Kayne would totally come out of his little corner for this xD Kayne: * selects a red marker* "Let's give him an 'I love Mom' tattoo." The Tea Drinkers said: Avery: Why are we laying on the ground? Mattis: You fainted, so me and Max lay down on the ground so people would think we were just chillin' :)) --- *At the zoo* Koji: Max, why are the animals in prison? Max: This isn't a prison, Koji, it's a zoo Koji: So they can leave? Max: Well, no, but- Avery, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one killed somebody. --- Dev: I'm so glad Avery feels comfortable enough to sleep around us. Seth: He looks so cute... Ellis: Really peaceful too. Ellis, pulling out permanent markers to pass around: And vulnerable.
I'm debating doing another post with Kayne. Like, I really want him to interact with everyone, cause right now he's just hiding and watching all the chaos, but maybe I should wait until after Adramalech bonds him.
You have my full support to post again. I know i've taken a while and I apologize. The second half of my week is always crazy. So please post if you want <3 pyromaniac said: I'm debating doing another post with Kayne. Like, I really want him to interact with everyone, cause right now he's just hiding and watching all the chaos, but maybe I should wait until after Adramalech bonds him.
Pyro; I posted for Adrame but I left Kayne alone so you can have him interact with others first
Oh that water dragon sass, coming in hot
Imperial Sands said: Pyro; I posted for Adrame but I left Kayne alone so you can have him interact with others first
Sounds good! I'll get a post done very soon tonight and at the end perhaps Adramelech ends up very close to him and makes eye contact. Kayne isn't going to budge when Adreme comes his way. He's gonna figure Adramelech will kill him but he won't step aside, he's too proud and stubborn for that. I figure Adreme will either like this or be irritated by it. What do you think?
Adra is an aggressive creature but he will appreciate Kayne's stubbornness. He wouldn't want a rider thats going to constantly cower in fear. ^^ pyromaniac said: Imperial Sands said: Pyro; I posted for Adrame but I left Kayne alone so you can have him interact with others first
Sounds good! I'll get a post done very soon tonight and at the end perhaps Adramelech ends up very close to him and makes eye contact. Kayne isn't going to budge when Adreme comes his way. He's gonna figure Adramelech will kill him but he won't step aside, he's too proud and stubborn for that. I figure Adreme will either like this or be irritated by it. What do you think?
Alright, Kayne is done. This is gonna be fun now. ^^
Caelestis is finally done!
Despite being pretty tired, the starter feeling a bit rushed, and it being 6 in the morning for me, I think it looks pretty good.
Also, for the people who I've held up by being slow to get Caelestis done, I am so sorry. I don't know what happened this week, but unless a major family emergency suddenly pops up, this won't happen again.
I will be working on another Caelestis post to get everything up to date, he's open to interactions beyond that with Shikoba. Edited at June 17, 2024 06:13 PM by the Wayne pack
just posted for koji, i'm super busy the next two days and my wifi has been spotty, so it may be a day or two before i can get another post out! i'm also restricted to mobile for now, so don't mind my post if they aren't formatted well :,)