Wolf Play : a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | open
06:41:28 binders
hi @sea
 Sea Coast
06:41:14 Sea/Coast/Beach
I still cant get over Low Key XD
06:41:08 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Human nature is merely too based upon competition and desire. Were it based on anything else, perhaps things would be better.
06:41:01 The Naming Empress
Low Key
Lets do it
The Alliance
06:40:57 skye
yeah shes the cutest girl shes really tiny her eggs are the same size as quail eggs
06:40:19 The Naming Empress
Low Key
I wasnÂ’t expecting the chicken jump scare

Thats what my Ex calls them
And IÂ’m sticking with it
06:40:17 skye

she is a mixed breed silkie/pekien
 Sea Coast
06:39:45 Sea/Coast/Beach
06:39:43 skye

yeah this world is so bad its sad because it could be so good!
06:39:07 The Naming Empress
Sea thanks:3
06:39:00 skye
Another pretty big mumma pic
06:38:44 The Naming Empress
I have two more that I havenÂ’t shown chat, but theyÂ’re the bossy ones

And I really donÂ’t feel like trying to take a good picture of them together
06:38:30 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

The thought of a Soylent Green situation is both terrifying and fascinating. If I remember correctly, they started the process to correct overpopulation, but it didn't seem to help. If such a process were to occur, wouldn't humans become sick due to the mass fat content in the human body?
 Sea Coast
06:38:23 Sea/Coast/Beach
Hi Emerald.
06:37:58 The Naming Empress
Here they all are conspiring against me
06:37:48 binders
 Sea Coast
06:37:12 Sea/Coast/Beach
Aww! cute chickens guys!
06:36:45 The Naming Empress
Low Key
I want. 😍
06:36:08 The Naming Empress
Calypso brown one Is the biggest
Trixie is the black one
And Blu is the one behind Calypso
06:36:05 skye
this is big mumma she is beautiful and fat and dont tell her otherwise!


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a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 01:49 AM


Posts: 4898
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the introduction
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Following purchase from an auction of captured mustangs, a horse formerly blessed with the freedom to roam freely and graze where and when they pleased finds themself confined in a tall-standing pen, limiting their running space and their options to graze. Fury surged through the horse, and in an act of desperation they turned to the horses in the neighboring pasture; unfortunately, these horses and their pony companion all expressed no interest in helping the horse escape. Until the fire happened.

On foal watch, a tired stable hand knocked over a lantern, the candle inside catching the surrounding hay and lighting the stable on fire. Flames rose steadily, lapping at the ceiling as the horses all panicked and fled when their latches were released. The mustang was also released, gathering a group of the horses from the pasture and their little pony, whom they'd refused to leave behind despite the urging of the mustang. Together, under the leadership of a far more experienced horse, they all fled.

Now, they roam the massive, free territory of Yellowstone National Park as their own, new herd; one mustang, several purebred show horses, and a miniature horse. The wild horse intends to take them to their previous herd, the band commonly seen by tourists around McCollough's Peak. Will they find the herd together, and will it be smooth sailing? Or will freedom take it's toll on the pampered stable horses?

current subplot (survivors)
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The fire happened two days ago; after hours of endless walking, pushed onward by their new leader and the desire to be safe, they have reached their first long-term resting place. With a large open field to graze and the steady water of a small creek nearby, the horses are eager to play, graze, and rest. But, with predators potentially lurking around every corner and bachelor stallions roaming around, are they truly safe yet?

current subplot (herd)
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The deputy mare has been missing for a month; hope for her return after the round-up has dwindled to none, and the herd has begun to move on. The role has yet to be filled out of respect for the mare and those grieving her loss, particularly the young foal she left behind; the foal is now in the care of her sister-- the dominant mare--and the dominant stallion. Ambitious mares are vying for the attention of the leads to prove they're worthy of taking on her place once the leads decide it's time; maybe you will catch their eye?

Edited at August 3, 2021 02:50 AM by ataciara
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 02:06 AM


Posts: 4898
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the herd ranks
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The dominant mare is the mare with the utmost authority in the herd; her word is law, and any decision she makes is final. There is a veto, of course, with this power falling upon the shoulders of the lead stallion, his lieutenants, and the deputy mare. She is the most experienced mare in the herd--next to any elders, of course--and knows the best grazing grounds, the best places for water, and generally how to keep the herd alive in their home. To go against this mare is to go against your herd, and can result in your exile. This position can be challenged, but only with the approval of the majority of the herd. (reserved)
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The deputy mare is the most trusted mare of the dominant; she is her second in command, and is often one of the oldest of the mares. The dominant will come to her for advice when it's needed, and in her absence she will have authority over the herd. Often times, after the retirement of the dominant, her deputy will take over if she is young enough. This mare is typically related to or close friends with the dominant. (open)
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The dominant stallion has no true power among the herd, aside from being able to boss the other stallions around and having the right to reproduce; a majority of the foals in the herd will typically be sired by this stallion. He cannot bring horses into the herd without the permission of the dominant mare, nor chase them out unless they've put a member of the herd in danger. He is there for the protection of the herd, first and foremost. (taken)
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The lieutenant stallions are the muscle of the herd. They are here to protect the mares and foals, and have the right to breed so long as there is no dominant stallion, or he allows them to do so. If a mare or foal is injured under their watch, they are punished severely or exiled. (3/3 open)
. .
The herd mares are the body of the herd; these are the mares, the whole reason the herd exists. Without them, there would be no herd. They are responsible for the upbringing of any foals and backing up their leads as is needed. They have no power in the herd. (unlimited)
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The foals are the members of the herd under the age of four, at which age horses are matured. Until they reach that age, they are learning from the herd and preparing for adulthood. (open, limited)

Edited at August 3, 2021 02:56 AM by ataciara
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 02:10 AM


Posts: 4898
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the rules
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1. All wolfplay rules trump my own; keep it pg-13, and follow all wolfplay rules.
2. This roleplay is semi-literate, so at least 150 words please.
2b. A sentence should have detail, not just "He looks up. He sees a horse. He walks over to say hi."
3. Keep all aspects of your character realistic. Keep them built like an their breed, including height and weight. A tamed horse that has never seen a predator, will not stand up to a predator, they will flee. They can talk to each other, but that's about it. I'll be lenient and sizes for the mustangs won't be as strict because of mixed heritage, but the purebred horses can be at most 2 inches (half a hand) taller or shorter than the average.
4. Characters can die or get captured or lost, it's just life; please do not throw a fit. These will never be done without your permission, but there will be events where this can happen.
5. Currently, there is no character limit. Play what you can handle. If people start making a bunch of characters and not attempting to use them, a limit will be put in place.
6. The only mustang in the new herd is the one from the auction; the others are purebred show horses. The horses in bachelors roles and the pre-existing herd will also, obviously, be mustangs without specific breeds beyond that.
7. No ooc drama, don't be that person. Also, no mary sues, gary sues, weeping willows, etc.
7b. On the subject of being that person; don't run off from the herd, don't get injured all the time (trust me, your horse would probably die), don't surprise people with plots, and don't make everything about you.
8. I understand being busy, but preferably be able to post once a week; if you need a break, let me know and I'll work with you, but don't just ghost or your characters will be killed off/said to be captured/lost from the herd.
9. Put your favorite horse breed and showing event in the password section of your form.
10. No love at first sight; the purebred and herd horses (obviously not together) have known each other for long periods of time, and can have established relationships going into the roleplay, but they must have depth and a story instead of 'they met and fell in love'.
11. NO ORPHANED FOALS. All horses under the age of two must have an adult guardian, be it their parent or simply an aunt/uncle/family friend that took them in. Aged two and older will be learning to function on their own more attentively, so they're fine.

Edited at August 3, 2021 02:17 AM by ataciara
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 02:16 AM


Posts: 4898
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the characters
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the dominant mare
1. name, age, played by
the deputy mare
1. locked
the dominant stallion
1. saulceris, ten, played by ataciara
lieutenant stallions
1. name, age, played by
2. name, age, played by
3. name, age, played by
herd mares
1. name, age, played by
2. name, age, played by
3. name, age, played by
herd foals
1. name, age, mother x father/guardian, played by
2. name, age, mother x father/guardian, played by
survivors roles
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the mustang
1. name, age, played by
the show horses (max 6)
1. name, gender, age, breed, played by
2. name, gender, age, breed, played by
3. name, gender, age, breed, played by
4. name, gender, age, breed, played by
5. name, gender, age, breed, played by
6. name, gender, age, breed, played by
the miniature horse (optional, just a role for fun)
1. name, gender, age, played by RESERVED
independent roles
bachelor band (limited role)
1. name, gender, age, played by
2. name, gender, age, played by
3. name, gender, age, played by
4. name, gender, age, played by

Edited at August 3, 2021 11:39 PM by ataciara
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 02:48 AM


Posts: 4898
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the character form
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desired role:
other relationships: (opt)
* = stable horses only
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 02:53 AM


Posts: 22535
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Reserving Dominant Mare
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 02:59 AM


Posts: 4898
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all images in this bio are stock images by blissfully-blind on deviantart
{ Age }
Ten Years
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{ Gender }
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{ Rank }
Saulceris is the lead stallion of the pre-existing herd
Saulceris is a stallion of, for lack of a better word, beautiful coloration. His coat appears to be the coloration of honey in some places, and more of a tree's bark color as you travel further down his legs. His mane and tail are of a pristine, light blond color, strikingly contrasting his dappled, darkly colored coat.
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Saulceris is what humans would call a dappled chocolate palomino; his coat contains an array of palomino shades, lightening toward his center yet darkening toward the ends of his frame on either end, particularly toward his legs, which are then a blond similar to that of his mane and tail as you near his hooves.
. .
Saulceris inherited the deep brown gaze of his mother, appearing to glisten a vague golden color when the sunlight hits them just so. They hold a certain fire to them, an undying ferocity, especially when he was taken on a battle for the sake of the mares and foals of the herd.
. .
The stallion stands at an approximate 17.4 hands, with a build consisting of defined muscle and his figure depicting that of a healthy, well-fed feral horse. He is a large stallion, having inherited his height from his father rather than his quite short mother, and often used his size to his advantage in warding off rivaling stallions or predators.
{ Adaptable } - { Alert } - { Clear-headed }
The lead was selected likely due to his approach to life; he is willing to adapt to every challenge life throws his way, accepting them gracefully and easing into a new routine with minimal difficulties or reservations. He does his best to always be aware of his surroundings and alert, listening carefully for anything that would pose a danger to his herd, and he's furious with himself for not being able to do anything to keep the foals safe from the new lead. Saulceris approaches things with a clear mind and a calm demeanor, he's typically going to be the calm before the dominant mare's storm.
. . .
{ Compassionate } - { Considerate } - { Cooperative }
The palomino is a stallion driven by his compassion for the herd; when times got rough in the herd and a mare passed, or a foal was lost to natural causes or a predator, Saulceris was one of the first to join the mares in their grief. He'd step in as a shoulder to cry on, standing close to the grieving mare(s) and offering his support while she needs it. The wellbeing of the mares was his main priority, and he'd do anything it took to be sure they and their young would thrive. He'll work with anyone he needs to if it means the herd is fine, even if he isn't particularly fond of the individual.
. . .
{ Decisive } - { Dedicated } - { Dignified }
Saulceris is a stallion that knows what he wants and how to get it; he isn't manipulative, but he is a hard worker. He carries himself with the dignity and the authority of a stallion that many would believe was a lead. Saulceris is dedicated to the herd and to his lifestyle, and especially dedicated to any mares that claimed a special place in his heart; he isn't a one mare stallion, but he does love them all equally and treat them like the queens he firmly believes they are. The stallion is a romantic, and he will sooner die than treat a mare poorly.
/ / /
{ Busy } - { Enigmatic } - { Family-Oriented }
Unfortunately for his devotion to family and his clear adoration for his mares and foals, Saulceris was always quite the busy character. When he wasn't patrolling the outskirts of the herd for dangers, he was trailing well behind everyone to make sure there were no stragglers. He could often be seen standing at a higher vantage point, looking down on the herd and watching for any danger further away. For all that was clear in the stallion's personality, there are also mysteries as to how he gets around and takes care of things in general. He's almost an enigma, though not quite; he's got his mysterious qualities, but to call him a true puzzle would be a minor overstatement.
. . .
{ Intense } - { Old-Fashioned } - { Private }
The stallion is quite old fashioned in terms of belief; he holds the "laws" of nature very seriously, especially in terms of leadership and how it's passed on. Should a mare attempt to challenge the lead, he will promptly come between them and rear up, protecting his partner; it isn't right for a mare to challenge her leader, not in his eyes nor is it how things are run, and he will shut that down immediately when he's able. Should his lead mare decide she'd like to accept the challenge, he will stand down and allow her to do her thing.
Saulceris is intense in how he handles things, particularly the safety of his herd; he will not back down until his dying breath, should a stallion attempt to take over. His foals and those of his companion stallions are of his greatest priority, alongside the general health of his beloved mares, and he will do everything in his power to be sure all is well and the younger generations survive. Should a stallion challenge him and fail, he will exile him if he was a herd stallion (even if it was his own lieutenant!), and will chase him until he is either far enough from the herd or collapses from overexertion (especially bachelors). He will not hesitate to kill or seriously injure a stallion (then leaving him to die), should he refuse to leave; it's nothing personal, it's simply for the best that he is no longer allowed within the herd.
Despite his fierce protection of the herd, Saulceris is a bit of a private horse. He doesn't air his dirty laundry or voice his concerns out loud, and will instead handle them privately; concerns are discussed with the deputies first, to be sure they're worth the lead mare's time, before he will seek her out. In general, he does not like (at all) for anything in his private life to be made public to the herd.
/ / /
{ Assertive } - { Blunt } - { Calculating }
A blunt stallion with every move carefully thought out ahead of time, Saulceris never had any issue putting his hoof down when push came to shove. He would be one of the first to charge in and start kicking when things got rough, though not without a clear course of action planned out in his mind. The stallion is assertive when he needs to be, especially with young colts still learning their places. He's blunt, never afraid of speaking his mind, but he will feel bad if his words push a limit even a centimeter too far.
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{ Affiliations }
Please PM me to plot relationships with this character <3
{ Crush }
Open; DM me
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{ Favored Mare(s) }
Open, DM me! He isn't the type to have a specific mate, but he may have 1-2 mares he is particularly fond of.
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{ Kin }
DM me! Open for a younger brother and sister, and maybe a foal he's taken guardianship over (probably a niece/nephew)
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{ Offspring }
He's open to have sired foals/yearlings (really any horse under the age of 7) within the herd, and likely would have sired the majority given his role.
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{ Other }
I love the Orlov Trotter, and for eventing probably dressage (we stan rave horse in this house)

Edited at August 3, 2021 03:02 AM by ataciara
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 12:20 PM

Former Pack

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Reserve the mustang
a new beginning | s.lit horse rp | openAugust 3, 2021 11:28 PM


Posts: 4518
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Reserving the miniature horse :D

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