Bodhi wandered out of the casino, his dark hair falling into his eyes. It took him about ten minutes to walk to the safe house that he had permanently handed over to his assassin, wanting the man to always have a place to go to after a mission, especially given the possible legal ramifications of his job. He pursed his lips, he hated the walk. It involved lots of kitty corners, doubling back, and finally, lots and lots of stairs up to the apartments that had been offered to the assassin. His brow furrowed as his limp worsened on the last flight of stairs, and he paused for a long moment, leaning his full weight on the railing. His hesitation only lasted a few seconds, and he was off again. There was no hesitation at the door, he silently pushed it open, and made his way inside. He felt no regrets either, this was technically a safe house for anyone in the gang. The kitchen was a mess, he wasn't sure who'd left it that way. Swearing under his breath, he tossed the dishes in the sink to deal with later, and walked out into the living room. "I have a job for you," he said coolly, perching onto the soft chair that was closest to the doorway, ensuring that he could see all possible exits, and although to some it would look as if his eyes were lazily half-lidded like a snake, beneath the hooded darkness was the keen, searching coffee colored irises that flashed in the light. He tossed a letter towards the man, containing the info and file. "She's pretty, but not a dumb blonde, unfortunately. It won't be easy. But then again, I don't pay you for easy," he sneered slightly.
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Cameron had jumped into a sitting position when he heard the door open. He breathed a slight sigh of relief when he figured out who had just walked in through the door. "Hey, boss." He smiled. Catching the envelope, he opened it to reveal multiple sheets of crisp white paper. "No, I suppose you dont.." He answered to Bodhi's snide remark. The tiny black print was extremely hard to read in the darkness, so He removed himself from the couch to seek out the light switch. After turning the light on- and the fan off, as it had been making an annoying buzz for a while now- he plopped back down onto the sofa, and begun to sift through the womans information. "Euhg, what kind of name is this? How is that pronounced.." He muttered to himself as his eyes scoured the paper. After a good minute, he set the envelope and papers on the cluttered coffee table, propping up his feet and looking back at Bodhi. "Whats the story behind this one?" He asked. "I love a good story.". - Eww, so short >:0 -
Bodhi leaned on the back of the couch, staring around the dull room, only half listening to the assassin. A dark laugh slipped from his lips at Cameron's unsureness at the pronunciation of the girl's name. "It's pronounced Neev," he said, drawing out the sounds of the word. "But it's spelled Niamh. She's a model. And a bitch, but that's irrelevant," he finished, words clipped and cold. He closed his eyes, harsh memories slipping into his mind, and his lips quirked down, a shadow passing across his face. Bodhi didn't kill often, what was the fun in that. But this girl? She needed to go. He bit his lip so hard the soft skin split, and a tiny bead of blood bubbled to the surface of his mouth, dripping down his chin. He swiped it away, shaking his head, pulling his attention back to the boy sitting across from him just in time to catch his final question. "Ah," he said slowly, pursing his lips. "She recently got married. To another...boss. And I really don't need eye candy on the arm of one of the richest mob bosses in the city. Neither of them deserve each other. I don't want anything to happen to her husband, that could get me in some seriously hot water. But she...she is *not* a good person. If she tries to talk to you, bring her back to one of the safe houses. I might want to talk to her before a lethal injection, or whatever you want," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "If she's asleep, just slit her throat. No fingerprints, no way to trace it back to me. You know the drill."
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"That may have been the most anti-climatic story yet.." Cameron sighed, disapointed. He scrounged around in his pockets, pulling out a random piece of paper. After reading the paper, and shoving it back into his pocket, he grinned at Bodhi. "Tonight?" Was all he said, as stood up, removing himself from the couch. "I'll be in the bathroom!' He called out, making his way towards the restroom. He entered and locked the door. ove he was alone, he started muttering, complaining to himself. Couldn't he just laze around and play vdieogames??? - Omfg, this is so bad XDXDXD
Coughs back louder to assert dominance but in all seriousness, I will get to it this afternoon :)
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Bodhi wandered the small apartment, uncontent with the reaction his demand had been met with. He honestly didn't give two tiny mouse droppings whether or not the job was exciting or not, he cared about what was necessary. And right now, what was necessary was Niamh not being with her current husband. He flicked a dark piece of hair out of his eyes, absentmindedly running his fingers over the trim of the doorway. The door wasn't hanging straight, he noticed. With a frown, he poured himself a glass of water, eyes straying to his phone. A moment later, he was completely engrossed in a text conversation, his current plans and situation dimming to a dull roar around him.
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