chance) Do you... A) Try to lure a snake closer to you B) Find a different animal(Leave) C) Wade into the river