Wolf Play : The Winds move Past us |~•~| WIP
 Crystal Pines
01:30:40 Phoenix
Nevermind guys it just took a while to go through
 Crystal Pines
01:29:50 Phoenix
Any mods here? I just bought 20 apples and it only gave me 2
 Rogue Wildfires
01:24:40 Mac and Cheese
 Sea Coast
He is so cute!

 Rogue Wildfires
01:22:10 Mac and Cheese
Aww, thanks!
 Sea Coast

Im gonna buy a rose for him!
01:21:11 Silver, Luna or CWG
And I wonÂ’t be back for a while
01:20:51 Silver, Luna or CWG
I poofed
 Rogue Wildfires
01:20:18 Mac and Cheese
I know! I read it and almost cried
 Sea Coast
Your gonna make Me cry!
 Rogue Wildfires
01:18:51 Mac and Cheese
Dappled Leaf was a pup when he died. I misclicked when I retired him...
 Sea Coast
 Whispering Rain
01:17:56 Whisp, Rain
I about cried when I saw Cottonwood.
 Rogue Wildfires
01:16:37 Mac and Cheese
Your wolves trot along and notice an odd flickering mist. An Ancestor from your past, Dappled Leaf, appears.

Run with me! Dappled Leaf whispers.

I'm gonna cry
Social, i think. there might be more
 Whispering Rain
01:14:20 Whisp, Rain
I can't get any dogs. What stats do my wolves need?
Why are my wolves friendly to every dog except the German Shepherd. I can't do anything with 3 Jack Russells guys.
01:05:35 oi
-WP Click-

please vote as well B)
 Bee pack
01:05:07 Belle
I see, I just realised.

How stupid of me...I haven't been online for awhile so a lot has changed too!
Venom attacks Violet over a deer leg.

Stats: Battle +2
Affinity: Like
Mood: Fierce
Venom! Don't hurt my blue nosed baby!


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Hourly Damage Variances
Coyote : -5
Mojave Green Rattler : +1
Grizzly Bear : +4
    Summer Month: 2   Night  Weather:  Clear  Moon: 
 Battle  Explore In: Now


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Forums > Roleplay > Sign-Ups

The Winds move Past us |~•~| WIPJuly 13, 2021 12:37 AM

Former Pack

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|~Table of Contents~|
Post 2 - Story
Post 3 - Rules
Post 4 - Roles and Info
Post 5 - Spots Open
Post 6 - Links

Edited at July 13, 2021 12:39 AM by Autumn Shire
The Winds move Past us |~•~| WIPJuly 13, 2021 01:02 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Legends whispered in realm upon realm, land once plagued with war and feuding now healing or once again in glory always told tales amongst their common folk. It varied of course, from dramatic dashing tales to bitter-sweet fragments of memories of the wars they saw and fought in but it always led back to one thing. A group of foreign people, no more than a group of 40 in number but strong as thousands of battalions upon soldiers appearing on the horizon when things were bleak. Their flag, threaded in silver, beared the picture of a torch lit in flames but around it swirled gold like magic would a staff when casting a spell and with a twin cry from a horn two carried on their belts followed by the cry of the many others with them they rained down upon their enemies like a wildfire would a forest, bringing victory upon victory to so many different worlds, realms, and universes. They say it was always glorious, that their hearts sang for the victory at the tip of the foreigners blade and the weary soldiers could always hear the silent promise to see their loved ones after, to be done with dirtied battlefields and surrounded by a puddle of blood. To those born later, when the world was at peace, it sounded glorious and would have continued to be…

It had been 10 years since anyone in any universe, world, realm, kingdom, village, you name it had seen them again all together in a band of 40. What was once a glorious army with freedom at the tips of their blades and a strong cry was reduced to 2 groups of no more than 20 each led by one of the two founders who used to lead the warriors together as a whole. The name Phoenix now split as the once grand group was divided at what started as a petty argument, to fighting, screaming, yelling, and eventually disbandment splitting them in half and going their separate ways. The first group was named xerzeph, people who lived in illusion and to create chaos with a big wish to spread determination and belief to others but most importantly to hold on. The second group was kileko, those who made people see reality and made mischief in their paths. They held to inspire bravery and strive, but mostly to teach others of letting go. The staff each leader held consisted of the strongest bronze, silver, and gold weaved together with a gem sitting at the top that merged elements around it together to form portals to new worlds and dimensions that while they couldn't control where it went, they trusted to take them to where they were needed most. Which brings us to now. The groups are still divided, but constantly running into each other with every single portal jump they take and a deeper scar coming with every encounter. They'll either spiral faster and farther apart, meet in the middle with something that will finally put the feud to rest or, perhaps if possible, reach an end and join back. Only time can tell.
The Winds move Past us |~•~| WIPJuly 13, 2021 01:11 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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•~Roleplay Rules~•

-limiting the amount of characters you can play to 3 and the amount of high positions you can claim to 1, if you want to remove any character you play at any time then PM me
-Be able to write 200+ words, this will be a Semi-Lit RP but writers block will grant exceptions
-Hate the character, not the player, bullies aren't allowed
-Drama and Romance is allowed but no romance between 2 of your own characters, just be able to keep it PG13 please ^^
-Gore is allowed! Nothing too explicit though
-WP Rules apply here, in the discussion and in the Roleplay thread! Be able to follow them
-Be inclusive to everyone, not turning this into a 1x1 Roleplay, it takes away the fun for everyone
-Put the name of your alpha male in other
-I have the right to reject your Roleplay form if I see you need to change something about it, if you need to do so more than 2 times I'll have to ask you to refrain from joining
-Reservations last 24 hours, if you don't make your form in that time I'll notify you before removing your reservation
-Try to be active please! If you don't respond in 1 week I'll remove your character unless you have PMed me about any absences
-If you wish to leave the Roleplay please let me know and we can work something out!
-Have fun! Please don't be a downer
-3 warnings will result in a 1 week ban! 3 bans will get you kicked
-You can die! The portal jumping warriors may be mighty but they fight in constant wars to help other realms and worlds so casualties happen
-If you do end up killing off one of your own feel free to make another with any remaining open spots
-No OP characters, everyone has their limits and while I may be open to things going from Shapeshifters, mages, and dark magic, to summoners, beserkers, and technology geniuses people can still die as nobody is immortal
-I accept any sexuality at all! Celebrate it! And remember to be respectful of everyone's characters no matter what sexuality they may be
-LGBTQ+ is very much welcome
-More Rules might be added
The Winds move Past us |~•~| WIPJuly 13, 2021 01:58 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Illusion - Chaos - Determination - Belief - Holding on
Illusion - Making it seem to others there is what really isn't seem reality
Chaos - Bringing Disorder and Confusion to enemy lines
Determination - Pushing through situations even if others may think it hopeless
Belief - Putting faith in your comrades and that we'll always persevere no matter what
Holding on - Whether it's friends or family, an experience good or bad, or quite literally to a cliff edge

Reality - Mischief - Bravery - Strive - Letting go
Reality - Grasping to what's around you and the conditions laid before you
Mischief - Troublemaking and mocking our enemies in a way they never expect it
Bravery - Never look twice, leap in before you have time to question as it's always good to act on emotion and what you see. Stand tall in the face of danger
Strive - Keep going for your best, no matter how wary you become we must always be there for the people who need us most and find ways to better ourselves
Letting go - Whether the past, an experience, Someone you love or quite literally that teddy bear you've been holding it for 8 hours-



Highly respected, they're one of the two founders of Phoenix who have now split off with half of the group to make Xerzeph/Kileko. Their word is to be followed when giving command but can be questioned if necessary. They have the most important role of the group as they've to keep track of everyone in it, what they need,what's best for the group and what shots to call along with more. They hold the staff able to portal jump and start the war cry with the sound of their horn that's been passed down throughout the generations of Leaders

Second Hand - Absolute Knight
The Second Hand/Absolute Knight is the Leaders go-to of ever in need of advice or for them to take charge. If the Leader ever be out then whoever holds this role is to immediately uphold all of the duties till they come back. They're not as respected as the leader, but should be listened to nonetheless as they've hand picked them themself. Battle wise, their only main goal is to keep everyone organized and help strategize

The strategist comes to the Leader and Second Hand/Absolute Knight with what they think the best course of action would be based on their enemies from predictions to how to order everyone going in they're crucial during planning and usually the acting 3rd in Command picked by the leader themself though not in line to take Second in Command if anything happens to them

The knights are the majority of everyone. They're in charge of keeping themselves alive in general and in the battlefield and help win wars when sent to a world or dimension in peril that the staff sends them. They're all very highly skilled in combat going from someone welding magic, to a weapon or even a tech genius. They'll have people of different races and species mixed in too from human to something like a centaur or even an unnameable species. What matters mostly is loyalty and the want for justice

People who have just newly joined the group. Expect either a lot of distrust and hesitance or a very warm welcome and someone immediately becoming your unofficial mentor, it's generally just how the group functions. When one falls they open their gates to someone new and while others may grieve and mourn others will be willing to completely forget or push past and continue their legacy. Fletchings generally get the rundown from the leader, but it's up to the group to make them feel apart of the family. The work one may have to do might be hard from fetching food, to shining armor or sharpening tools, but it's worth it.

Forums > Roleplay > Sign-Ups


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