Wolf Play : The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPEN
06:56:13 The Naming Empress
I donÂ’t think I wanna go but I have to
06:55:42 The Naming Empress
98 bonesXD
06:55:14 skye

oh haha!
i was ment to do dog grooming but to be honest i couldn't be bothered XD
06:55:05 Lil Techy | Techno
god damn it I need another pup to train
 Tyrannical Raise
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
I need to get these 3 to dg 2/5 complete
06:54:35 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I'd continue onto being a psychologist if I wasn't so darn intent on avoiding writing a 100-page dissertation. >_>
 Sea Coast
06:54:08 Sea/Coast/Beach
oh ok
06:54:02 skye
imagine it being day its 00:53 here XD
06:53:30 The Naming Empress
Its 4:53pm here

I responded to someone else
06:53:10 skye

yeah haha i know!
im very interested in the mind too its such a complicated thing
 Sea Coast
06:52:42 Sea/Coast/Beach
Silvy Wait no!
06:52:23 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I am, I swear! It's just a topic I've been fascinated with for a while. Human psychology and how primal urges can drive the mind to do wild things, along with what those things are and the after affects, processes, etc., just grip my attention and refuse to let go. *^*
 Blood lust tide
06:51:33 BewareWhoYouTrust
Finally death grip at age of 2
-WP Click-
06:51:29 The Naming Empress
Good night
06:51:21 skye
bingo is pretty!
i have other chickens just not alot of pictures
and they arent as fluffy as big mumma!
06:50:41 Silver
Pm me if you want to rp
06:50:30 skye

ill ask again
are you okay XDD
Goodnight yaÂ’ll
06:50:09 The Naming Empress
ThereÂ’s a Bingo perched on my arm
06:49:51 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
I am probably on a list right now. I just looked up which parts of the human body are most edible. XD


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The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:44 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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The Overthrown


Deep within a vast forest, past dense foliage and jagged mountains, a pack named The Unknown resides. The Unknown, although strong and mighty, are under the lead of a powerful, singular alpha, who is nothing short of wicked and merciless. This cruel sovereign reigns with fear, her ways full of macabre. Little defy her, for they know that they will surely meet death, and if not death, then they shall be maimed to the brink of it.

Many within the pack are loyal to this vicious leader, for it's either abide her ways, or suffer the consequences. Some of her followers bow to her simply because they enjoy tormenting others as much as she. They see her as superior, and enjoy being on her good side. However, what the cruel alpha doesn't know is that members of her own pack are planning on taking her down. They plan on overthrowing her, for they seek for peace and unity, and a pack without pain. The only way of getting that? Defeat the current leader.

While the alpha has heard rumours of such madness, she has yet to find out if these rumours are true, and if so, who is leading them. She doesn't know the numbers, nor that their leader is her own third-in-command. For the sake of life and death, all better hope that she doesn't find out, especially considering that this third-in-command of hers is her own blood.


My coleaders are Imperial Sands and Polly. They have the same power as me and can decline and accept forms. Treat them kindly.


RP Thread: None
Discussion: None

Edited at July 27, 2021 02:53 PM by Tenebris Umbra
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:44 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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The Roleplay Rules

1. Follow all of Eve's rules.
2. Be active. I would like to see a minimum of 2-3 posts every week-- if you go inactive for more than five days, your character(s) will be removed from this RP.
3. No creating Mary-sues. Your characters should not be perfect and unrealistic. i.e - they cannot have no scars on them if they have a past of battling others.
4. No godmodding or having perfect characters.
6. This is semi-literate, meaning that you should be posting at least 2-3 paragraphs for every character, for every post. Writers block is understandable, but the rest of us need something long enough to reply to.
7. This RP is semi-realistic. Glowing wolves with neon pink stripes and tutus is not realistic. While you take that rule in, why don't you hide the word parrot somewhere in your form.
8. No love at first sight or having your own characters fall for each other.
9. Put "plate" in other, but hide it in a sentence.
10. Polly, Imperial, and I have the power to accept or deny applications.
11. Make sure you've read everything. If you have, put your favourite weather in other.
12. Ask before seriously killing or injuring another character not your own. They are not yours to control, and you need to ask permission. On second thought, don't put your favourite weather in other.
13. Please use full sentences when you describe your character's appearance and personality (each paragraph should have five sentences).
14. Properly credit your images.
15. Drama is encouraged in this RP, but please, no out of OC drama. It will be shut down quickly if it is seen.
16. You are given three strikes. You will get warnings, and if you continue breaking rules, then you will be kicked out of this RP.
17. Be realistic. A pup cannot kill an adult wolf. Also, when you're fighting, give others a chance to respond. You cannot avoid all hits and land each blow. It's simply unrealistic.
18. Listen to those characters higher-up than your own. Do not act as if you're the leader if you're not.
19. Reservations last 12 hours. If you do not complete your form when your time is up, the spot will go to somebody else.
20. If you are told to fix your form more than three times, then we have the ability to kick you out.
21. Finally, and most important, have fun and enjoy!
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:45 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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This wolf has control over the entire pack and those within it. She emits fear in all those she meets, and has a lust for blood and killing. She is the one who gives the orders that others must obey, or else face sever punishments given by her. Many wish to overthrown her due to her ways, and if she finds anybody dare go against her, will kill them. She refuses to give up her power.

These are the Viscountess's own flesh and blood. They are the sole rulers if anything happens to her, and she has birthed them specifically for that reason; so her blood continues her legacy. There is a lot of pressure put upon them to be equally sadistic as her.

There are two wolves who are considered Second-in-Commands and are second most dominant. They have a lot of power, and are able to inflict harm on all those beneath them if they wish. They can be part of the Rebellion, or they can be loyal to the Viscountess. They are the ones in charge when she is not present.

This is a singular wolf who is fourth most dominant within the pack (after the Viscountess and the two Second-in-Charges). They have power over all ranks below them. They are part of the Rebellion, and is the leader of it, as well as the Viscountess' sibling. Their main job is to take over when both the Viscountess and Second-in-Charges are busy, as well as recruit members for the Rebellion so that they may overthrown her and live in peace.

This wolf is recruited by the Viscountess to find out if anybody looks suspicious. If they find anything, they report back to her. They are intelligent and are loyal.

Pack Members
These are the main wolves that make up the pack. They can be loyal to the Viscountess, or be part of the Rebellion. They are the ones who hunt and fight when ordered, and must listen to those higher up than them, or suffer consequences.


The Rebellion Ranks

The leader of the Rebellion and makes the desicion in terms of overthrowing the Viscountess. They are the Third-in-Command, and must keep their second rank a secret from those not part of the Rebellion. They are very careful and weary, as to not release their identity, and act loyal to the Viscountess to divert attention from themselves.

This is the second-in-command when it comes to the Rebellion, and teams up with the Leader to discuss it in secret. This wolf shall become the next Leader in case the first one is killed. Their job is to also recuit members to join the Rebellion, and pretends to be loyal towards the Viscountess.


This wolf works for the Alpha of the Rebellion and watches the Viscountess and those loyal to her. They are the ones who inform the Alpha and Beta of who might be considered unloyal to the Viscountess based on observations. They are skilled and stealthy.

These wolves are part of the Rebellion and wish to overthrown their current leader. They listen to the Leader and Beta, and wish to live peacefully.



They are not part of the pack, though soon will join. They can eventually become part of the Rebellion, or be loyal to the Viscountess.


Rules of the Pack

1. The Viscountess is to be obeyed at all times. Dare anybody disregard her orders, and a severe punishment will be put in place.
2. The Viscountess has the right to deny or accept members within The Unknown, and will determine their worthiness upon testing them.
3. The Viscountess' main goal is to become the greatest ruler of all. Her rank cannot be challenged.
4. To become mates is forbidden, and to sire pups. Break this rule, and all shall be punished and or killed. The only way to become mates or to begin a family is if the Viscountess gives her word of agreement, and even then, there is a price and deal must be made.
5. Weaklings shall be killed off.
6. Anybody that speaks against the Viscountess shall be severely punished and or killed, same goes for those who go against the rules of The Unknown.
7. The Viscountess is to be treated like royalty. This means bowing down in her presence.
8. When the Viscountess inflicts a punishment, one is never to fight back, but must remain still. If they move, then the pain and severity of the punishment shall increase.
9. While some may join, nobody can leave.

Rules of the Rebellion

1. All topics revolving around the Rebellion must be kept secret, as should your rank be in it.
2. Always pretend to be loyal and avert suspicion from yourself in whatever means necessary
3. Never give away revolving around the Rebellion. It is risky, and if found out, can result in death by the Viscountess.
4. Meetings are to be set in place by the Alpha. They are the ones who will find a place and time to meet. These meetings are usually between the Alpha, Beta, and Spy. The topic discussed will be transferred to the Associates later in a discreet manner to avoid suspicion.
5. The Alpha ultimately decides whether one may join or not. As it's secretive, the Alpha must tread carefully in terms of finding out if somebody truly wants to join, or if it's a scheme.

Summary of Territory

The Unknown has a large territory spanning from miles around. They have a large chunk of forest in the heart of the territory, located next to the base of a smaller mountain. The pack's camp is located within the mountain, where caves have been formed naturally not too far away from a waterfall. The biggest section of the cave belongs to the Viscountess, while the rest of the pack sleeps scattered around within holes in the cave that represent dens. Beyond the forest lies rolling hills that span for miles, in the middle of it, a large river lies that is the pack's sole resource of water. The forest once held a lot of large prey, but has since been hunted due to Maeve's greed. Only small prey remain there, such as rabbits and squirrels, while most large prey has moved on to the rolling hills, such as deer, buffalo, and wild boars.

Edited at July 27, 2021 02:51 PM by Tenebris Umbra
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:50 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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The Pack

The Viscountess [1/1]
Maeve [Tenebris Umbra] || Female || Page 1 || Loyal

Heirs [0/3]
*two must remain loyal out of the three to spice things up*
- Nadezhda [Spellbound] || Female || Page 1 || Loyal
- Reserved
- Reserved

Second-in-Commands [2/2]
*one must remain loyal out of the two*
- Tengliu [Spellbound]|| Female || Page 1 || Loyal, can be turned
- Varg [Imperial Sands] || Male || Page 2 || Rebel

Third-in-Command [1/3]
- Reserved for Polly

Spy [0/2]
*one must remain loyal out of the two*
- Bjorn [Red Moon] || Male || Page 2 || Loyal

Pack Members [unlimited]
- Cosette [Imperial Sands] || Female || Page 2 || Loyal, can be turned
- Vladya [Spellbound] || Male || Page 1 || Loyal, can be turned
- Nashira [Red Moon] || Female || Page 2 || Rebel
- Larkspur [Mafia Queen] || Female || Page 2 || Loyal, can be turned

Pups [0/4]
- Reserved


The Rebellion [OPEN]

Leader [1/1]
- Reserved for Polly

Beta [0/1]

Spy [0/1]
- Varg [Imperial Sands] || Male || Page 2 || Rebel

Associates [unlimited]

Rogues [1/4)] OPEN
- Reserved for Mafia Queen


Loyal Members: 7
Rebels: 2

Males: 3
Females: 6

Edited at July 29, 2021 09:56 AM by Tenebris Umbra
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:53 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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Sign-up Form


Preferred Rank:
Loyal or Rebel:
If Loyal, Can they be Turned into a Rebel:
Rebel Rank [if any]:

Appearance [properly credit your images if using any]:
Massive, Large, Average-Sized, or Small wolf?:




Size Chart

Massive Wolves - Locked
Length: 6-7 ft.
Height: 3'5-4'2 ft.
Weight: 175-280 lbs.
Number of Massive Wolves 2/2

Large Wolves - LOCKED
Length: 5'1-5'8 ft.
Height: 2'9-3'1 ft.
Weight: 125-150 lbs.
Number of Large Wolves 3/3

Average-Sized Wolves - Open
Length: 4'3-5 ft.
Height: 2-2'8 ft.
Weight: 105-120 lbs.
These are the Sizes of Most in the Pack

Small Wolves - Open
Length: 3-3'9 ft.
Height: 1-1'8 ft.
Weight: 50-80 lbs.
The odds of Small Wolves Being in this Pack are Rare
Number of Small Wolves 1/3

Edited at July 29, 2021 09:56 AM by Tenebris Umbra
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:53 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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This is now open!
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:53 PM

Tenebris Umbra

Posts: 9038
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Gender: Feminine.
Age: Five.
Rank: Viscountess.

Preferred Rank: Content.
Loyal or Rebel: Loyal.
If Loyal, Can they be Turned into a Rebel: No.
Rebel Rank [if any]: None.


[credit for all go to windfuchs on da]

Standing at the colossal height of four four feet and one inch, Maeve is a sight to behold. Nearing a length of nearly seven feet with a weight of over two-hundred and fifty, her appearance alone screams fear and power. Pure muscle is what her physique consists of, giving her a masculine look in terms of her body.

Maeve's pelt consists of a creamy colour, which grows lighter beneath her face and underbelly. Light browns soon take over upon her back and ears, giving her a unique patterning with shades of darker brown. This darker colour, so dim that it appears black, sits upon her probiscis and back, where a stripe of it remains. Her eyes are an odd colour, almost a yellow, but not quite, as there are evident signs of a light green within them. No matter their colour, they are always seen staring with pure hatred, a common sight indeed.

Her peltage is thick and long, and in some areas, remains bald and doesn't grow. This is solely due to the several scars and lacerations Maeva had encountered throughout her lifetime after years of battling strangers and members of her own pack.

Long, jagged scars of different shapes and sizes lay scattered around her body. Her scars have scars upon them, and there is not one that doesn't stand out. While some remain covered by her fur, many remain out in the open, letting wandering eyes scrutinize them.

Scars,Wounds: Maeva has dozens of scars. Some upon her back, some upon her stomach, and some upon her face and neck due to her past, and present actions.

Massive, Large, Average-Sized, or Small wolf?: Massive.

Personality: Maeve is nothing short of a psychopath. Everybody is nugatory, and uses the art of manipulation to obtain what she wants; power. She is violent and cruel towards others, unbothered by their pain. In fact, she likes pain, and inflicts it on the daily. Her pack must become strong, and in order to become strong, they must have a high pain tolerance. Nobody sees her wincing after obtaining a wound. Nobody sees her crying out. She is numb to it, and her pack must be, too. How else will they expand? How else will she obtain more land and fill it with more wolves?

She is callous and power-hungry. No, she is power-starving. Maeve will never let anybody defy her rank as a leader. She will stop at nothing to remain having that title, which is why she is weary of those around her. However, she never lets her fears show. She lets nothing show, but her vicious traits. Maeve is a sociopath, that much isn't difficult to see. She enjoys death and the darkness, and sits with the shadows as she plots on what more she can take, or how else she could hurt others.

Maeve doesn't see her pack as her pack. They are useless creatures that do nothing. They are simply numbers and statistics, helping her reach her goal of ultimate power. She treats them with disrespect and dishonor, and yet demands respect in return. She is cunning and intelligent, able to outthink several creatures if it comes to it. If somebody has an idea, she'll make a better one to top it. Maeve always has to be the best, or else she will get angry, and that is never good when it comes to the safety of the pack.

Mate: None.
Crush: None.
Offspring: Nadezhda, wip
Other: Her sister is Tadita.
Eleanor Rigby, the Beatles
Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd

Edited at July 27, 2021 04:57 PM by Tenebris Umbra
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:55 PM


Posts: 22535
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" Chinese snow goddess "
4 Years
Preferred Rank:
Loyal or Rebel:
If Loyal, Can they be Turned into a Rebel:
Yes, 100%
Rebel Rank [if any]:
N /A
[ words ]
Stock/F2U. Credits to wolfenphotography on DA
Massive, Large, Average-Sized, or Small wolf?:

Edited at July 27, 2021 04:03 PM by Spellbound
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:55 PM


Posts: 22535
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" Wreath of Glory."
Pack Member
Preferred Rank:
Spy or Third-In-Command, anything higher
Loyal or Rebel:
If Loyal, Can they be Turned into a Rebel:
Would take some convincing, but possibly
Rebel Rank [if any]:
Stock/F2U. Credits to wolfenphotography on DA
Massive, Large, Average-Sized, or Small wolf?:
Average Wolf
He isn't desiring a death wish

Edited at July 27, 2021 05:35 PM by Spellbound
The Overthrown || Wolf RP || Reboot || OPENJuly 27, 2021 02:56 PM


Posts: 22535
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" Hope in Slavic "
Two Years old
Preferred Rank:
She will be the next Viscountess, and she won't settle for less. However, not as cruel as her mother.
Loyal or Rebel:
If Loyal, Can they be Turned into a Rebel:
Rebel Rank [if any]:
34 Inches
110 lbs
Big-boned, powerful and muscular build.
Fur makes her appear larger
Pale yellow eyes with a mix of green [like her mother]
Lotus flower and rose scent with a mixing of herbs : bird's-foot trefoil , sage, coriander
Stock Image. Credit goes to Lakela on DA
Massive, Large, Average-Sized, or Small wolf?:
Large Sized
This female has experienced pain and seen death. She's grown numb to it which is a horrible thing to say, but it's true. Now she does like inflicting pain upon others or hear them begging her for mercy. She's cold-hearted in this way, but this is only reserved for those she doesn't like. She won't lower herself to pummel you if you upset her, but instead will speak with a venomous and cruel tone. However, if you have really done something to displease her, like disrespect her siblings, she won't hesitate to send her claws to your face. Very cutthroat. If you make her suffer, then she'll reign it back down on you with tremendous force. She does believe in vengeance and karma. She is patient enough to wait days, weeks, or even years to ge back at you. And she will make it hurt. This female is quite spiteful and venomous. If you try and kill her, she'll live out of spite and find a way to kill you twice. Her words are cold and malign when you ask her how you are doing on a job. Very observant and critical, she'll point out every single one of your flaws with a smile on her face. She's tough and gritty with an uncompromising morals and resolve. She's also very firm and stern in nature.

This female is very authoritative. She's very self-assured and knows who she is and her ambitions and goals. Oddly enough in this pack, she is reliable and able to be trusted. She respects her pack members and expects respect back, and someone will pay hell if it isn't given. When she speaks, she expects to be listened to and not interrupted and if she is then someone will pay. Her words are to be listened to and obeyed, and if they are not she'll find a special little task to torture you for not listening. Very strict and firm, she will not tolerate disobedience or disorder. She also gives respect and honor as due. She is also very influential with her words and actions, as she knows they hold weight within the pack. Very lively, bold, full of spirit , and most definitely cheeky. This female's words drip with sass and sarcasm if she's doesn't have her 'resting bitch face' on . She is very social and quick to go find others to talk to. She can be nice and kind when she wants to, but if you don't reciprocate or appreciate it then she won't be kind. Very perceptive in regards to emotions and social cues. She does have a lot of energy, and can be seen moving about and rarely sitting still, but she also likes to laze about. However, she does so in a regal fashion.

Wants power, but not power hungry
Now this female does want to be on top. She enjoys and moderately desires power, but it's not at the top of her list. However, if she ever does become power hungry she'd be a fearsome creature. She'd be hell-bent on getting what she wants and whatever is needed for those under her care. This female would raise hell to make sure her home and pack was safe and cared for. She also wouldn't stop until she had toppled every obstacle in her path. However, for now she's content with where she is now, but she will be the next Viscountess. She doesn't give a damn what her brother thinks. It's a woman's world and she plans on owning it.
Good listener
Crafty and Cunning
Bold and Daring

Edited at July 27, 2021 07:12 PM by Spellbound

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