Aha I- I need help- I-
I feel like making...
I... Feel... like... making. a... a... a-
A new RP-
German Fingers I am down owo
See that's the question Cardinal Skies said: About what? :0
Magic? Medieval? I've had a Harry Potter but dragon riders idea in my head but I'm already in spells dragon rider so I don't really want to make that... im thinking more trained magic soldiers who are forced to die or work for a queen escape or something
OOO I like the magic soilders idea :0 What if you remade that Griffin vs. Dragon RP of yours?
Too many characters- plus were kinda in a dragon riders at war kinda thing so I want a plot that doesn't involve war XD plus I kinda developed it before and my life exploded so I never got to finishing it
Ah, gotcha gotcha. I thought it was a very interesting plot :) Maybe these magic using soilders are thrown in a competition to fight and whoever wins can resign and such? Maybe they do escape and are on the run or something
Yeah- I'll think on exactly what the plot is. all I know is that there's different magic classes and if you have magic, either you serve the kingdom or you get killed because "rogue" mages are uncontrollable and dangerous.
OOO. I like that *^* Maybe they're also not liked by non-magic users because they envy the power, however want to put them down.