Oh I almost forgot to ask- What kind of wolves are you all interested in from wolf party? It'll be best if I ask so I can keep an eye out for them. I usually only keep Boosts and Pelt defects or HW Heroes so if there's anything else please let me know!
I love pelt defects or GB
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GB can't be taken from Wolf Party until March but pelt defects are fun. I'd love heros or HWs
Salem said: GB can't be taken from Wolf Party until March but pelt defects are fun. I'd love heros or HWs
I'll definitely be saving up a small fortune starting February probably, for March, I hear wolf party is half price on st. Patty's day so I'm looking forward to that
How much do you need for the first giveaway? Seems like only a small amount want in, but it could be fun to do it anyway
I was thinking of starting with 5 apple's worth of Mush, that should be enough to hopefully get at least another 5 wolves that are keep-worthy I'll let you decide what the apple to mush conversion would be
Thank you so much Husky :00
No problem! Salem said: Thank you so much Husky :00
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How do you people have so much money? I spend it all on adopts.