Wolf Play : The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open
 Blood lust tide
06:51:33 BewareWhoYouTrust
Finally death grip at age of 2
-WP Click-
06:51:29 The Naming Empress
Good night
06:51:21 skye
bingo is pretty!
i have other chickens just not alot of pictures
and they arent as fluffy as big mumma!
06:50:41 Silver
Pm me if you want to rp
06:50:30 skye

ill ask again
are you okay XDD
Goodnight yaÂ’ll
06:50:09 The Naming Empress
ThereÂ’s a Bingo perched on my arm
06:49:51 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I am probably on a list right now. I just looked up which parts of the human body are most edible. XD
Lost legacy
 The lost legacy
06:48:03 Winner
Looking to rp with someone!
06:46:53 The Naming Empress
I gotta go update my bio now!
06:46:47 skye
ignore the reason for the forum
i just love this picture of kiwi its amazing
-WP Click-
06:46:33 The Naming Empress
I have a Bingo perched on my arm
06:46:15 skye
okay XD
 Sea Coast
06:45:43 Sea/Coast/Beach
Bye emerald.
06:45:29 The Naming Empress
Low Key
IÂ’ve dragged to Otter
Into my nickname empire
06:45:24 skye
oh no XD
06:45:01 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Holy crap, I just looked it up. Soylent Green is set up in the year 2022. XD
Please join my rp! -WP Click-
06:44:45 binders


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The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 06:39 AM


Posts: 9246
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The Stolen Herd

In a quiet place in the middle of nowhere, two herds reside. A harmonious relationship between them, ruled by two stallions who are well-known to one another. The herds spend time together, play together, graze together. The lead mares were like sisters, the lead stallions perhaps even closer--often backing each other up in fights, or sending herd stallions to round up run-away foals from both sides.

And then life decided that harmony wasn't an option.

A stranger stallion, large and brutish, chose the smaller of the two lead stallions and fought him. The stranger won, sending the lead and whatever herd stallions he had away. The stranger, then, did a most horrendous thing. He killed the foals of the herd, and removed all ranks except herd mares and the lead stallion. There is no more lead mare, there are no more yearlings nor foals. The life that the herd had known and loved was gone.

The stallions that had been sent away managed to make their way to the other herd, the lead being battered and bruised. They were welcomed into their neighboring herd with open arms, and a promise of protection. It was then that they found out that the stranger was moving the stolen herd away. Through plains, forests, canyons--any terrain you can think of, the stolen herd would travel. In its wake, an influx of bachelor and lone stallions was forcing the other herd to move, too.

Travelling through treacherous terrain, challenges beyond their imagination, predators wishing to make a snack out of them, exhaustion, anxiety and the added stress of having to fight of stranger stallions at every turn, life has turned into a game of luck.

Now, the question is, will they follow the stolen herd and risk a game of all-or-nothing, or go the opposite way and abandon the mares they had grown to love like family?


My co-owners of this RP are Imperial Sands and Tenebris Umbra! They hold the same amount of authority as I do, and are to be treated as such!



Sign-Ups: You are here

Discussion: Click

RP Thread: N/A

Edited at July 29, 2021 12:49 AM by Polly
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 06:47 AM


Posts: 9246
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RP Rules
1. All of Eve's rules, obviously.
2. This RP does have elements of unrealism, but your characters should be realistic. I want realistic coat colors, and realistic sizes. The animals can be a little above the average or normal size, but not too much.
3. Again, questions--PM me. Do not clog up this thread with unnecessary talk.
5. Credit your images, or else I will not accept your character.
6. With images also, make sure they are uploaded to an acceptable image hosting site.
7. This is semi-literate. That means I require full sentences for appearance and personality (yes, even if you have an image for appearance. I need measurements and scars/things that aren't shown on the image). Put your favorite breed of dog in other.
8. This also means that you need at least 2 paragraphs, with at least 5 sentences per paragraph, per post per character, and acceptable grammar. I understand writers block, but we need something to reply to.
9. If you are fighting, allow others to reply, and do not dodge every hit, or land every hit.
10. Be active. At least one post per week, unless you give me a viable reason as to why you can't do that.
11. No godmoding, powerplaying etc.. None of that will be tolerated.
12. Don't have your character be "that guy". Don't have them constantly disobey orders, or constantly wander off--doing this sometimes is okay, but c'mon, really? It doesn't make you fun, it makes you annoying.
13. No instant-mates, or being mates with your own character. Put the missing number from the rules in other as well.
14. For the purpose of this RP, there will be no no orphans. They must have, at least, an adoptive parent or guardian.
15. We reserve the right to deny applications.
16. Three strikes and "you're out". Break three rules, and you will be removed. Get three warnings, and you will be removed. Likewise, if we have to tell you to fix your form three times, we reserve the right to deny your application.
17. No perfect characters!
18. Drama in the RP is encouraged, however, OOC (Out Of OC) drama will not be tolerated. If you have an issue, PM me, and I will sort it out.
19. Reservations last 48 hours!
20. There will be a Four haracter Limit! If you want to have more than four characters, you must seek permission from me.
21. Do not have all of your character be high ranking characters.
22. Lastly, and most importantly, have fun!


The Stolen Herd Rules

1. No wandering away from the herd.
2. Stay within the sight of the lead stallion.
3. Do not listen to the former lead mare--she no longer holds a substantial rank.
4. Follow the lead stallion.
5. Do not talk to stallions outside of the herd.
6. The lead stallions word is law.
7. Relationships with a stallion outside of the herd is punishable.


The Naxar Herd Rules

1. Lead mare and lead stallion hold the same amount of power.
2. The other herd is our friend--don't attack them.
3. Don't wander too far away from the herd.
4. Don't disobey those higher than you.
5. Respect one another.
6. No relationships with bachelor/lone horses.
7. Don't harm foals/other horses.
8. Look out for one another.
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:03 AM


Posts: 9246
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Explanation of Roles

Lead Stallion

The male leader of the herd--he defends it against outside threats of other stallions, and chases away other stallions as well as predatory threats. The foals of the herd may be his, or that of a herd stallion. His main responsability is the safety of the herd, making sure there are no dangers in the area and eliminating the threat if there is one. He is often brutish, or capable of defending the herd against outside attackers. The leads are not mates, as he often impregnates multiple mares in the herd.

Former Lead Stallion

The Previous Lead Stallion of the stolen herd--a relative or foal-hood friend of the lead stallion. If the Lead Stallion and this stallion decide it, they may have a conjoined leadership, or he may be treated as a second-in-charge of the stallions. His roles are generally the same as the Lead Stallion, even if he is injured.

New Lead Stallion

This is a large, brutish stallion who fought visciously to gain control over the Stolen Herd. He will have injuries, but not as many as the previous lead stallion. He will, preferably, be domineering and purely wish to carry on his bloodline, having little care for the mares at first. His other duties/roles are a mixture of the lead mare and the lead stallion.

Lead Mare

Generally called the true leader of the herd, this mare has complete control over the mares, perhaps even more control over them than the Lead Stallion. She directs them, usually leading them to new areas. She settles disputes between mares and foals, aiding the Lead Stallion in correcting behaviour.

Former Lead Mare

This is the former lead mare of the Stolen Herd. She will have some form of control over the mares, and be the unspoken leader of them, but her rank and control will not be recognized as an existing thing by the new lead stallion. To him, she will just be another snarky herd mare. She will still settle disputes and correct some behaviour before the new lead stallion notices it, but she will no longer have the ability to lead them. Some herd mares may take this chance to undermine her and her now unofficial authority.


The Lieutenant is the current second in command for the Naxar Herd. He exists to even out fights if it looks like it will be two against one, and to carry out the Lead Stallion's orders to the stallions. He is to be listened to, and the only ones that can overrule his words are the Lead Mare and the Lead Stallion. He often is related or has an extensive history with the Lead Stallion, or has expressed himself to be trustworthy enough to be chosen for the Lieutenant position. This position cannot be challenged for, as it is chosen by the Lead Stallion.

Former Lieutenant

The Former Lieutenant is the stallion that is the second in command to the Previous Lead Stallion, and lost his position when he was chased out of the herd. He may end up as a normal herd stallion, or he may end up on a level playing field with the current Lieutenant if the two Lead Stallions decide to lead together.

Deputy Mare

This mare acts as a second in command to the Lead Mare. She is not the Lead Mare's successor, but she is the one who helps the Lead Mare in leading the mares. She is to be listened to, just as the Lieutenant and the two leads are. This position cannot be challenged for, as it is chosen by the Lead Mare.

Former Deputy Mare

This mare is still in the Stolen Herd, and has no official rank or power, but she is still influental, just as the Former Lead Mare is. The New Lead Stallion does not acknowledge her as having a rank, but among the mares, she may be widely considered their deputy still. Some herd mares may take this chance to undermine her and her now unofficial authority.

Herd Stallions

The adult stallions who are in a lesser rank than the Lead Stallion and Lieutenant. They aid in protecting the herd from outside threats such as predators, or chasing away stallions attempting to steal some mares. Challenges for power over the herd are generally left to the Lead Stallion and Lieutenant, but they may stand beside them if the challengers outnumber the two stallions.

Former Herd Stallions

These are the adult males that came with the Former Lead Stallion from the Stolen Herd. They were welcomed into society, but may have sustained injuries when being chased away from the Stolen Herd. They did not, however, participate in the battle between the Previous Lead Stallion and the New Lead Stallion.

Herd Mares

They make up the bulk of both herds. Their main duties are to birth and raise foals, and do everything they can to keep them safe and alive. They listen to the lead mare, or the former lead mare, and often have an unspoken hierarchy between them.


They are too old to be foals, but too young to be considered a functioning member of the herd. They are between the ages of one and two years old, and once they become two years old, they join the adults in their ranks, or, in the case of colts that are too much to handle, they get chased out.


The young of the herd--to be protected at all costs, and are the most recent offspring. The herd will have foals and yearlings of various ages within their age groups.

Bachelor Stallions

Stallions that are not part of the herd. They might try and contest for the lead position, or simply steal some mares from underneath the Lead Stallions nose. They may stay in their vacant grazing grounds, or trail either herd in hope of stealing some mares.

Bachelor Bands

A group, typically small, of stallions that have come together to further protect themselves from outside threats such as predators. They rarely, if at all, fight a Lead Stallion together or rule a herd together.

The Roles are require a RP Sample are:

Lead Stallion, Previous Lead Stallion, Lieutenant, Former Lieutenant, New Lead Stallion, Lead Mare, Deputy Mare, Former Lead Mare, Former Deputy Mare

The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:09 AM


Posts: 9246
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The Stolen Herd

New Lead Stallion
- Hawthorn|8 Years|Murder - Page 6

Former Lead Mare
- Deirdre|7 Years, 1 Month|Freedom - Page 2

Former Deputy Mare
- Miriam|8 Years|Spellbound - Page 2

Herd Mares
- Frigg|4 Years|Imperial Sands - Page 3
- Zahra|5 Years|Polly - Page 5
- Ariadne|2 Years, 1 Month|Ciao - Page 6
- Shiloh|4 Years|Mafia Queen - Page 4
- [Reserved - Valinyx]
- Sagira|17 Years|ataciara - Page 6
- Shantae|4 Years|Freedom - Page 6
- Jazz|10 Years|Valinyx - Page 6


The Naxar Herd

Lead Stallion
- Anaru|7 Years, 3 Months|Polly - Page 1

Lead Mare
- Orla|7 Years|Tenebris Umbra - Page 2

- Caedmon|5 Years|Tenebris Umbra - Page 2

Deputy Mare
- Lorah|7 Years|Imperial Sands - Page 3

Former Lead Stallion
- Riker|8 Years|Ciao - Page 5

Former Lieutenant
- Saulceris|10 Years|ataciara - Page 6

Herd Stallions
- Luther|2 Years, 1 Month|Valinyx - Page 4
- Piripi|3 Years, 1 Month|Freedom - Page 3

Former Herd Stallions
- Sage|3 Years|Mafia Queen - Page 4

Herd Mares
- Anayeli|5 Years|Polly - Page 1
- Sionann|2 Years, 6 Months|Polly - Page 2
- Nisaba|9 Years|Spellbound - Page 2
- Neamh|3 Years|Mafia Queen - Page 4
- Kano|6 Years|Valinyx - Page 4
- Selene|6 Years|Ciao - Page 7
- Asteria|2 Years, 1 Month|Spellbound - Page 3

- Krishna|1 Year, 4 Months|Polly - Page 2
- Pallavi|1 Year, 4 Months|Tenebris Umbra - Page 2
- Rhys|1 Year, 5 Months|Polly - Page 5

- Parisa|3.5 Months|Spellbound - Page 2


Non-Herd Roles

Bachelor Stallions
- Rafe|4 Years|Tenebris Umbra - Page 2
- [Reserved - Mafia]
- Tenn|5 Years|Valinyx - Page 3
- Faldt|3 Years|Valinyx - Page 4
- Phrixus|5 Years|Imperial Sands - Page 4
- Cairo|3 Years|Mafia Queen - Page 4

Edited at August 1, 2021 12:21 AM by Polly
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:09 AM


Posts: 9246
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Application Form


Edited at July 28, 2021 07:49 AM by Polly
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:10 AM


Posts: 9246
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This is now open.
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:10 AM


Posts: 9246
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7 Years, 3 Months
The Naxar Herd
Lead Stallion
(Credit: venomxbaby on DA. Stock Images.)
Anaru is a stallion of a rather broad figure, with a broad chest and a chunky, muscular body. He isn't frail, or petite, in the slightest, and is built somewhat like a tank, and is rather tall, standing at somewhere just above 18 hands, if only by just less than an inch or so. To think of him as dainty or a pushover would lead you to a very rude awakening, with muscles as hard as stone, and a gaze of an even harder substance. He is built for power, to be strong and commanding, but that doesn't necessarily mean he uses it.

Anaru is a horse of an onyx coat, and white overo markings. Namely, these are a white marking on the left side of his neck, another one on the right side of his throat, a patch of white on the left side of his stomach that disappears beneath him, and a few smaller speckles on his right side. His other markings include white stockings on his hind legs, and a "bald face" marking on his face. His muzzle in pink at the end, rather than any classical black or grey, and his eyes are a mystery within themselves. In some lightings, they may appear to be a dark grey-blue, whilst in other lightings they are like black gems stuck to his face. Meanwhile, his mane and tail are the same dark shade as most of his body--completely ebony.
Anaru is a stallion of many sides. In the face of his herd, he is a kind, gentle creature who would do no harm. He isn't one to be seen playing, and is seen, or rather sees himself, as far too mature to be playing with foals and yearlings. He is, instead, commonly seen walking amongst his herd, speaking with other members or patrolling the outskirts for possible threats. His voice, although baritone and rich in octave and texture, is gentle and tends to be calming, when he's speaking in a soft tone. He finds little reason to be upset with his herd, and his patience extends beyond the eyes possible view. It is rare that herd members manage to find the end of his patience, and if they do, he still tries, and struggles, to handle the situation calmly.

Anaru is a stallion who demands respect, even with his gentle behaviour. He may be calm and kind, but if you don't give him the respect he knows that he deserves, he'll make you give him that respect. This won't be violent, but he'll have a way of proving to you that he deserves that respect. He's not overly ambitious or stubborn, his biggest ambition is to protect his herd and sire more children and his opinion tends to be easily swayed if you can give him proper reasoning, but he is one that, if he's very serious about a decision, he's not going to be easily swayed from that decision.

Just because he is gentle and kind doesn't mean that Anaru isn't an intelligent creature. He knows how to make words sting, even if he rarely does it, and he knows when others are trying to make their words sting, even if he doesn't show if they've met their mark or not. He knows when enough is enough, and can even be a bit forceful when he tells someone that they've done enough of whatever they're doing. He's not dumb--he's a good leader, and he's not the pushover that he might present himself as.

Protecting his herd is just about one of the only times you'll ever see Anaru as a violent creature. This is one of the only times that his voice will grow to a shout, or that he'll rear, or that he will actually partake in violence. Otherwise, he tries to handle things with a gentle voice and soft words.
None--perhaps open.
Should be majority of the foals in the herd, but I'll put a list here as they appear.
Piripi, his adult son with Orla.
Orla is pregnant with his foal.
Asteria, his adult daughter with Selene.
Rhys, his yearling son with Lorah.
---, his foal son with Selene.
(Credit: venomxbaby on DA. Stock Image.)

Edited at July 31, 2021 12:27 AM by Polly
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:14 AM


Posts: 9246
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(Ana, Anna, Anne)
5 Years
Naxar Herd
Herd Mare
(Credit: venomxbaby on DA. Stock Image.)
Anayeli is a mare of a rather average build, standing at just over 16 hands, and with long, semi-slender legs. Her coat is a "light sandy" palomino, with slight dapple markings covering her body. Her palomino shade is, like the title would suggest, rather light, and almost sandy-looking. Her mane and tail are the classical cream hue, being rather long and flowing over her powerful, muscular neck. Her hind legs have white stocking markings to separate the pale golden hue, and her muzzle ends in a pale grey coloration. Her eyes, which, in some lightings, could be seen as a very dark brown, appear to be blobs of inky blackness in most lightings and angles.
Anayeli is a, predominently, gentle soul. She is kind and helpful, and has the kind of voice that is perfect for whipersing sweet nothings to lull one to sleep. She's got this affectionate look about her, one that tells that she will always be there, and a compassionate gleam to her eye. But even the kindest mares want to raise their foals correctly. Even if she loves her offspring dearly, she is not one to tolerate bad behaviour aimed towards her, or their sire, or those that don't deserve such things. She isn't exactly strict, she isn't going to shout at them or yell or give them bad punishments (the worst she's given is to spend the day by her side, and not being allowed to leave her), but she'll give them soft-worded lectures about their behaviour, or try to talk it out, or give them a look that screams disappointment.

After that, she'll just refer them to their father. He can deal with it, too.

Now, just like any mother, Anayeli won't take too kindly to you mistreating or being angry with her foals. She's not going to interfere with the way you raise your children, so don't interfere with the way she raises hers. She doesn't take overly kindly to other mares trying to mother her foals, either. Because those foals are hers, not yours. And she especially dislikes it if she doesn't know you well. The only time she'll step in with another foal before reporting the beahviour to their respective dam and/or sire, is if they're physically or emotionally hurting one of her own children. And, trust me, for a more that doesn't get angry often--Anayeli is scary when she's angry.
Caedmon has her entire heart, and then some.
Sionann, her female adult daughter.
Pallavi, her female twin yearling.
Krishna, her male twin yearling.
Parisa, her female foal.
She is 3 Months pregnant.
All children by Caedmon.

Edited at July 29, 2021 01:04 AM by Polly
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:16 AM


Posts: 22535
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May I reserve the Former Deputy Mare of the Stolen Herd?
The Stolen Herd | Horse RP | Sign-Ups | OpenJuly 28, 2021 07:17 AM


Posts: 9246
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Of course :)

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