Equinox cocked her head slightly "there's no grass, just some moss, besides this is the only place in here with something flammable except the sleeping area" " who's this " she heard a slightly accusing voice say and suddenly she saw all her pups gathered behind her with Dusk 's fur slightly bristling.
X tilted his head abit as he forced himself up but falling back down and sighs"guess I have no choice but my name is X or Cross"he had a kind voice when he spoke to the pups
Dusk still was in a aggressive position while Eclipse and Heather seemed more curious. "Were did you come from" Eclipse asked her green eyes wide "Don't talk to them" Dusk growled showing his teeth "he is probably from one of those evil packs!' Heather tried to hide behind Equinox. "Dusk that can't be true those are just stories" Equinox sighed Dusk backed off but still glared suspiciously at X his brown fur bristling
X tilted his head "evil pack? No no! My family comes from a old pack called Fire Pit pack I was the last born before a huge war broke out my familys pack lost... Everyone but me were killed.. I was only 9 months at that time lived on scraps of meat my whole life"
Dusk kept his face blank clearly not buying it
X sighed and lays his head down"alright fine you got me... I am from a evil pack .. but I'm not like them... I am from the hell raisers... I am more nicer then them..."he side being serious this time
"Meh" Dusk said "I was just messing with you" "Pups time for bed" Equinox said "it's getting dark" The pups scurried off to the small cavern they used as a sleeping area in the den.
X stood up and limped off even tho he was in pain he pushed through it whimpering each step he took
Equinox trotted toward him "you should stay there..... If your worried about fire then don't go there.........." She said " and besides I don't fully trust you yet... "
X sighs and sits down "it's just... I miss my brother... He was.... Like our father... His name is Ice... His a black wolf with a blue and orange eye... Some stupid hunters got him... They tranq him out and took him somewhere far away... Me and him were only 8 months or so"he looked down as his ears went back