Wolf Play : Trials Of The Wild (Open)
04:41:03 she/her
04:40:40 Chro (he/him)
Yeahh the wolfplay discords were a bit much sometimes lol, I was there
04:40:30 she/her
the idea of people inviting players to another site to get around the rules, even if it's not intentional, is just icky to me anyone
And who's to say any of the current mods are down to moderate yet another aspect of the site when people still post traced, hotlinked, and stolen art here as their avatars every damn day? . - .
04:39:51 FoxFoxFoxFox
There was like 3-4 major ones. They had their own mods but it didn't matter because it was crossing between wp/discord

Was a bad time. Entertaining, but bad.
 Continental Wolves
04:39:48 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Just realized I never responded to that pm about the art >.>
04:39:21 Man Lover
It's happened on larger sites, but those games have the bonus of having a large userbase, so their forums never completely die out. WP doesn't have that privilege, soo yeah a discord would be awful for site activity LMAO
04:38:55 bunnie|bat
It sounds like it wasn't properly modded, the old discord I mean. Was it really that bad?
04:38:44 FoxFoxFoxFox
Yes it caused a lot of alienation of players too I think. A lot of the "popular" players on WP in 2017-2019 were on discord and mainly spoke there/ would have private conversations there
04:38:24 she/her
i assumed
04:38:02 FoxFoxFoxFox
Honey- made by players. Ended in drama every time
04:37:36 bunnie|bat

That's a good point, I didn't think of that!
04:37:25 Don't call me BJ.
For me at least
04:37:25 FoxFoxFoxFox
Boo- I don't know 😭

I was in many with you I think lmao
A WolfPlay Discord sounds like a good way to completely kill main chat and the forums and alienate people who can't / aren't willing to use a completely new site.
04:37:18 Don't call me BJ.
Oh gods, the thought of Wolfplay being on Discord?
Yeesh, Loved discord for a bit until I ran into some troubling people :I
Definitely wouldn't want Wolfplay there, I feel that would end up ruining the game completely
04:36:50 FoxFoxFoxFox
Kodi- it is a nice idea in theory but every single time it ends up the same way. Eve is right to ban it outright lol
04:36:39 Purge
Now that you mention it, I do think I remember seeing a WP Discord invite go out - but, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think it was created by the devs??
04:36:32 Chrissy
so real. why did we do all that? 😭
04:36:23 she/her
were they like official WP servers or were they just made by players? i was on a hiatus at the time so i'm genuinely curious lol


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Trials Of The Wild (Open)July 26, 2021 10:29 AM

Former Pack

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Once nine glorious wolf packs lived in the Ivybranch Forest, but now with humans aproaching the forest and other hardships, all but two remain only in the pages of legend. Will the remaining Packs thrive and grow or will they join the others?
Discussion Thread
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Roleplay Thread
(None yet)

Edited at August 4, 2021 10:33 AM by Crimson Dawn
Trials Of The Wild (Open)July 26, 2021 10:54 AM

Former Pack

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Rp Rules:
1: Eve's rules.
2: You may have as many characters as you can handle.
3: Please be active. At least one post per week. If you can't do this for some reason be sure to let me know.
4: To prove you read the rules, hide a color somewhere in 'Other'.
5: Your pups must have someone taking care of them.
6: If you're going to have pups you must also have a mate.
7: No perfect or OP characters. Give them a least one flaw.
8: 3 strikes you're out.
9: 5+ sentences. I understand writer's block, but we need something to go off of.
Dark Skies Pack Rules:
1: All outsiders are to be chased out. We do not accept them into our ranks.
2: Black and dark gray wolves hunt during spring and summer, white and light grey wolves hunt during winter, and brown wolves during autumm.
3: Don't give outsiders imformation about the Pack.
4: If you are followed, don't lead them to the dens. Turn and fight or shake them off your trail.
5: Pups are the future, keep them alive at all costs.
Winding Branch Pack Rules:
1: We accept outsiders into our ranks. If they wish to join take the to the Haze River, but chase off others.
2: All wolves that are able are expected to hunt and protect the boundries.
3: Keep imformation about the Pack in the Pack.
4: Do not lead others to the den site, outsiders who want to join are taken to Haze River, not the den site.
5: Do not leave the den site without another wolf.

Edited at August 3, 2021 10:28 AM by Crimson Dawn
Trials Of The Wild (Open)July 26, 2021 11:09 AM

Former Pack

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About the ranks

The alpha's job is to lead the pack. They organize hunting trips and patrols with the help of their Betas and are respected. They assign Trainees their mentor. The alpha pair are almost always mates, although some choose not to be. Without the alphas, the pack they lead would fall.
The betas are second-in-command, right behind the alphas. They receive orders from the alphas and give orders to lower ranking wolves. The beta's job is to help the alphas protect and lead. Even if they aren't the highest ranking wolves in the pack, they are ones of the most important of them all.
Head Warrior
The head warrior often is the one to lead battles or patrols. They are highly loyal and powerful. They often assign patrols if the alphas or betas do not. They can also order the guardians and sentries.
Warriors are the fighters. They patrol the territory and protect the pack. When they go to war, they are the ones to fight battles. During peace, the warriors drive out dangers, such as bears and other predators.
Never more than three in a pack, the guardians protect the dens as well as patrol the territory for threats. They are often referred to as the elite because they are. Guardians never stop training to become the best they can.
Head Hunter
The Head Hunter leads the hunts. The alpha may decide when they go hunting, but this wolf chooses who goes hunting, where they hunt, and what they hunt. They rarely take on trainees, so becoming the trainee of the Head Hunter is a great honor.
Hunters make up the bulk of the pack. Their job is to hunt and help with patrolling if needed.
Messengers travel between packs to deliver news. Before leaving to deliver a message, the wolf must twist a vine around their front left paw, so everyone knows they are a messenger and doesn't attack them. It can be a dangerous job, but it's vital to the peaceful relationship of the two packs.
Healers take care of the injured and sick. They have a knowledge of various plants and herbs that are used to heal wolves and don't shy away from their duty.
Sentries are the wolves that spend their days watching the borders. They spend most of their time at the outposts, one at each corner of the territory. They always have one or two partners and do everything with them. The Sentries are taught to hunt and fight, as to provide for themselves.
Mothers are wolves expecting or nursing pups. They are highly respected as they raise the new generation. Once their pups are 7 months old, they're expected to return to their duties. The wolves in positions that require all of their attention are excepted from this.
Resource Watcher
The Resource Watcher's job is to keep track of water sources and food. They tell the alpha is the territory is too large to maintain or if they need to expand. They often work with the Scouts and Sentries, the wolves who know the territory better than most others.
Pup Teacher
The Pup Teacher is what it sounds like, they teach the pups everything they need to know before they start training. They teach Pack History, Rules, and many other important things. They are often good friends with the Pup Sitter.
Scouts are sent to check out land before it is added to the territory. They work with the Resource Watcher and report to them. They are often quick thinkers and agile.
Pup Sitter
The Pup Sitter's duty is to care for the older pups, when their mother leaves them to hunt or patrol. They work closely with the Pup Teacher.
Trainees are the young wolves training to become full members of the pack. They start training once they reach one year of age and finish at two years.
The omega is the lowest ranking wolf in the pack. They recieve little, if any, respect from the others. They do the worst tasks in the den site and rarely leave the dens.
Pups are the wolves under a year of age. They are not expected to help around the den site, but are encourged to.
Loners have no pack, they may team up with other loners, but their loyalty to to themselves. They are labeled as intruders by the packs and are chased off. Rarely they will join the Winding Branch Pack.

Edited at August 4, 2021 10:00 AM by Crimson Dawn
Trials Of The Wild (Open)July 31, 2021 01:22 AM

Former Pack

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subscribing :]
Trials Of The Wild (Open)August 4, 2021 10:05 AM

Former Pack

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Form (Sections with ^ aren't required):
Rank Wanted-

Edited at August 4, 2021 10:32 AM by Crimson Dawn
Trials Of The Wild (Open)August 4, 2021 10:27 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Dark Skies Pack

Alpha Male (0/1)
Alpha Female (0/1)
Beta Male (0/1)
Beta Female (0/1)
Head Warrior (0/1)
Warriors (0/10)
Guardains (0/3)
Head Hunter (0/1)
Hunters (0/Unlimted)
Messengers (0/4)
Healers (0/3)
Sentries (0/8)
Mothers (0/4)
Resource Watcher (0/1)
Pup Teacher (0/1)
Scouts (0/3)
Pup Sitter (0/1)
Trainees (0/6)
Omega (0/1)
Pups (0/6)
Winding Branch Pack
Alpha Male (0/1)
Alpha Female (0/1)
Beta Male (0/1)
Beta Female (0/1)
Head Warrior (0/1)
Warriors (0/10)
Guardains (0/3)
Head Hunter (0/1)
Hunters (0/Unlimted)
Messengers (0/4)
Healers (0/3)
Sentries (0/8)
Mothers (0/4)
Resource Watcher (0/1)
Pup Teacher (0/1)
Scouts (0/3)
Pup Sitter (0/1)
Trainees (0/6)
Omega (0/1)
Pups (0/6)


Loners (0/8)

Edited at August 4, 2021 10:30 AM by Crimson Dawn
Trials Of The Wild (Open)August 4, 2021 12:25 PM

Former Pack

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"I ignored you perfectly fine the first 10 times"
Name: Asther
Age: 3.5
Gender: Male
Pack: Winding Branch
Rank: Beta
Rank wanted: Satisfied
Loyalty: 8.5
Appearance: C to Pintrest
Personality: Asther is a very on edge and keeps to himself most times. He is quite introverted and doesnt really interact with other unless needed or he's relaying what the Alphas say. He is also very sarcastic if you push his buttons and he will not hesitate putting you in your place even if he is quiet. He also has a soft spot for pups
Likes: Peace and quiet, The pups, nature
Dislikes: jerks, bullies, mouthy juveniles
Backstory: will be revealed mwahahaha
Other: Immaculatly blue

Edited at August 6, 2021 03:06 PM by La Push
Trials Of The Wild (Open)August 6, 2021 03:06 PM

Former Pack

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Trials Of The Wild (Open)August 8, 2021 07:52 PM

Former Pack

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Name- River
Age- 4
Gender: Female
Pack- Winding Branch
Rank- Healer
Rank Wanted- N/A
Loyalty(1-10)- 8
Appearance- River is a rather small red timber wolf with stunning blue eyes, a scar crossing across her shoulderblades, and usually has a pale pink rose tucked behind an ear.
Personality- River is rather quiet and soft-hearted. She is very stubborn and stays calm in a stressful situation, which makes her a good healer. She's confident with her healing abilities, but confidence in her can be lacking with anything else. River is always there if someone needs to rant or just talk. She is shy and zones out easily.
Likes^- Peacefulness, roses, the smell of rain, organizing
Dislikes^- Violence, freeloaders, broken promises, messiness
Backstory^- River wasn't born into the pack, she was brought up a loner. She had spent 3 years as a loner before deciding to join a pack, thinking that Winding Branch could take use in her healing skills. Her scar was from soft-heartedness on her part, although she still takes pity on those who are suffering and is one of her greatest weaknesses.
Other: Kingfisher blue

Edited at August 12, 2021 05:14 PM by FancyPants
Trials Of The Wild (Open)August 8, 2021 08:09 PM

Moonlit Wolf

Posts: 1083
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Rank Wanted-

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