I love the you wrote little poems for everyone's compliments. I'll have to get cracking on my compliments. We're working on getting more people in here, so if you think of anyone, Argos, feel free to reccomend it to them. Maybe we can get this as active as it was in the old days :)
Some questions that you can answer for people that you've roleplayed with for people as they come in. Who is your favorite character that you've roleplayed with? (Someone else's character. Go through each person that you've roleplayed with that is in here) Favorite roleplay Favorite plot
Frog , my favorite character of yours I think is Ajihad from the lion RP we had. He was so sweet to my Amara. XD (I will have to stalk and see who else is here before I add others)
Ajihad was fun to play XD Also as this club is open for anyone feel free to invite anyone Edited at February 11, 2022 07:20 PM by Sir Froggington
Makes me want to start it where we left off again. Lol!
I think it died partially because people's activity was spotty and mostly because I didn't respond 😬 Edited at February 11, 2022 07:22 PM by Sir Froggington
If it helps, I'll have stable hours at work starting Tuesday! :)
Back in the day there was another club, that was kinda like the opposite of this, and we did a lot of roleplays together. Someone would come up with an idea and depending on popularity would make it
Oh nice! That sounds pretty cool
I've never done a single lion RP - I don't know why, it's not like I don't like lions. But if you guys were in it I'd probably join :)