Wolf Play : Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!
 Sea Coast
05:04:37 Sea/Coast/Beach
 binders united
05:04:02 binders
bye chat see you tommorow!
 Sea Coast
05:04:00 Sea/Coast/Beach
Im done with my territory just gotta kill every one.
05:03:54 Kaz
Nice, short gen, coat defect and hero. Seems like a massive win lol
05:03:44 Purge
Ah, thanks chat. Too lazy to tag everybody that replied but anyway, makes sense since I never put cp into social XD Pack be a load of antisocial weirdos just like their creator
 Continental Wolves
05:03:27 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Very cool *^*
Perfect in my books if she was HW
 binders united
05:03:18 binders
lots of exploring @sea
05:03:01 she/her
-WP Click-
 Sea Coast
05:02:49 Sea/Coast/Beach

@Night Shade
No proplem.
-WP Click-
Do I win yet?
05:02:15 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Does The Weeknd still make music?
 Night Shade
05:02:09 Graves | Chaos
Thank you! XD
 binders united
05:01:33 binders
@sea i've got 34
05:01:32 Kaz
Pretty sure you need social for them
 Continental Wolves
05:01:12 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Most likely need CP in social or at least that's what I'd guess you'd need
 Night Shade
05:01:02 Graves | Chaos
You encounter them randomly while you explore. They automatically join your pack until reunited.
 Sea Coast
05:00:51 Sea/Coast/Beach
04:59:48 Purge

XD I feel ya there bud, I've got I think 12 right now. Does anyone know how to get the dogs to join your pack by the way? The mini quest that says "You have 0 [dog name]'s in your pack"
 Night Shade
04:59:05 Graves | Chaos
I'll be honest I don't like the new faction badges.
04:58:18 Kaz
Agreed. I do like that this is a very easy to get game, and you can focus on what you want (explore, art, rp etc) I like the freedom


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    Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 08:47 PM

Former Pack

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For centuries, the wild horses roaming Nevada have lived out their lives relatively quietly and peacefully. They've grazed on sweet, green grass and have always managed to find water sources, allowing them to quench their thirst. Sure, they would experience occasional droughts, or diseases that'd kill millions, but, somehow, the horses have always avoided being wiped out. They've always bounced back from the brink of death, and in the blink of an eye everything would go back to normal for them. They'd continue to graze, lay in the sun, and enjoy their lives. Of course, there've also been disputes between stallions and bachelors looking to claim mares to breed with, but they've never lasted long or been of great seriousness. Usually, the disputes would go unnoticed by mares lazy and carefree enough to wonder why they should take concern in some nonsence going on between stallions, bachlores, and mares dumb enough to get captured by them. That was, until now.

Suddenly, a great crisis has fallen over the land, one of great concern to all. A bet was made among all of the wild bachelors roaming Nevada, and that bet was who could claim and breed with the most mares. Bachelors, eager to win the bet and to spread their bloodlines, started to deprive bands of mares of their freedom and other stallions and bachelors of their following mares. Every large herd known was decimated, either by herd leaders disbanding the herds or bachelors stealing all of their members. There are those stallions and bachelors that disagree with making the bet, but a majority are happy for the opportunity to show their rivals that they can claim the more mares and be the best. A lot of bachelors have even started to group up, knowing that power comes in numbers. Most mares, however, live out their lives in fear that at any moment of their day they'll be captured by a bachelor, or, bachelors. There are those that were forced to choose between being captured and leaving their herd, so many mares are alone, afraid, and desparate. No mare wants to be deprived of their freedom or be forced to breed, but, nobody is capable of stopping the bachelors' rampage until the bet is won or a deal is sealed.

Which side are you on? Are you a mare, desparate to fight and defend your freedom? Or, are you a stallion or bachelor, eager to defend your herd and to claim more mares for yourself? Are you imfamous, or known by none? And, will this dispute among the wild horses ever come to an end? It all depends on the choices that you and others make...

Edited at July 10, 2021 11:40 AM by Icy Eclipse
    Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 09:17 PM

Former Pack

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Mares: A majority of the group. These are the mares that're fighting to defend both their freedom and the right not to be forced to breed with a random bachelor that's managed to capture them. Most mares are still alone, however, there are some in groups consisting of other mares or there are those that've been captured by bachelors or are following one willingly.

Lone Bachelors: These are bachelors that've decided to rely on nobody but themselves to win the bet. Most of them are trying to capture and breed with mares. They often are the ones that mares tend to watch out for the most, along with The Duo.

The Duo: The duo is an imfamous pair of bachelors that've decided to join together to win the bet. They've realized that two bachelors together is much more likely at winning the bet than a loner. These two are said to be especially intent on capturing mares and spreading their bloodlines, and nobody knows if they are brothers or two random strangers who've paired up together.

Bachelor Groups: These are groups are bachelors who've decided that winning the bet is much more likely when assisted by others. However, there is often conflict in these groups, so some days they never manage to get much of anything done, for better or for worse.

Yearlings: These are horses around a year that are most likely still sticking with their mothers.

Foals: These are horses under a year that're still sticking with their mothers.



Arashi | 5 | Played by Icy Eclipse | (Pg 2)

Shadow | 4 | Played by ThunderStormPack | (Pg 2)

Phoenix | 3 | Played by Apache (Pg 3)

Tartarus | 4 | Played by Incipere (Pg 3)

Soleil | 5 | Played by Autumn Shire (Pg 2)

Lone Bachelors: [Infinite] [Open]

Midas | 5 | Played by Incipere (Pg 4)

The Duo: [1/2] [Open]

Nepolus | 6 | Played by Autumn Shire | (Pg 1)

Reserved for Incipere

Large Bachelor Group: [1/8] [Open]

Malic | 4 | Played by Finnick (Pg 4)

Small Bachelor Group: [0/4] [Open]


Yearlings: [0/5] [Open]


Foals: [0/5] [Open]



Please keep in mind that Reservations last 48 hours.

Edited at July 15, 2021 09:59 PM by Icy Eclipse
    Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 09:27 PM

Former Pack

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-Follow all of Eve and WP's rules

-No godmodding, mary / gary sues, etc.

-Be active. I expect you to post at least once every other day, and if you are unable to post for a time please shoot me a PM so that I will not kick you from the RP.

-You are allowed as many characters as you may handle

-Hate the character, not the player.

-For the sake of the RP, there will be no orphaned foals. Also, if you have read the rules so far then hide your favorite horse breed in other.

-If you wish for your horse to have a defect, then please PM me to confirm that it's alright

-Although you do not have to be extraordianary at roleplaying for me to accept you into this RP, please put effort into your work and make it detailed. NO ONE-LINERS!

-All horse breeds will be accepted into this RP, and, yes, I'm aware that all of Nevada's wild horses are mustangs, but to make it more interesting all breeds will be acceptable.

-You can make a bachelor that is against capturing mares. However, a majority of bachelors will not be like this.

-Do not kill another player's horse or foal without their permission.

-Have fun!

Edited at July 15, 2021 01:18 PM by Icy Eclipse
    Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 09:33 PM

Former Pack

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Sign-Up Sheet

Pack Name:

Pack Number:

How Active?:








Is your character in a group? If so, with who?:

Is your character well-known? How are they viewed by others? Do they have a title?:












Edited at July 10, 2021 09:25 AM by Icy Eclipse
Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 09:34 PM

Former Pack

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This RP is now open!
Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 09:37 PM

Former Pack

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Res one spot in the duo?
Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 09:37 PM

Former Pack

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Autumn Shire said:
Res one spot in the duo?

Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 9, 2021 11:25 PM

Former Pack

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Pack Name
Autumn Shire

Pack Number

How Active?
On at least 2-3 hours everyday



None, but if his partner wishes to give him one them go ahead

6 Years



Is your character in a group? If so, with who?
Nepolus is one of the two stallions in The Duo

Is your character well-known? How are they viewed by others? Do they have a title?
Nepolus is very well known, or will be as he and his partner determindley walk a path to achieve as many mares as they can to continue their bloodline. While he himself sees nothing wrong with this, others have said his name in fear and avoided him or have tried staying away from his path. Nepolus currently has no specific title given to him

Nepolus is an average heighted black friesian stallion standing 15.2 hands tall with a somewhat bulky but slender build to him and fierce chestnut colored eyes. He has a sense about him that tells others to not play around in his presence and tries to always carry a stance of confidence and pride. Nepolus likes keeping his strides as long as possible, though has no care of how heavy his hooves may impact the ground beneath him as he tends to lurch forward when changing pace
Nepolus has a bulky stature, with a wide head and completely black glossy coat and straight mane that does well to cover the majority of his neck when standing and runs a few inches past where his eyes are, ending around the halfway point of his face. He’s generally unscarred, if one doesn't count the small nick in his right ear, both always alert for any kinds of sounds going from a horse to danger approaching him or his partner. A scowl or unamused frown is almost always prominent on his face, though there are rare times where he’ll spare someone a soft smile or boisterous laugh

2 words to explain him just by first impressions. Cocky bastard. He’s always confident in himself, whether it's the decisions he makes, who he may be facing, or the words and actions he makes and will always hold the belief he made the right one. Almost always. Sometimes it takes a really good scolding to make him actually see he was in the wrong, though upfront apologies aren’t his strong suit. His love language is probably touch, giving nudges with his muzzle or soft shoulder bumps when he’s passing by someone expect him to always try and approach when he’s trying to make it up to someone. Out of being rude and snappy, he stumbles over his words even if he may be acting confident mushy feely stuff is really not his way with things as he’d rather take what he wants by force. He’s got the strength to do it, and by hell does he fully well know this fact. He has absolutely no problem pushing others around the way he wants, though even he has his own morals of what line never to cross, and can bark a few orders or words to someone if he has to
Nepolis loves theatrics and gaining attention from others from the things he does, but wont pout if spotlight is handed to someone else either. He just likes putting on a show and watching others get their own time. From grand “villain” speeches, to declarations of challenge or promises he knew he could probably fulfill or win. Nepolis doesn't usually let himself get full on cocky and play god though, he knows there are limits to what he can do and other times he lets himself completely forget that and take something on he has no chance of winning or fulfilling unless a straight up miracle happened. He would gladly let himself fall in a fight rather than something pitiful, giving everything to ensure the safety of himself, his partner, and any mares they acquired even if they may hate the two of them and wont let words get to him too much, instead dismissing a lot of things that aren't cryptic warnings and tuning out flat out death threats with a snide remark back, not letting himself ever get out of temper or straight up furious


PM me?

None? But probably some in the future

Brute force, Villain speeches, Stamina, Confidence, Keeping his more negative emotions in check

Expressing affection or sorry through words, Lots of peer pressure, trying to word a normal conversation without a witty remark, Pure silence for a long duration of time, singing. He hates singing

Long walks, Making and watching Grand Theatrics, Chatting with someone close, Getting his way, Knowing someone is terrified of him or his partner, Putting others in their place

Singing whether it’s someone else doing it or someone forcing him, Horses who know they have the upper hand and know it fully well, Betrayal, Treason, Peer pressure, Dread

While Nepolus is intimidating he is nothing compared to the sheer greatness of a Fjord.
Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 10, 2021 12:16 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Autumn Shire said:
Pack Name
Autumn Shire

Pack Number

How Active?
On at least 2-3 hours everyday



None, but if his partner wishes to give him one them go ahead

6 Years



Is your character in a group? If so, with who?
Nepolus is one of the two stallions in The Duo

Is your character well-known? How are they viewed by others? Do they have a title?
Nepolus is very well known, or will be as he and his partner determindley walk a path to achieve as many mares as they can to continue their bloodline. While he himself sees nothing wrong with this, others have said his name in fear and avoided him or have tried staying away from his path. Nepolus currently has no specific title given to him

Nepolus is an average heighted black friesian stallion standing 15.2 hands tall with a somewhat bulky but slender build to him and fierce chestnut colored eyes. He has a sense about him that tells others to not play around in his presence and tries to always carry a stance of confidence and pride. Nepolus likes keeping his strides as long as possible, though has no care of how heavy his hooves may impact the ground beneath him as he tends to lurch forward when changing pace
Nepolus has a bulky stature, with a wide head and completely black glossy coat and straight mane that does well to cover the majority of his neck when standing and runs a few inches past where his eyes are, ending around the halfway point of his face. He’s generally unscarred, if one doesn't count the small nick in his right ear, both always alert for any kinds of sounds going from a horse to danger approaching him or his partner. A scowl or unamused frown is almost always prominent on his face, though there are rare times where he’ll spare someone a soft smile or boisterous laugh

2 words to explain him just by first impressions. Cocky bastard. He’s always confident in himself, whether it's the decisions he makes, who he may be facing, or the words and actions he makes and will always hold the belief he made the right one. Almost always. Sometimes it takes a really good scolding to make him actually see he was in the wrong, though upfront apologies aren’t his strong suit. His love language is probably touch, giving nudges with his muzzle or soft shoulder bumps when he’s passing by someone expect him to always try and approach when he’s trying to make it up to someone. Out of being rude and snappy, he stumbles over his words even if he may be acting confident mushy feely stuff is really not his way with things as he’d rather take what he wants by force. He’s got the strength to do it, and by hell does he fully well know this fact. He has absolutely no problem pushing others around the way he wants, though even he has his own morals of what line never to cross, and can bark a few orders or words to someone if he has to
Nepolis loves theatrics and gaining attention from others from the things he does, but wont pout if spotlight is handed to someone else either. He just likes putting on a show and watching others get their own time. From grand “villain” speeches, to declarations of challenge or promises he knew he could probably fulfill or win. Nepolis doesn't usually let himself get full on cocky and play god though, he knows there are limits to what he can do and other times he lets himself completely forget that and take something on he has no chance of winning or fulfilling unless a straight up miracle happened. He would gladly let himself fall in a fight rather than something pitiful, giving everything to ensure the safety of himself, his partner, and any mares they acquired even if they may hate the two of them and wont let words get to him too much, instead dismissing a lot of things that aren't cryptic warnings and tuning out flat out death threats with a snide remark back, not letting himself ever get out of temper or straight up furious


PM me?

None? But probably some in the future

Brute force, Villain speeches, Stamina, Confidence, Keeping his more negative emotions in check

Expressing affection or sorry through words, Lots of peer pressure, trying to word a normal conversation without a witty remark, Pure silence for a long duration of time, singing. He hates singing

Long walks, Making and watching Grand Theatrics, Chatting with someone close, Getting his way, Knowing someone is terrified of him or his partner, Putting others in their place

Singing whether it’s someone else doing it or someone forcing him, Horses who know they have the upper hand and know it fully well, Betrayal, Treason, Peer pressure, Dread

While Nepolus is intimidating he is nothing compared to the sheer greatness of a Fjord.

Accepted! Adding him now <3
Bachelor Horse RP | Sign-Ups | Open!July 10, 2021 12:21 AM

Former Pack

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Excited to be apart of this ^^

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