Wolf Play : Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]
04:29:24 Purge
That's cool and all but I'd argue that WP is actually mostly adults... it's in the rules even haha. Discord would be cool since the chat logs would stay up longer and there's more user-friendly notification functions in my opinion
04:29:21 she/her
i don't know, i made my original account back in 2014 and the site was significantly more active
 Broken Dawn
04:29:00 I complain a lot
Ow. ItÂ’s bringing me pain to look at everything now. Gotta go design a new palette..
04:28:40 Chrissy
as someone who experienced the 2017 discord servers, no thank you. ✨
 I'm Bobcat too
04:28:34 Bobcats side account
I found a way to give you a second paw!
04:28:26 Chro (he/him)
Also Ecifircas I love your palette goodness
04:27:42 (She) Cat {no bob}
I will be back on my side account. It suffered worse from the update.
04:27:35 Chro (he/him)
Yeah man same, I dunno why the chatbox looks like this now it's odd
 Upper Mountains
04:27:10 Upper
Thank you! I'm a sucker for tri-color dogs haha
04:26:50 (She) Cat {no bob}
And I thought the bacis grey one was terrible.
Revelry, WolfPlay has many players which are still active from 2014. The site is by no means stagnating. It got a bump around 2018 and Covid but it's stayed stable since its start.

A site that is mostly children does not need to be taken to a site like Discord. Discord on the whole is not a website suitable for children and with no control over the platform itself it's just not a risk worth taking.

At least if a player is being inappropriate here, mods can BAN them. Unlike Discord where they can friend users individually and continue to wreak havoc on them in DMs and outside of the server. Discord has thousands of servers.
 Broken Dawn
04:26:11 I complain a lot
The new update makes my palette look awful..
04:25:45 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
04:25:41 skye
guess they are going to the bone pile
 Sea Coast
04:25:16 Sea/Coast/Beach
I would but dont have room.
04:24:59 They/Them Aestra ;P
@Upper :) They're super cute, by the way! Beautiful pattern!
04:24:54 skye
i know thats why i debating selling XD
04:24:25 Purge
Just logged on to see Rev dropping some knowledge, I agree bud
 Broken Dawn
04:24:12 I complain a lot
Probably, but they have pretty good talents
04:23:45 skye
DM if you want any XD


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Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 16, 2021 10:59 AM


Posts: 22533
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Macha (Irish pronunciation: [ˈmaxə]) was a sovereignty goddess of ancient Ireland, counted as one of the three Morrígna'. The original Macha was a sovereignty goddess. She is said to be one of three sisters known as 'the three Morrígna'. Like other sovereignty goddesses, Macha is associated with the land, fertility, kingship, war, and horses.
2 years old nearing 3
Valley Herd
Desired Rank:
Deputy Mare
Stock Images. All Image Credits go Kiwiaa
Any Injuries:
This young thing can be described as an energetic spitfire with a mixture of snarkiness and docility to her. This filly is bold and brass, almost always speaking her mind. Her words can be sharp and dripping with sarcasm and, yet they can also be upbuilding and kind. It really just depends on the mood she's in that day or if you're getting on her nerves. Macha may be young, but that doesn't mean you should count her out. She doesn't care who you are if you mess with her, then she'll snap at you, but if you dare mess with her siblings or anyone considered family, then she'll raise hell. Yes; she may berate her siblings, calling them idiotic, annoying, or other things like that, but only she can do that. They are her idiots, and she loves them with her whole heart no matter how much she denies it. She displays a protective nature towards anyone related to her, whether full-blooded or half-blooded. This filly is also quite humorous and inquisitive, and she enjoys teasing and messing with others. One of her favorite things to do is playfully tug at her father's tail or mane, along with sometimes nipping his rump. This filly sometimes acts a bit like a colt because she doesn't mind racing with the other yearlings. She also makes it a mission of hers' to badger him with a lot of questions to her many curiosities. She also does it to make sure he speaks, because she knows of his mostly quiet nature. Macha adores her father and would do anything to make him happy or brighten his day.

This filly also has courage and guts. She isn't one to back down from a challenge. If you ask her to do something, then she'll put her all into it. Macha isn't one to cut corners or take the short and easy route. Sometimes her courage can override her common sense because she wouldn't hesitate to put herself between a foal and a predator. It may seem foolish, but to her, it's just who she is. She's also not one to display her pain or fear of a situation. However, if she's sure something is wrong or sounds bad, she will express her concern about the matter. While she can be brass, she also knows when to tone done her action and words. While she may act like she doesn't care, in reality, she does care. Macha is highly observant when it comes to social cues, and she knows when her company isn't wanted or when someone is sad or hiding something. If you make it clear to her that you detest her company, then she will do her best to pester you for the rest of the day. When it comes to her friends being sad, she may joke around and try to lighten the mood, but if that doesn't work then she will talk seriously to them. She is the friend they can confide in and make known their worries and tell their secrets to. Macha would never break her loyalty to a friend.

Now, Macha isn't one to immediately swoon over a handsome colt. She has standards when it comes to the colts she likes. He could be plain and boring to look at, but if he makes her laugh and treats her like the jewel that she is then he can begin to earn her love. She doesn't mind a good-looking stallion either, but they could be the prettiest thing in the world and treat her like trash. She doesn't need her father murdering anyone anytime soon. When she likes someone she falls hard. She can act naturally around them, but she may be a bit more flustered and stutter. She also can be quite the jealous little creature, she doesn't like any filly fawning over the colt or stallion that she likes. She might even be so obvious as to get annoyed at the other filly or even try to nip them. If she gets a stallion, she doesn't plan on sharing them with anyone, and if he does have children with other mares then she will not approve of it at all but will try her best to stay cordial. When it comes to romance, she wants to be the only one to own her stallion's heart. And she most definitely won't tolerate any mare flirting with him or him flirting with anyone else [once they agree they are a thing of course. After all, she will only get annoyed with it if they aren't a thing.] A jealous Macha isn't a pretty sight. They say hell hath no fury like a chestnut mare, well hell hath no fury like Macha.

Now, on the subject of angry Macha: you don't want to see that side of her. On most days, she's just an energetic and sassy filly. However, if she's in a bad mood then her snark dial is turned all the way up. It won't be obvious she's in a bad mood, at first, but if you know her well then you'll be able to tell. Signs that she's in a bad mood include more snarky remarks, she has her mare glare on lock, her isolating herself, or more noticeably; pinned ears. It takes a lot to put her in a bad mood, and if you're the one who put her in it then she'll make your life living hell for a whole week. When she is mad, Macha tries to isolate herself to calm down and clear her mind, but if someone interrupts this then they can expect a tongue-lashing from this filly but if you're lucky she'll just walk off. Now, if she's extremely pissed at you then she will bite you without hesitation, but these are extremely rare circumstances. The moral of the story; don't piss of Macha, it's always the sweet ones that are savage.

Macha is an adventurous soul and loves the feeling of the wind whipping in her mane. She also enjoys the sounds of nature and the feeling of water lapping against her body. With her innate curiosity, it leads her to wander off and explore [and it may get her in trouble with her father, but she doesn't mind.] If she wanders off, then she almost always comes back. She isn't keen on staying in one place and adores more of a nomadic existence. She wants to enjoy the thrills of life before becoming a mother and being tied down to a herd. She doesn't care that she's a mare, she just wants to have fun and take on the big wide landscape. The world is her canvas and she wants to paint it with her hoofprints.

Anil is her Father, Cadhla is her Mother
Keanu, her little half-brother: Her favorite and calls him Skeeter 🥰
Rastus, annoying older half-brother
Heck no-
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 17, 2021 07:48 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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All are accepted.
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 18, 2021 01:14 PM


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4 || Stallion || Bachelor Stallion || Wants to lead his own herd

Cairo is a handsome boi. He's a buckskin frame overo with a sleek, short coat and a medium length mane and tail. He has a lighter patch on his nose and four white stockings. His front knees gradient from his tan base to a dark, near black color. His muzzle does the same, though the black curves up to define his cheekbones and muscles. His entire mane is black with brown streaks, though his tail is white at the dock and moves down into the deep brown and black.

Cairo stands at a fair sixteen hands, still slightly above average but nowhere near goliath. He has a sturdy build, though still lithe, and is well muscled under normal circumstances. With the drought, he does appear to be more stringy and atrophied with his ribs showing through, but he is still strong and capable. His mind is strong and, while his body is suffering, he is still in relatively good shape.

He has cool, nearly black eyes and a dominant posture. His strong neck supports a regally-shaped head. Cairo's steps are light, almost like a dance, and his gait is smooth. He has a hard look to him, though. A cold sort of beauty.


In many stories, Cairo could be portrayed as the villain. Cold, cunning, ambitious. He has brains behind his (sort of) brawn. His voice is soft yet masculine. He is distant but omnipresent. A ghost, but alive. His youth is simply a bonus. This stallion does not fear death, nor does he become wary around other horses.

Predation is a challenge he accepts. His endurance and lithe movements allow him to outrun most of his canine or feline pursuers. Cairo will not go looking for trouble, but he is somewhat of an adrenaline junky; trouble does just seem to appear before him, especially as of late.

Despite his perceived immaturity, he does use his head. Cairo is a logical horse, down-to-earth, and uses his situation to his advantage whenever possible. Ever since the drought started, he's been conjuring ideas on how to find water. Once, he came close after pawing at the ground for hours -- a tiny underground spring made itself known, though it didn't last long.

Cairo displays a harsh exterior under most circumstances; his muscles seem to be perpetually tense, his ears always flat, his steps quick and evasive. However, on the inside, he just wants to be known. Understood. Accepted.

Growing up, it was always his dream to lead. After all, what colt doesn't wish he had a herd of his own? Nevertheless, his ambition and desire for dominance were enough for him to constantly be frustrated by the leads' own power, and he left as soon as he was old enough to do so. He never strayed too far from the herd, though. Cairo always stayed within a mile or two radius of them all.

He isn't what one would call loyal, exactly. He is loyal to himself, yes, and to those he cares about. But as of now, his first priority is his own survival and progression. Stubbornness and a sharp tongue come more in handy than loyalty does, at the moment, and so he relies on those more. Besides, what is there to be loyal to when no one else is around? Perhaps, when he starts a family, loyalty will become more of a priority. But not now.

His dream is still to lead his own herd. The painted stallion will forever crave the patriarchal role. He wants foals, he wants a mate, he wants control. A misunderstood protagonist in his own story, he becomes the threatening antagonist in others.


A few of the herd mares have caught his eye.






Naga, sire unknown

Keanu is his half brother.


Credits for both images go to Valarian-Warrior on DA. Stock.


Edited at July 18, 2021 02:21 PM by Mafia Queen
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 18, 2021 05:29 PM


Posts: 3776
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Will be editing a form here for a herd stallion <:

Meaning dread.

"Everything good must come to an end."

Name: Deimos
Age: 7
Gender: Stallion
Herd: Valley
Rank: Herd Stallion
Desired Rank: Lead Stallion

White Gray Overo Paint

Deimos is a rather handsome fella. With a bright coat and striking eyes, he has captured the essence of what some may consider charming. To begin, his coat is mainly made up of a pale white, which makes any sort of dirt gathered in his coat more obvious. But beside from his white coloring, he also has gray markings.

The gray is splotched throughout his body, mainly his left side. These splotches of gray are sometimes speckled with the same white that can be found everywhere else on his body, allowing a nice fade from gray to white. There isn't much else to describe about Deimos beside the fact he is eye-catching.

Deimos has a rather lean build, not much for muscle but does in fact have enough power in his legs for running. His back is a tad more long than what would be considered good conformation, and neither is his neck, but he is still a decent runner. Deimos has slim legs, in which are long and lanky. This makes him appear a bit taller than he actually is, which is around 15.7 hh.

Deimos has striking blue eyes, which he would inherit from his mother. They are a bright blue, with some pink around them and underneath of them is a dark gray, almost black, which fades into the white of his face. He has pink that covers most, if not all of his general nose area.

Deimos' mane is made up of two colors - a deep black and a blonde-ish brown. At the top it is that black, which eventually fades into the brown. His tail is white at the top instead of the black, which will eventually lead into that familiar brown color that can be found in his mane. His hair is rather thin with a longer tail and medium-length mane.

To begin, Deimos is rather protective of those close to him. He does not let anyone mess with someone who he last allowed into his life, and there is something to note about this certain trait - he will kill you. Deimos isn't afraid to take the blame for something, and killing is no different. Luckily, nothing in recent years has come down to him having to commit what would indeed be a crime within the herd, so he feels rather lucky. However, this doesn't mean he won't at least let it be known that he is capable of such an action. Deimos doesn't restrain himself from what he does, therefore he could still harm you, even if it's just verbally and/or emotionally. That being said, he doesn't care how you feel unless you might mean something to him, which his rather rare in most cases.

To add onto his intimidating nature, Deimos dwells a temper like no other. It is easily sparked with a few words of someone insulting him, creating unnecessary drama, harming him or someone close to him, or anything long the lines of that. He has no filter with temper, which may even lead him to say things he doesn't mean. That doesn't mean he will apologize, becaue he won't. Even if he does, one, you're someone special in his life. And two, you're not going to get something straight forward. This makes Deimos a being who has a hard time admitting to his wrongs and won't admit he's done the worse of two bads or good and bad - it doesn't matter. Regardless, his temper is one that you should never mess with.

Deimos is one of those charmers who will be as cocky as possible in order to get under other's skin. He will constantly make snarky remarks and comments, crack jokes at unncessary times, and always seem like he is on top of the world. And to him, he is. Deimos will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and for this, it creates a persuasive attitude that will sometimes bloom when he is feeling especially lucky.
-Selfish, often doing things for himself rather than others

-Good work ethic
-Stubborn as all hell

Edited at July 19, 2021 09:59 AM by Corpses
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 18, 2021 06:10 PM

Former Pack

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Edited at July 27, 2021 11:45 PM by Valinyx
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 19, 2021 02:38 AM


Posts: 9246
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My Herd Mare
Meaning: "clean, clear, pure"
3 Years
Female / Mare
Valley Herd
Herd Mare
Desired Rank:
Deputy Mare
[Image Credit: unantastbar on DA. Free to Use.]
Katarin is a mare that follows in her fathers footsteps in terms of size. She's not quite as gigantic as the large stallion, who stands at 18 hands, but she's certainly a larger specimen, clocking in at just under 17 hands. She's on a leaner side, once again following in her fathers footsteps, body being coated in lean, tough muscle. She's not like her brothers, who are often broader than her and her father, and her body is more lithe, strong but speedier, almost something of a lanky build.

The young mare is of a red roan colouration, a chestnut roan specifically. She gets the roan genetics from her father, and gets the chestnut colouration from her dam. Speckles of white line most of her body, only her front legs and head having parts that show the true hue of her fur. She has an irregular white stripe on her face, a large blob of it on her forehead, and another larger part on her nose, connected by a thin line.

Her eyes are a deep, dark shade of brown, inherited from her father. Her scent is something like the fresh smell you get at the top of a mountain, surrounded by thin, cold air.
- Stubborn
- Slightly aloof
- Pleasant to talk to, but certainly has a temper
- Somewhat expressive with those close to her
- Grounded
- Intelligent
- Observant
- Loyal to those that have earned it
Anil is her sire, her mother is deceased.
Asenath is her best friend.

Edited at July 22, 2021 12:27 AM by Polly
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 19, 2021 02:38 AM


Posts: 9246
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My Lone Mare
Meaning: "gold".
5 Years
Female / Mare
Lone Mare
Desired Rank:
Herd Mare
[Image Credit: Colourize-Stock on DA. Stock Images.]
Heavily Pregnant
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 20, 2021 12:08 AM


Posts: 3776
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Deimos is practically done, just need to add onto his personality a bit more ^^
Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 20, 2021 12:22 AM

Imperial Sands

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Drought | Horse Rp | Sign Ups [Open!]July 20, 2021 06:31 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10728
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This should be updated now to reflect all finished and accepted characters.

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