
Brosc lives with Suya Reynard lives in a room in her casino aaaand Harper will be homeless after this first post :)

Noelle lives with Sau , Sebastian, & soon Isolde in their castle home Joaquin mosh likely lives with or near Cath Cordelia lives with her husband Tatsuya with Brosc

Also want to see some looks for Joaquin?

I just thought something Isa and Vivi would have a shit ton of vampire children to look after since most of their parents were killed in the attack - The two lesbo moms that everyone needs

Them adopting the hell out of childes Tamesis said: I just thought something Isa and Vivi would have a shit ton of vampire children to look after since most of their parents were killed in the attack - The two lesbo moms that everyone needs

Tauekel would offer to help and adopt multiple as well XD Spellbound said: Them adopting the hell out of childes Tamesis said: I just thought something Isa and Vivi would have a shit ton of vampire children to look after since most of their parents were killed in the attack - The two lesbo moms that everyone needs

Oswic probably has a similar living space to Noelle lol not really sure haha Tauekel lives in a large house/mansion, very much cabin style while still be luxurious, cozy, and minimalistic. Also has secret underground tunnel system for mafia business, and to the casino. Shanahan probably stays with Noelle.

This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen Thanos would but he has enough children on his plate XD Overthink101 said: Tauekel would offer to help and adopt multiple as well XD Spellbound said: Them adopting the hell out of childes Tamesis said: I just thought something Isa and Vivi would have a shit ton of vampire children to look after since most of their parents were killed in the attack - The two lesbo moms that everyone needs

Thanos; "Sorry but I have too many." Tauekel; "No such thing. Take five more at least." Tamesis said: This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen Thanos would but he has enough children on his plate XD Overthink101 said: Tauekel would offer to help and adopt multiple as well XD Spellbound said: Them adopting the hell out of childes Tamesis said: I just thought something Isa and Vivi would have a shit ton of vampire children to look after since most of their parents were killed in the attack - The two lesbo moms that everyone needs

Thoughts on Joaquin so far