Wolf Play : Quest of Plagues | Medieval Fantasy | Invite Only
06:24:31 skye
same thing haha
 Red River Wolves
06:24:23 Redd
A secret third thing
06:24:15 ET
Ahah yeah, that's definitely good!
I also have a big dog B)
Well, he's my girlfriend's dog but y'know ahah
06:24:08 skye
i swear to god....
06:23:53 skye

yep i started to hate barney when i got older for some reason he just scares me
 Sea Coast
06:23:42 Sea/Coast/Beach
Is a hot dog a sandwich or a taco?
06:23:08 skye
yeah lucky you!!
its fine tho thankfully i have a big dog and i dont go out at night XD
06:23:07 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I used to love Dora, then I developed a sudden terror of her when I realized how her head is disgustingly huge in comparison to her body.
06:23:03 ET
WP should take notes LMAO
06:22:55 ET
Does HEE ever have chaos? From what I've seen the chat is always pretty tame over there ahah
 Sea Coast
06:22:46 Sea/Coast/Beach
Why do noses run but feet smell?
06:22:30 ET
Oh man, that's awful! Badgers can definitely be pretty gnarly - I'm glad we don't have that problem here.
06:22:27 skye

to be fair i had a dream i was getting chased by barney the dinosaur when i was younger
06:22:15 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Or was it my fingers? It was one of them.
06:21:57 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I was, like, five at the time, too. I dreamt he got up from my floor, lifted me up, nibbled my toes, then threw me down on my bed again and disappeared.
06:21:54 The Naming Empress
06:21:27 The Naming Empress
Hold on a sec
IÂ’m going to check on HEE
See if theyÂ’re up to any chaos or if theyÂ’re just admiring their horses again
06:20:57 skye

thats the weirdest thing i have ever heard...
06:20:32 skye

yes exactly!!!
 Sea Coast
06:20:30 Sea/Coast/Beach
You would only find it here!


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Black Bear : -2
Badger : +3
Cougar : -4
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Quest of Plagues | Medieval Fantasy | Invite OnlyAugust 2, 2021 01:11 PM


Posts: 11268
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Name: Centis Umbriel Volen.

Gender: Centis; Male. Umbriel; Unknown technically, goes by masculine pronouns though.

Age: Centis; 26. Umbriel; Practically Ancient, though he probably doesn’t look it.

Species: Centis; Summoner. A species very easily mistaken for human. The only difference is that Summoners have a S.G.. They do usually tend to live longer than humans do too though. They also are usually either extremely short or extremely tall in human standards. Umbriel; Soul Guardian/S.G., a very diverse species in that everyone is different within it. Some may be more humanoidish than others, while some may seem completely animal with only the ability to speak. They also have the uncanny nature to take either the last name or middle name of their Summoner as their own name.

Special Abilities: WIP

Notable Skills: WIP

Preferred Weapons: WIP



Centis resides at a taller(by human standards) height of 6’ 7”(200.66 cm), though he almost looks 6’ 8” (203.2 cm) because of how he holds himself. His skin tone is fair with cooler undertones, which adds to his overall colder look. He has absolutely no freckles on his body, making him seem somewhat like a vampire in that respect.


Centis has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the smaller side. Now for the nose, something that he rather dislikes, he has a hawk shaped nose, meaning it starts off the same way a ‘normal’ nose would, and then goes off the deep end at a slight angle, the tip of it a bit lower than the nasals. His lips are downturned thin in shape, making frowns or thin, straight, pressed lines as his most often seen expression.


His eyebrows are rather thin, though with the slightest of arch’s. Finally his eyes, which he hates with a burning passion, are hooded in shape, with heavy bags underneath them. As for the color of his eyes, he has heterochromia, with his left eye being a deep blue and his right being a bright yellow-gold that almost seems to glow. His face is framed by silver gray hair with a singular black streak through it, his hair is most often found neat but in his face. The back is rougher than the front by a long shot, and the tips of all of it go just below the ears in length, the back going down to the nape of his neck.


His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular, a long torso matched with even longer legs. Everything about him screams lean, not skinny or even lanky; just lean. Especially when taking into consideration the fact that this man only weighs in at around 182 lbs, his BMI at a healthy 20.50.


For clothing, he usually wears a black tunic, bright orange vest or tailcoat or doublet, black pants, and leather boots. As for scars, Centis has many. He has one that goes down the side of his right leg, from his knee to his ankle. He has one that goes around his right ankle too. He has one at his left collarbone that follows along his shoulder and down his arm to his elbow. He has a few different ones on his back, all claw and whip like. He has one right under his right eye too, that starts under the corner of his right eye and ends at where his ear starts. Lastly, he has a scar at the palm of his left hand, going from the top right corner to where his thumb is connected to his palm.




Character overview:


A kind but serious summoner who’s seen some things in his years. He generally comes off as cold to strangers, but any who know him knows that they may never meet another as moral or fair as him in their lifetime. He works at a half tailoring shop, half emergency room kind of place.



The businessman like soul guardian of Centis who has been around as long as the Volen bloodline has as their soul guardian. So, pretty long. He’s never far from Centis and often has to reel the man back from becoming the overprotective/overbearing mother type of person.



+ Diligent + Generous + Conscientious +

Centis is a hardworking man, it’s obvious to anyone that knows him. He’s always striving to be better and to work hard. Some would say he’s a perfectionist even. He isn’t one, he just prefers that a job would get done right if it gets done at all. He doesn’t enjoy failure, of course, but who does? No one he talks to, at the very least. He hates when people don’t take their duties seriously, especially when he works so hard to do his own. Especially when he’s worked so hard to earn his own.


Centis is the type of person that if they see someone in need, he tries to help any way that he can. Someone in need of money for food? He’ll see what he can spare. Someone he knows comes to him after their house burns down? He might have an air mattress somewhere, let him check, they can sleep there. He tries his best to help those around him, and oftentimes feels bad whenever he can’t.


Centis is very moral. He strives to do what is right, even if it’s hard. He hates the moral questions about who to save, because he’s sure that if he was in the situation then he’d find a way to save everyone. And killing people is wrong, no matter how you look at it, in his opinion. He doesn’t care if it’s to save the lives of many, every life is equally important to him.


~ Assertive ~ Independent ~ Ambitious ~

Centis is very open about what he wants, and is very sure about what he wants too. He’s also confident enough to try and get those things. He isn’t here to mess around or mess up or make friends, he’s here to get things done. He can come off as cold due to this, or bossy and rude, as he doesn’t let people get in the way of his goals.


Centis, despite what people like to think, is not just anti-social. He’d talk someone’s ears off. He just doesn’t enjoy being around people all the time, he needs his freedom and alone time. He’s also not an introvert by any means, nor is he an extrovert. He’s rather ambiverted actually, if you try and talk to him. He’ll start a conversation, though it’s less likely than someone else starting it with him instead.


Back to the fact that Centis knows what he wants… Centis is willing to do almost anything except break his morals to get what he wants. And once he accomplishes it, it’s only a matter of time before he sets a new goal and is working towards that. He’s not very good at sitting still, after all. Not when there’s something he could be doing, and there’s always something that he could be doing.


- Stubborn - Overbearing - Forceful -

Now, as you may have guessed based on how he is with his goals, Centis is very stubborn. He doesn’t like being told what he can and can’t do, and he certainly doesn't like to give up. In fact, he’d sooner die than give up on his goals. Of course, he does know when enough is enough or when something just isn’t worth dying over; he isn’t stupid, but he still isn’t going to give up on it without a fight. Even then.


Census is very helpful, but due to how assertive and uptight he is, he can also be a bit bossy with those he cares about. He’s just trying to help you, stop complaining! Whether it’s the fact that the person who needs food won’t take his and so he force feeds them or the person who needs sleep but won’t get any and so he ties them to a bed until they do… He’s a bit overbearing in his care and in his worry. He’ll worry about anyone and take care of anyone if they look to need it. No matter who you are, he will be overbearingly caring if he thinks you need it.


This next part sort of plays off from the last two and his assertiveness. He is very forceful when getting what he wants or when taking care of someone. He isn’t one to back down from a challenge, no matter how much he should. He’ll run headfirst into battle with someone if they’re in his way. Of course, he wouldn’t actually hurt them, he would simply make sure that they can’t stop him from getting what he wants or needs.




+ Intelligent + Reliable + Loyal +

Umbriel is not someone to assume is dumb or crazy, or even violent just because of his age or looks. He has an air of wisdom surrounding him, and definitely shows that it isn’t false. He wouldn’t be called a prodigy, as he’s had to earn his wisdom through trial and error. But he is certainly wise, and he certainly carries common sense with him.


If there is anyone you can count on to get something done or keep a secret, it’s Umbriel. He’s trustworthy and honorable to that he wouldn’t go and tell someone a secret unless it seemed absolutely necessary; and he’s responsible enough to make sure that whatever he’s been asked to do that it gets done and that it gets done correctly.


Drawing on both of the ones above, he’s also loyal to a fault. If he cares for you, it shows in the fact that he would never betray you. He’s also not the type to break a promise, or contract, no matter who it is with or when it was made. He believes in loyalty above all else but he also knows that sometimes breaking that trust or bond is necessary, and never looks back when something like this happens.


~ Polite ~ Decisive ~ Realistic ~

Umbriel is extremely polite, trying to never offend anyone and keep good relations; whether or not he actually likes them. He’s very business like in that regard, never letting someone know if his attitude is actually how he feels about them or if it’s fake just to make sure they don’t have a reason to ever get mad or offended with him.


Adding onto this business like attitude is the fact that he’s very good at making decisions under pressure and in general. He does what is logically correct to do in the moment(if under pressure) and what’s logically correct to do in the long run(if not under pressure). He can make hard choices when it comes to it, quick on his feet and quick with his mind. He doesn’t care if people don’t agree with him about a rash choice, as long as he knows it’s the right choice then he can(and will) make it.


Umbriel is also very realistic about things going on. The glass half empty and half full trick? He’ll say that it’s a glass of water, completely missing the actual point of the question. This isn’t too say he doesn’t lean one way or the other, he does tend to be more pessimistic than optimistic- But this is due to how far his realism goes. He sees things as it is, and most optimists don’t like what he says because it can end up shattering their worldviews.


- Coarse - Melancholic - Cynical -

In the few moments where Umbriel’s polite attitude fails him, he is extremely harsh. Snappy and to the point with whoever managed to annoy him enough that he doesn’t care whether or not you get offended, he could even be called rude. He won’t yell or scream, but he will easily make someone feel dumb or insecure in these moments. Being as old as a bloodline most definitely helps with figuring out how to read and exploit weaknesses in one’s mind or mindset.


As mentioned before, he does lean towards the pessimistic side of the spectrum due to his realism. And oftentimes in clipped sentences he can be found saying something rather melodramatic and melancholy to Centis or to himself. Usually with an eye roll, scoff, scowl, or grimace to go with it. He’s seen quite a bit in his lifetime and most lives of the Volen bloodline have ended in tragedy he was a part of, which certainly wouldn’t help one’s perspective on the world.


Umbriel can be extremely cynical at times too, mostly due to his own business-like attitude. Since most of what he does is for his own self gain, he assumes this is how it is for most others too. Centis had been a surprise for him in that respect. As stated, most of what he does- He does for himself(and Centis), he isn’t one to truly worry about personal relationships or intimacy even; he does what he needs to.

Backstory: WIP

Romantic Preference: Centis; Pretty gay if you ask me. Umbriel; Ace and Aro.

Open for relationships: Centis; Open to everything, including polyamory relationships. Umbriel; Ace and Aro, open to friendships though.

Other: WIP

Edited at August 3, 2021 11:26 PM by Overthink101

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