Wolf Play : Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]
 Broken Dawn
04:33:23 I complain a lot
 Broken Dawn
04:33:17 I complain a lot
I canÂ’t even figure out how to make a new palette.. I may have to buy ome
04:33:10 The Naming Empress
04:33:00 The Naming Empress
I poofed
 Continental Wolves
04:31:58 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
While discord would be nice I feel like we'd have more cases of disrespectful kids or kids just trying to get attention and that'd be a headache to deal with more than it already is when it happens in chat
Purgatory, it's not. The game allows sign ups for anyone over 13.

I like the Discord interface, sure, but the strain it would put on mods to learn a whole new website might be a bit yikes.

Discord in general just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. No thanks.
04:30:49 Chro (he/him)
Purge -
Lmao I'd argue otherwise.. seen a few people on here who are probably far under the restriction. But yeah I'd say most people are closer to adult, especially older players
04:30:42 Kaz
She's kind of cute <3
-WP Click-
04:29:54 Chro (he/him)
I don't know* oops sorry mods I forgot whatsite I was on
04:29:37 Chro (he/him)
I like that the pack profile isn't white anymore but idk
04:29:24 Purge
That's cool and all but I'd argue that WP is actually mostly adults... it's in the rules even haha. Discord would be cool since the chat logs would stay up longer and there's more user-friendly notification functions in my opinion
04:29:21 she/her
i don't know, i made my original account back in 2014 and the site was significantly more active
 Broken Dawn
04:29:00 I complain a lot
Ow. ItÂ’s bringing me pain to look at everything now. Gotta go design a new palette..
04:28:40 Chrissy
as someone who experienced the 2017 discord servers, no thank you. ✨
 I'm Bobcat too
04:28:34 Bobcats side account
I found a way to give you a second paw!
04:28:26 Chro (he/him)
Also Ecifircas I love your palette goodness
04:27:42 (She) Cat {no bob}
I will be back on my side account. It suffered worse from the update.
04:27:35 Chro (he/him)
Yeah man same, I dunno why the chatbox looks like this now it's odd
 Upper Mountains
04:27:10 Upper
Thank you! I'm a sucker for tri-color dogs haha
04:26:50 (She) Cat {no bob}
And I thought the bacis grey one was terrible.


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Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 12, 2021 12:23 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Perfect ^^ No rush but please try to finish them ASAP since that's all we're waiting for at this point
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 12, 2021 01:10 PM


Posts: 3392
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Name: Kianna Daize (Kia)

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Kia's height is just about 5'7", being slightly above average. She weights around 165 due to her muscle. She has soft, straight, caramel brown hair to the base of of shoulder blades, which holds the very slightest sheen to it. She hardly styles her hair besides dragging a brush through it and throwing it into a sloppy bun, but sometimes she'll put the effort into fixing it into a neat high ponytail.

She has an ivory skin tone, which has lead the sun to form a light dusting of freckles across her celestial nose and round cheeks, with her cheek bones having a very soft definition to them. Warm, but dark, brown eyes with a few lighter accents can be found framed by rather short, but dark, eyelashes. Her overall facial structure is soft and has a feminine appearance to it, but it isn't a delicate appearance.

While she will never claim to be drop-dead gorgeous, because she isn't, she believes that she is beautiful. She has average build, but it leans towards the "softer" side with lighter toning, though she is very muscular beneath this squish. Her bust is on the smaller side, and her figure isn't super curvy, but it’s got a healthy and natural curve to it. She often wears clothing on the looser end so that 1) she can fight and ride easier whenever she needs and 2) she doesn't have her waist well defined, not much appreciating the appearance it gives her.

She has a tattoo of a dragon snaking up her back and over her left shoulder, the class is undefined and could be anything based on its very general features. As for accessories, she wears a silver stud earring in the lobe of her right ear, but has no piercings in her left.


When with those she has grown close to, she is a carefree person who loves having fun. However, she does not much enjoy spending too much time with those she doesn't know well. She does respect authority, though she will be discreetly rebellious when she disagrees with what she is being told to do. She is definitely a strong, intelligent, and independent young woman on the inside, but what she displays on the outside might be perceived differently.

Kia is definitely one who likes to lighten the situation when possible. Even in the most dire times, she appreciates cracking a joke to get a laugh or a smile. She will glance around a group after a joke to gauge their reactions, and it can make her entire day if somebody enjoys it along with her. When she's in a lighthearted mood, she will tease others mercilessly if they give her the opportunity. If they are sensitive or don't take to it, then she doesn't care, she'll might mumble an apology, but will move on to the next victim. If she teases you, that could be a sign that she likes you. Sometimes she'll say something rude to those she dislikes in a teasing tone, which can result in her confusing herself.

A side of herself she represses when she's not alone is her emotional side. She generally has few friends, though she knows those around her enough to be due to her observance. This side of her makes her very empathetic to most individual's struggles. If somebody treats her angrily, she often tries to see through it to the broken person underneath. This also means she can grow close to anyone who opens up to her. While most who see her either find her amusing, annoying, or very quiet, she is strong-willed, determined, and caring underneath it all.

When she's only around those she truly trusts, she won't put up this act of being happy when she isn't. So far, she's found nobody she can be herself around. She'll let you know what's wrong because she knows that she needs some sort of release. However, that doesn't mean she won't feel guilty later on for telling you these things about herself.

If anyone was to tell her that she was being rude or annoying, she will usually silence herself, and possibly even bring herself to apologize. Other times, however, she will talk back to them, and this is usually when she's not in the mood for dealing with people. She has been told by many that she annoying, causing her to take any sincerely rude words directed her way extremely sensitively. Though, once again, she tries to see through to the broken individual hiding behind the angry mask.

If you every tried to grow close to her, you might be in for a fight. However, she might also let you in with open arms. It really depends on the situation, as she goes through different phases where she longs for friends and a lover, and then times where she would rather just be left alone. However, once you're her close friend or lover, these phases won't affect you, as you're her friend at all times. These phases just mean different windows to become her friend/ lover.

Even though she is quiet when first meeting people, the protective layer falls away within 30 minutes of being around you. However, it might form again if you're apart for so much as 12 hours after that, until she feels she really knows you.

She usually finds herself suddenly self-conscious when she’s around a guy she likes, or suddenly becomes aware of the fact that she is being loud or pushy. She enjoys a good laugh, and loves anyone who she can be herself around. Anyone accepting of her nature, who would hardly dare to tell her to calm down (unless she actually needs to be told), is somebody who she will treasure as a true friend, or possible lover.

Dragon: Agneya


- Intelligence: This is rather self-explanatory

- Physically Deceiving: Her soft appearance might lead some to believe that she isn't as strong as she is. However, beneath this, she is rather muscular.

- Observance: Her skills of observance are something that leads her to know a lot more about those around her than they might know about her, and this also helps her react well and quickly to things around her.


- ADHD: While most wouldn't realize this about her, she has mild ADHD, something that leads her to be anxious and struggle to focus on specific tasks, and also loans to her other weaknesses.

- Impulsive: Sometimes she won't fully think through a decision before acting on it, which can lead her to regret her choice only when it's too late.

- Teamwork: She does not necessarily like people. People in general cause her to shudder, and she hates trying to work with them.


- Privacy - Dragons - Animals - Outdoors - Freedom - Physical Affection


- Anything sappy (sometimes she'll even cringe at her own emotions) - Feeling Crowded - Feeling Exposed - Physical Affection



Tyrus Rafferity - Though he is an aloof individual, Kia feels a strange connection to Tyurs. Whether it's that she sees a bit of her inner self in his behavior, or that she just feels sympathetic and longs to help him, she doesn't exactly know. Then again, when has she ever understood her feelings? She simply longs to break through his shell and understand him, and possibly help both of them in the process.

Julien Devereux - Though Kia isn't exactly sure how this male feels about her, he greatly intrigues her. She's always had a soft spot for the boyish ones, but she feels there's a special warmth coming from this young man. She can't deny she's got feelings for him, but she feels she hides them decently enough.

Mircea Cryolar - This is Kia's older cousin, her mother being his aunt. She and her mother have lived with him and his mother since his father died a couple years ago. Kia looks to Cea for emotional support a lot of the time, and she confides in him often. He is the only person she feels she can truly tell everything because he could never leave her due to their blood relation.

Other: Her uncle was a rider. Her aunt is a tailor. Her mother researches dragons.


Name: Daingean [Dine-ghen]

Nickname: Jean [JEE-an]

(Irish Gaelic for "Strong"/ "Determined")

Age: 93

Gender: Female

Class: Earth


This female is somewhat petite for an earth class dragon, standing at roughly 10 feet, the smallest an earth class can stand. Although it would seem the most fiery spirits come in the smaller packages.

Her build, per usual, is rather bulky and muscled. She is rather toned, however, without too much squish to her. She has had a rather active life, keeping her from growing too soft. Her legs are a bit thinner than usual, but still bulky and muscled. She moves with grace and poise, something surprising for being so bulky. However, she isn't very agile in a fight. Overall, she appears sturdy and strong. Some would even say intimidating.

Her eyes are a liquid brown color, almost molten. The shade is warm but dark, a golden russet color, some would compare it to liquid caramel. Her gaze is often wary but calm. On the rare occasion she is angry, the color of her eyes might be percieved as menacing rather than beautiful.

The primary color of her glossy scales is mahogany brown, though her shoulders slowly fade into a dark green at her feet where the dark green is then met by long claws. Each of her legs sports dark brown, glossy claws. Primarily used for digging, but able to be used as a defense in a tight situation. The frills of excess skin used for gliding are the same glossy forest green as seen on her feet.

She has a heavy, medium length tail that she can use to hit and harm others, mostly as a defense.


- Somewhat Stubborn - Determined - Intelligent - Affectionate - Pushy - Loyal - Distrusting

Anyone who knows this female knows that she can be stubborn. She would describe it as mildly or somewhat stubborn, but others might put it more in the terms of aggravatingly adamant and pushy. She can be stubborn in a bad way, as in that she won't do as those who know better tell her. But other times, her stubborn attitude is more determination.

In the most grim situations, she is realistic, acknowledging the negatives, positives, and overall likely odds. However, no matter what these things are, she will remain determined and continue fighting for what she wants until she either wins or drops dead. Even when others, meaning well, suggest she gives up, she will continue pushing unless she is forced to abort by command of someone above her. With this stubborn streak also comes a slightly pushy side.

This female is incredibly intelligent. She can solve any problem she is faced with, and knows it. She can bit a bit cocky about how "amazing" she is, but at least it isn't 100% of the time. Her cocky attitude does make it difficult for others to admit she's right, though. Although it's undeniable that she's intelligent. Perhaps she isn't wise, but she's intelligent.

She is very affectionate. Whether it be kind words or physical affection, she never wants those she cares for to ever forget that she cares for them. This isn't to say that she's forceful with her love, as she doesn't come close to this. She simply offers occasional reminders to make sure everyone knows how much she cares. This could be a reflection of how often she feels nobody cares for her, but she doesn't voice these thoughts.

This female is distrusting, almost extremely so. She feels everybody she doesn't know just wants to kill her. Well, not really, but she acts like it. She acts like everybody is a threat until she knows for certain that they are an ally of hers. This distrusting attitude is even more extreme when she believes that one she cares for is in danger, so she is protective of them.

Despite all this, this female is very loyal. Once you have her loyalty, you have it for life. If she found out you murdered somebody, she would help you get away with it without looking back or feeling any shame. That is, unless said victim is someone else she cares for, then you'll have lost her loyalty. If you harm a loved one of hers, no matter if you are a loved one or an enemy, she will unleash her fiery temper upon you, something that rarely rears its ugly head.

Rider: Tyrus Rafferity

Ability: Acid Spit


- Intelligence: Goes without an explanation

- Physical Strength: She is very strong physically and could take on smaller dragons with ease

- Determination: Hardly a thing can stop her once she's got her mind set on achieving something


- Stubborn: Sometimes she'll stick stubbornly to choices she's made to the point of harming herself or those around her

- Speed: This is an aspect in which she struggles compared to other dragons

- Loyalty: She is loyal to a fault, blindly following those she's pledged her trust to


- People - Most dragons - Dark - Giving and Receiving Affection


- Some Dragons - Feeling Overwhelmed - Feeling confused - Disrespect

Affiliations: TBD; OPEN

Other: I am obsessed with How to Train your Dragon, and saw the third one as soon as it was in theaters. I know I'm a bit old, but I grew up watching it :')


Name: Breathnóir [Braw-haw-noh-er]

Nickname: Noir [Noh-er]

(Irish Gaelic for "Observer")

Age: 236

Gender: Male

Class: Earth


This male is on the taller end for an earth class dragon, standing at roughly 14.5 feet, 6 inches short of being at the tallest height for an earth class. This male is just about the definition of a gentle giant.

His build, per usual, is rather bulky and muscled. He is rather toned, however, without too much squish to him. He has had a rather active life, keeping him from growing too soft. Overall, he appears sturdy and strong. Some would even say intimidating.

Her eyes are a dark forest green color, with a small ring of vivid lime around the pupil, which almost appears to glow with the dark next to it. The shade is something that reminds those who gaze at it of the forest, and the vibrant dappling of sunlight between the leaves. His gaze is often calm and watchful, giving him his name.

The primary color of his glossy scales is hunter green, with a slightly ashy tone to it, though his back and toe tips sport a vivid slime green stripe, contrasting with his mane color the way the lime green in his eyes does. Each of his legs sports dark brown, glossy claws. Primarily used for digging, but able to be used as a defense in a tight situation. The frills of excess skin used for gliding are the same slime green as along his back.

He has a heavy, medium length tail that he can use to hit and harm others, mostly as a defense.


- Observant - Calm - Intelligent - Protective - Wise - Patient -

As one will quickly realize, this male is extremely observant. His name sums him up in one word. He watches all that goes on around him carefully, and everybody in a room with him can feel his roving eyes on them if they pay attention. He takes in every tiny detail, and sees a lot that others miss.

His wisdom is partially due to his observance, which has helped him learn a lot more about others than his interactions with them have. However, the number of years he's spend on this earth, though nothing compared to some other dragons, have also contributed to his know-how and general knowledge. He will also take every opportunity to offer tidbits of advice to those around him, especially when they request it.

Something one might realize after getting to know him a bit, is that this male is rather intelligent. Even though he often keeps quiet, therefore not displaying this often, he is undeniably intelligent once he speaks. He can resolve conflicts as well as find solutions to issues that others are faced with.

This male is very protective of those he cares for. If he has grown close to you, you've got a guard dog for life. He will stand between you and certain death if he needs to. All he knows is that no harm can come to those he loves.

To go along with this protective attitude is his loyalty. His loyalty and love are undying, and it would take something unimaginable to take them away from you. It would have to be entirely your fault for him to redact his loyalty, which is so solid.

He is very patient. If he cares for you, you can mess up time and time again and he'll fully forgive you. Even if he doesn't care all that much for you, he'll remain calm if you make small mistakes. He will even offer advice to help you out, or help however he can. Whatever you need, he will happily and patiently provide it for you.

Rider: Alexa Finch

Ability: Acid Spit


- Observance: He is extremely observant, causing him to pick up on small hints and know a lot about those around him

- Physical Strength: This is something that his class gives him. He can easily take on many dragons in physical conflict.

- Wisdom: His years of experience, though nothing compared to some others, have led him to have a wisdom few humans will come to possess. He uses this on the regular.


- Speed: This is an aspect of his physical being he lacks in comparison to other classes

- Compassionate: Sometimes he can carried away in his emotion and compassion. It could be due to a person, another dragon, or just an event in his life.

- Loyalty: He, like many earth class dragons, is extremely loyal. This is easily to a fault. Though he may not blindly follow others no matter what, he might ignore instincts telling him to do something that would bring one he cares for into the path of harm.


- Freedom - Watching others - Silence - Dark


- Conflict - Some people/ dragons - Feeling forced into anything

Affiliations: TBD; OPEN

Other: I am obsessed with How to Train your Dragon, and saw the third one as soon as it was in theaters. I know I'm a bit old, but I grew up watching it :')

Edited at August 16, 2021 12:16 PM by Meian
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 13, 2021 01:48 AM


Posts: 3392
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I believe I'm finished. Let me know if I need to change/ add anything. :)
(Sorry if anything looks weird, I was tired when I was writing :')
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 13, 2021 02:53 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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Accepted :)

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